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Back in Sickbay

Posted on Tue Jan 8th, 2019 @ 1:44am by Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Commander Matias Grronkil

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sickbay, USS Elysium
431 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Matias was worried that something was wrong with him, which was why he was striking out so much in romance. He entered sickbay. "Doctor, I need your help." he said.

The gorn said nothing, but directed the lieutenant commander into one of the bays. It always helped to have some privacy. " What appersss to be the problem Matiasss?" He asked politely.

"It's kind of hard to explain, Doctor," said Matias. "Something must be wrong with me because nobody seems to be attracted to me. It was different back home, Grrals of both genders were. Here even the one who I've been going with pushes me away." He shut his eyes. As the human saying went, he had just let the cat out of the bag as to his orientation.

" Hum." The gorn said pausing for a while as he considers the question. " I could give you a once over with the ssscannerss to see if anything wrong with you biologically. " He offered thinking this would be more of a job for the counselor.

"That would be good," said Matias. "I'm hoping it isn't anything physical keeping people away."

" okay pleassse take a ssseat on the bio bed and we'll talk a look at you." The gorn replied

Matias complied, taking a seat on the bio-bed. He was hoping for some answers.

" Well, everything looksss normal." The gorn said as the data began to come through. " Tell me how would you go about finding if sssomeone was attracted to you on your homeworld?"

"One way is by scent," said Matias. "And also, we Grral are far more open about it than people are here. They would let me know, or I would do the same. With few exceptions, Grral are bisexual, and even though there are ranks, we still accept each other."

" Then it may ssimply be that people find matesss diffrently here. Have you actualy asked anyone on a date?" The gorn inquired.

"Other than Liselle,?" he said, "Not at the moment. I have to be cautious on who I ask. I have to develop friendships first before I ask them out."

" Well maybe try with othersss whom you develop friendshipsss with. Maybe talk to the counselling department." The gorn responded.

"You're right," said Matias. "I should have gone to the counselor first, but I wanted to see if there was anything physically wrong with me first."

" Well, i can confirm there'sss nothing physssically wrong with you. Good luck with the counssselorsss. " The gorn replied.

Lt. Commander Matias Grronkil
Chief Engineer
USS Elysium

Lieutenant Commander Sthilg
Chief Medical Officer
USS Elysium


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