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View to a Kill(s)

Posted on Mon Sep 28th, 2020 @ 6:11am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: Torture chamber ISS Elysium
Timeline: Current
1465 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Captain Taylor had turned off the electrical shocks to Phoenix and instead just left her hanging in the torture chamber.
He knew soon enough (if they hadn't already) He muscles would begin to protest their stretched taunt position and
begin to burn and there was nothing she could do to prevent it. To add to her discomfort a viewscreen had been set
up directly in front of her so she could watch her crew on Arena Station and feel their deaths one by one.

Phoenix was feeling the physical strain and her mental pain was not as clear. She knew her crew, knew that they would not cave, that even now, they were planning and fighting to survive. Her faith in them never wavered. But she needed to get out of this situation and help. She hated having her own ransom note.

Guards walked in and out of the room paying little to no mind of Phoenix hanging there. They were double checking feeds to make sure she had a crystal clear view of the events that were about to unfold on the station. One looked up at her, "Your the lucky one. Your just hanging there, watching. They have to fight or be killed."

The captain gave no response, just kept her gaze on the screen. But if she was really watching they could not tell.

Final adjustments were made and the view screen flickered on. It showed a corridor of the station and some of the Elysium crew spaced out over it's length. The action would begin soon and Captain Phoenix Lalor had a ringside seat.

Phoenix let her mind blank out as her eyes stared at the screen. Alone, she shut herself back in her mind to protect herself.

Unfortunately any peace Phoenix could get was short lived as Captain Gary Taylor walked in to mock his captive. "Oh Phoenix! Eyes on the screen. The action is about to start. Don't want you missing any of it. Would you like something to eat or drink ?" He mocked his captive.

Her eyes didn't waver. "You mock cause you are powerless. Tell me Gary, what happens if you fail this mission?"

"Fail? I am not about to fail. However in the spirit of conversation, I'll humor you. You need it in your situation. I would be recalled and killed or killed her by some assassin. Either way I would be dead." A horn sounded on the viewscreen. "Oh! This is good, now pay attention. That horn you heard is a signal to your crew. In just under three hours the hounds will be released to hunt them and then the tracking teams will come to kill them one by one."

"Hmm we shall see" She said softly. "I think you have a problem here though."

"Really? Do tell. How did you deduce that from being suspended inside a torture chamber." Taylor quipped.

"Your crew, they hate and fear you and while that can be useful, they plot against you." She smiled. "The problem with telepaths in your mind is that the connection works both ways."

He stared at her, Her words had an air of truth and he would never admit that to her. "Well, thankfully I don't have to worry about you. I have you right where I can keep an eye on you."

"No but you best watch those around you. I may not be a threat at this point in time, but others are." Phoenix smirked now, "I do hope Heather kills you in here. Maybe she will kill Alicia as well, and.. your child."

He glared at her. Trembling in anger at her words. "You are no threat. Your Crew will be no threat and when all is said and done you will still be hanging there..... all alone." Taylor raged.

"And you will be dead and your whore and child with you. I will watch. Heather has her plans in place. I am sure others do as well."

Heather is loyal to me. She would never do what you suggest. She might kill you and it would be so easy. You can't defend yourself. You can only hang there and watch your crew die one by one." Taylor snapped.

"I am not afraid to die" She said softly. "I made peace with death years ago."

"Good." Taylor retorted coldly. "It won't be such a shock when it comes. But not yet. I'll let you hang around a bit longer. Maybe let S'hib play with you and he isn't gentle."

"I'd yawn but its rude to do so without covering one's mouth. But really your threats are getting old Taylor." Now she smirked. "How did you convince Alicia to sleep with you? I've.. see what you have and... hard to believe"

He was nearly purple with rage. He walked inside booth and grabbed a shackled ankle and shook it , causing to Phoenix to sway in her binds which in turn tightened even more on her wrists and ankles. "What do you say to that Captain?"

She merely looked at him. "So its brainwashing then?" she asked curiously.

"I will kill you myself when the time comes. I promise you that." He replied angrily.

"Ah so you will man up enough to do it yourself. I wondered if you had it in you." She snarked back.

"Oh I do. Trust me on that." He withdrew a wicked looking dagger from his belt and ran it up her pajama clad leg. "How do you feel about being naked Captain?" He smirked at her.

"Been there done that. It does not bother me." She replied calmly. "You were rather .. lucky. I normally sleep naked"

"Oh, big talk Captain." Gary replied as the knife split the pajama leg.

She didn't even flinch. "Tell me, did you sleep with my mirror or did she laugh at you?"

He growled at her. "Do keep talking Captain. as the knife split more of the pajamas.

Phoenix rolled her eyes. She was not threatened by knives. she just let him do it without further comment, though she did file it away that he hated her words.

The knife slid further up her leg, cutting the material with ease and exposing a a nicely shaped leg. "Nothing to say Captain?" He taunted.

She rolled her eyes again. "Oh no, please don't" she mocked. "Grow up Taylor, Romulans didn't break me and they had me in a room filling with water. My being naked? Not scary. You being naked again may scare me but I still wont break."

He was beyond mad! He wanted nothing more than to break this female and she was proving much more difficult than he ever had guessed. This time he kept his mouth shut as to not give her anymore ammo to use. The knife also stopped it's progression up her leg at least for now. He could
still strip her naked if he desired. She couldn't stop him and he might just for the hell of it.

Phoenix merely watched him for a moment then looked back at the screen, dismissing him.

He couldn't believe it! She was actually ignoring him! The last women who had done that had been placed in a decompression chamber and exploded when the pressure dropped.

She glanced at him "Oh were you waiting on something? You know you never answered my question about my Mirrorverse counterpart. Did you bed her?"

He looked at her, "I did not. Her brother to whom she is married want's her purity maintained." Gary answered, knife still in his hand.

"Ah Pallas, no wonder. Wants what he cannot have. I am sure someone will have relieved her of it though. Repression has a way of... getting out."

"For someone in your situation you sure are mighty sure of yourself."

Phoenix smiled at him. "She is me for the most part. Tell me, are her guards male or female?"

"Female why?" He asked genuinely curious. "Her brother specified that her guards be female."

Phoenix just smirked. "Ah well when he finally screws her, she will be well trained to please his mistresses."

He laughed. "Oh? Oh! The meaning dawning on him. "Interesting." He simply replied.

-oh are you serious?- thought Phoenix but she merely inclined her head. "See, repression."

Before Taylor could reply an Ensign entered in a rush. "Sir, The Scientist Kavanagh, just took his shuttle and blew up part of the secondary shuttle bay. He jumped to warp before we could get a lock!"

"Damn!" Gary seethed. He looked at Phoenix. "We will continue our talk later Captain. Meanwhile stick around and enjoy the show." He said gesturing at the viewscreen.

Phoenix watched him leave and let her lips curved. It seemed Malak Kavanagh was an issue here. How.. delightful.


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