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Intel Complex Walkthrough

Posted on Tue Sep 22nd, 2020 @ 4:26pm by Lieutenant JG Issac Drake

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Deck 31
Timeline: Currant
885 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Drake swept through his quarters quickly. A change of uniform after a shower knocked the haze from his mind. He noted the size of the lodging was far more than he would need and spacious. That was a pleasant surprise. Issac always traveled lightly on assignments and required very little. He would have loved to bring his current research with him however his superiors strictly denied Issac that privilege.

Drake took a quick scan around then departed to deck 31 which housed the ships Intel complex. Soon Issac entered the secure area of deck 31. He had worked on the mock up plan of this facility several years ago when he was assisting on the development team and very surprised he recognized the layout of the place. Drakes first stop was the Crypto and signals area. A secure scan portal had been installed to upgrade the security of the area. As he entered he saw the friendly face of Petty Officer Gretchen Simmons walking towards him with coffee..

“I was wondering If we were going to see you this shift.” Of course She knew Drake well, and knew he would not be catching any rest until all systems had been installed and functional.

Issac took the mug with both hands Nodding his thanks. He sipped and smiled. Then got straight to business with a briefing from the Petty Officer.

Drake looked around. “Have we established positive skin tests on all new data yet?'

“Yes sir. All primary tests run and functional. We have a very cleaned down system and then we ran it again just to be sure. Both skin tests came back within nano seconds total run time.” In fact the system was running in good shape when the team had arrived. That made things much quicker.

“Petty Officer Danika is up on deck 1A, and should be done up there very soon. Once she gives us the go sign and verified online we can start loading the new data in.” Gretchen had a big smile on her face. The setup of the system was moving ahead at a remarkable pace so far without the frustrating glitches.

“Very impressive Simmons, in fact excellent work. Who's down here with you?” Issac took another gulp of strong coffee.

“I have all six encryption spec's on hand here getting set up right now. Another four in the com facility, Interrogation and holding are empty and secured. I checked the aid station and it seems to be fully stocked as far as I can tell. The rest of the agents are out in the cargo bays unpacking their new toys.”

“Things are clearly well in hand.” Drake walked deeper into the deck past the com center. It was large and full of activity. He stuck his head in the door and waved to those setting up their stations deciding not to pester them just yet, The pair reached another portal and passed through quickly.

Double doors opened to the briefing rooms. Gretchen walked to the left and coded in her entry key. “We have you set up in here for right now Sir.” Issac saw several techs working on a good sized console that he would be using. The room had a very large table for briefing of most any size.

Drake took a close look around the room. “When will this be ready Gretch?”

“If we have no gremlins, I'd say about three or four hours. Just about watch changeover time.” She was very confident and Drake knew it may just be ready before. Again he was impressed with the way she was rolling out this setup. But this wasn't her first time either.

Drake hit the replicator for a refill and sat down at the head of the conference table. He waved the Petty Officer to take a seat. “How is everyone settling in so far?”

A sigh from Simmons escaped her lips. “Well we have had a few bumps here and there. I have Danika working out some of the housing issues. For the most part there's been some wining about room assignments that had to be scrambled around. But Danika is above water on that now.” Gretchen took a drink. “The shift assignments are the issue now. I'll take those and get them hammered out the first few shifts.”

Issac nodded his approval. “I was thinking of rotating the shifts every few weeks. Take a look at that when you can and let me know if we can pull that one off.” He noticed that Simmons had pulled out her padd and was taking notes. “I'd like to set up a staff meeting as soon as the system is set and running. Just some standard issues I'd like to set as we begin. Reporting contacts and things of that sort. It will give me a chance to answer questions and get to know the team.” He smiled and stood up.

I'll leave you to your tasks Gretchen. Again you and the team have given us a great start. I'm on my way up to 1A to check out the intel blister and snoop around.” As he left deck 31 Drake noted all were very busy and getting things set up well. He got a few glancing looks but this team was still sizing him up yet.


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