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No Longer Alone

Posted on Tue Oct 23rd, 2018 @ 10:31am by Lieutenant Commander Matias Grronkil

Mission: Season 2: Mission 2.A: R&R
Location: Matias' Quarters
310 words - 0.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Matias had left the mess hall and went to his quarters. He had gone through the p'nal ritual with Commander Taylor, as he sensed his friend's sorrow. It was a bonding and an empathic connection to show he wasn't alone in his sorrow but had a friend. He still didn't know if it worked the same way with humans.

It seemed to make them both feel better, that they weren't totally alone. He sat on the bed. He had broken it off sooner than required because he became afraid. Gary didn't take it the wrong way, which was good, but something was rising within him that he quickly denied. He shut it down before it got any further. His feelings frightened him. It was a secret almost nobody on the Elysium knew that Matias was bisexual. He was afraid it was going in a way he didn't like and would regret later. Even Liselle didn't know. At least he hoped not, as it would cause just one more complication in an already complicated relationship.

He found several males aboard that he found attractive but had to move carefully, because most were as squeamish as he was. It wasn't so at his homeworld in another galaxy. There, they were more open about their sexuality and their feelings. Here, being 'manly' was everything about most of the males here on the Elysium. And he seemed to be looked at as the Wolf and the most masculine of many males. If they only knew! Being 'manly' didn't mean they had to be aloof.

What he would give for one who understood, who he could be open with just like the other Grrals. He had a few lovers there other than his beloved mate.

Humans and their kind were a very lonely breed. He lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.


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