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Days End

Posted on Wed Sep 9th, 2020 @ 2:20pm by Lieutenant JG Ryan Kade III
Edited on on Wed Sep 9th, 2020 @ 2:21pm

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Starbase 30
Timeline: Two weeks before assignment to USS Elysium
704 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The door opened with a slight whoosh of shifting air. Two boots march-stepped through the threshold to bring inside a young man fresh into his twenties. He came to a stop with centimeter accuracy, boots side by side.

The door closed behind him.

A deep breath broke the silence, and Ryan slowly exhaled as he looked about his room. His posture finally gave in, becoming more relaxed as he dropped to a crouching position. A brush was taken from its' usual spot next to the door and Ryan began the ritual of cleaning and removing his gear. Boots first, scrubbed until they shined, then placed along the wall. Pips next, removed and placed atop the side-table adjacent to the boots. The comm badge was next, wiping it clean and putting it next to the pips. Uniform and pants were removed, folded, and neatly stacked in the dirty laundry basket.

He donned his more casual attire, shorts and a tee. Walking into the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror. Water rushed and he splashed it up into his face, fingers gliding up through the scalp.

The migraine was back. He grunted from the pain, pulling open the cabinet in front of him. The medicine was there, but he resisted the temptation to use it. The doc told him to be patient and see if the pain would go away on its' own before resorting to chemicals. Like a good little boy, he waited. Several minutes went by as he stared into the mirror.

The pain subsided.

'Guess the doc was right.' Ryan thought to himself.

The bathroom light went out as he returned to the main room. He almost stopped himself from tripping on his ankle as he approached the bed, then thought better of it and let himself fall, landing face-first into the covers.




Beep, beep.

“Whayuwant!?” He blurted with his face still buried in the comforter. The computer wanted his attention. He planted his hands next to his head, pushing down with enough force to get his head free and turning the other way. Blurry vision came into focus to reveal a string of words on the screen.

‘1 Unread Message from Kandiss Kade’

“Kandy?” He said curiously. He forced himself up into a sitting position, picking up the pace a little as he took the several steps needed to get to his desk.

He was in his chair, now, touching the computer screen with his fingertip to activate the message.

“Hey, Bro!” The letter began, “I just wanted to let you know that I’m still in the asteroid field. Yes, that one, the ‘dangerous’ one that you hate. Don’t worry, the minefield is defunct! Hundreds of years old! Nothing could possibly… go wrong.”

Ryan winced at his sister’s attempt to get under his skin. Damn her, though, cuz it was working. Reflexively, he face-palmed, stringing his fingers through his hair again.

The letter went on.

"Seriously, though, this is the most fun I've had in weeks! The guys are all taking bets on who created it... and the pot is growing. My Latinum is on some ex-Dominion group that wanted to keep them at bay. We're so close to Gamma we might trip into it by accident, at this point."

His right hand rested on the back of his neck. The hairs were standing on end. His instincts were kicking in, but with nothing in his immediate vicinity to attack or defend, all he could do was sit there in his chair and brood.

The final line in the letter caught his eye.

"I'll bring you back something nifty, I promise!"

Ryan cut power to the display with the press of a button, sighing to himself. "Yeah... you better." He whispered. His arm fell back to the desk with a decidedly loud thud. He was tired in more ways than one, and he was tempted just to give up and fall asleep right there on the desktop.

He looked back towards the bathroom. The meds were calling his name, but he shook the thought away.

The bed was right behind him; pillows and blankets and sleep. Just go to sleep. Sleep.


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