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The Strange Story of the Elysium's Marines and Pilots

Posted on Mon Oct 26th, 2020 @ 9:50am by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr [Naxea] & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: USS Elysium
Timeline: MD-6
1368 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Jess and a few of her pilots entered Marine Country. Each one with something to pay respect to the Empty lockers in the room. The remaining 45th Tigers pilots formed a procession. The Pilots brought a Squadron Patch for each empty locker. Placing a patch on each locker as a sign of respect. Fifty-Four Squadron patches. There were now eleven of them, and there were eighteen of them before this hell. Almost a quarter of the squadron were lost breaking out of the slave pens, and more were lost covering the Elysium's retreat with their lives.

Jess walked up to Naxea. "Major. Every time a marine is lost in our crew. They get one of these from the squadron. Our way of saluting their bravery. Your marines were heroes and we owe them our lives. We wouldn't have been able to take back our ship without them."

Heather was visiting marine country, up until now she hadn’t really spent time amongst the marines in her capacity as Marine Medic. With all that had happened she decided it was time to get to know her Marine ‘family’ better. She walked over alongside Naxea and looked at Jess. “That’s so lovely Commander, an wonderful sentiment.”

Since the battle, the Marine Deck had felt empty, despite the remaining forty-six Marines living there--she had felt empty. The corridors and training areas were nearly barren. Phaser and explosion burns still scorched several bulkheads and deck plating--a constant reminder of the battles that occurred on the deck. "Yes, a nice gesture," she agreed with Heather. "Thank you." She glanced at the lockers--knowing in a few weeks, those same lockers would have new owners, as if nothing happened. Ever since she was a child, she had known pain, suffering, and death. It was something she was growing tired of dealing with.

Jess nodded. "Marines, our squadron makes a sacred promise. With each battle, the dead will be given our patch, to tell them we remember their sacrifices. We broke the back of the tyrants that oppressed us. On this patch is our new squadron motto. 'Sic Semper Tyrannis.' Our new squadron patch is now an image of the statue of Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial with a winged tiger loyally at his side. We make this promise so that wherever slavers rise. There will be no escape from justice for them. Let all know the respect both our units have for each other."

"Thank you. I am sorry for your losses as well, Jess," Naxea responded solemnly.

"Hey, what's with the flyboy patches on the lockers?" Man'darr stepped into the room, gesturing a thumb towards the locker room with a towel thrown over her shoulder as sweat glistened his scar marked body from his workout.

"Commander Vaii's Squadron is dedicating them to the lost Marines," Naxea explained. "And you need to be resting--you nearly died."

"I'll rest when I'm dead, Ma'am," he replied before turning to Jessica. "Good to see that you're doing well, Commander."

Jess nodded. "As it is. I don't know if I can sleep well ever again, and there's a reason I handed my sidearm and the contents of my liquor cabinet over to medical until they tell me I can have both back. Both of those things will screw me over right now, Warrant Officer, and I swear to all the Goddesses. I'm going to leave this life surrounded by my sons and daughters, I'm not a woman who lives a worthless life. I want people to remember Jessica Vaii with respect and dignity. Not to pity a woman who took her life just for the pain to end, nor as a drunk that fell apart. Right now, each other is who we have to make sure we don't die as slaves, or worse." Jess noted. "Talked it over with the other pilots and that's what we're going to do; be there for each other."

"That's a wonderful idea Jess." Heather smiled warmly. "If there's ever anything any of you needs I'm always willing to listen or help. I'm not a counsellor and I haven't been aboard that long but I'm part of this crew now and you're all my family."

Naxea looked at her friend. "That's good to hear, Jess." She hadn't told anyone yet but she was considering retiring from the Corps. Her body still ached slightly from everything she had gone through and mentally she felt she didn't have much more fight left in her. Everywhere she looked on the Marine Deck was a constant reminder of that.

"I agree. Suicide is the coward's way out and dishonorable...besides, I would be pissed if you did," Man'darr commented with a grin.

Jess nodded. "Suicide does not get a Valkyrie into Valhallah, or the Betazoid version of it." She winked. "I'm glad you're still around, Nax. Life would get boring without you and Man'darr around."

Naxea forced a grin. "I've actually been debating about retiring from Active Duty. Maybe move to Bajor and go into Farming--something less stressful." Her entire life, she had struggled and now she was with S'hib. Lately she hadn't been able to get a real break between fighting, training and now dealing with the heavy losses the 62nd sustained. "When we reach port, the entire detachment will be dismissed for leave." She wondered if they would have a new Commander when they returned--if they decided to returned.

“Major ...” Heather looked at Naxea. “Don’t make any rash decisions. If you decide you don’t want to come back make it for the right reasons. Your friends and colleagues here would miss you and they’ve lost so much already.”

"Nax, we're all going to have scars from this. But living with it does not mean sealing yourself away, cuz it's going to be with you forever. Please don't leave. We're stronger together." Jess stated.

"I've been fighting since I was born," Naxea replied. "I was born into an Occupation and frankly I'm not sure how much fight I have left in me. I've failed these men and women."

"You didn't fail me, Nax." Jessica noted. "You drew the enemy off from my team. Allowed me, The Del La Rosa's, and WO Man'darr to get to the Arena Station, and arm our crew on the station for an attempt to take ship back. Our team succeeded because of you." Jessica noted. "We couldn't have done it without you, and our crew came through for you. Besides, Nax." Jess smirked. "A Farmer?!? I'll tell you what's going to happen. You'll get bored planting things, watering things, and throwing shit all over the place, then you'll wish I was around to make life bearable."

Naxea forced a smile and shrugged. "Perhaps... but I'm tired...tired of losing people. Tired of writing the families of Marines, telling them that their son or daughter was killed.

"You know what, Nax. You don't have to tell them alone. There's no Azhul Naxea without Jessica Vaii and the rest of your Marines at your side. And there's no Elysium Marines on this ship without the Squadron watching their back. Am I right guys, are we going to help the Major through this?" Jess noted. "Because I know S'hib is going to as well."

“If you need any help I’d be happy to assist” Heather offered Naxea an understanding smile. “I can write those difficult medical explanations for you.”

"Thank you Sergeant, but it is my job after all," Naxea replied, looking at Heather. "I'll have to think on it," she turned back to Jess. "Again, thank you for the patches."

Man'darr shrugged. "Hey Major. We're Starfleet Marines--each one of us knows the dangers when we sign up. For me, this is home since I'm exiled from Capella Four and everyone is family. Sure, we got a black eye from this fight but we'll recover and be stronger than ever. You haven't failed anyone, ma'am. Every Marine I know would willingly follow you to the gates of hell."

Jess nodded. "See you guys in the lounge." She noted as she left with her pilots.

Naxea simply turned and entered her office without saying another word.


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