Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

The USS Elysium is sent deep into the Alpha quadrant heading towards the Gamma Quadrant sans wormhole. They come to a sector of space known as the Void.

It is an area surrounded by multiple nebular and once inside, there is no light at all. Just tracking beacons.No warp allowed through the sector.

As they travel through the void, it is a long 7 day journey at impulse only, strange events occur.

Mission Group Season 3: Yes I am Crazy, normal is boring to me
Start Date Tue Mar 31st, 2020 @ 11:18pm
End Date Sat Sep 19th, 2020 @ 11:18pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Lets Go Home Pt 2
by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Consul Josephine Carlyle-Cragen & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Turak & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Lieutenant Nevada McKay & Lieutenant JG Devin xi'Indrai
MD10-13 Various
Tirielle Created
by Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar
AIS Tirielle
The Annual Party
by Captain Gary Taylor
Shore Leave Vaii Residence, Near RAF Whitecliff, Dover England
A Number of Questions
by Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar
Talking Shop
by Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor]
MD 01 2000 Arcadia bar
by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani
TBD Prison Cell-- Tower of London
Criticism in Westminster
by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar
After the King's Proposal to Interdict traders The Palace of Westminster, House of Commons
Lets Go Home Pt 1
by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Consul Josephine Carlyle-Cragen & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Lieutenant Scott Gregory [Taylor] & Legate Imik S'Niohun [Lia Taylor] & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]
MD9 13h00 Various
Away team 4 - Destination England 1664
by Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Turak & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik}
MD9 09h30 Various - Planet Side - Elysium
Even the Best Laid Plans of Ensigns Often Go Astray?
by Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Captain Gary Taylor
MD9 13h00 Hever Castle
Elysium - Well this is not the way it was planned
by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Cadet Junior Grade Triston Montgomery [Lalor] & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Ensign Kara Hoffman & Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Lieutenant JG Devin xi'Indrai & Lieutenant Scott Gregory [Taylor] & Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib] & Lieutenant JG T'Kek [Naxea] & Staff Warrant Officer Reo'thanra Sandtail & Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr [Naxea] & Private 1st Class Durak
MD9 -10h00 USS Elysium - Various
Away team 3 - Destination England 1664
by Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Ensign Olivia (Carter) Voight & Lieutenant Nevada McKay & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]
MD9 09h30 Various - Planet Side - Elysium
Tricks of Perspective
by Staff Warrant Officer Reo'thanra Sandtail & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani
MD08, just before Hyperion Mining Shuttle Bay
Red Sands - Part 1
by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D.
Shib's Quarters - Holodeck
Away team :- Destination 1664 England Part 3
by Consul Josephine Carlyle-Cragen & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Lieutenant Casper Thornhill & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani
MD9 - 11hoo approx England, 30 miles South of London,
Temporal Analysis
by Avalon [ADMIN NPC]
MD8 Office of Temporal analysis
Getting Ready
by Captain Gary Taylor
Just after briefing Gary/ Lia's quarters
Coffee and Breakfast
by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani
MD 06 0700 The Mess Hall
S'hib's Dilemma, Part 3
by Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander S'hib
Dr. Tate Sullivan's Office, USS Elysium
Lets Go On A Mystery Tour Part Two
by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Legate Imik S'Niohun [Lia Taylor] & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Avalon [ADMIN NPC]
Current Various
Pinkie Pie, Meet Blueberry
by Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris
after emerging from the Void Mess Hall
Teams 3 and 4 briefing and wardrobe
by Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Turak & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik}
MD9 09h30 Medical and transporter bay
by Captain Gary Taylor
Current Gary and Lia's Quarters
Recovery and Renewal
Cortic VI
Mending, Part 2 (What Dreams May Come)
by Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant Scott Gregory [Taylor]
Current Fabrication Shop

Mission Summary

The USS Elysium is sent deep into the Alpha quadrant heading towards the Gamma Quadrant sans wormhole. They come to a sector of space known as the Void.

It is an area surrounded by multiple nebular and once inside, there is no light at all. Just tracking beacons.No warp allowed through the sector.

As they travel through the void, it is a long 7 day journey at impulse only, strange events occur.