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Complicated Matters

Posted on Sun Nov 1st, 2020 @ 6:27pm by Lieutenant JG Issac Drake

Mission: Season 4: Episode 2: Rest And Relaxation
Location: Chief Intel Office
Timeline: Current
735 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Issac sat at his desk. He had covered a lot of ground over the last shift and been going over files with several of the encryptionists. The new system was working well, in fact to well, more information was being received than could be reviewed. He had to solve that issue first. With just a handful of technicians the tasks overwhelmed them quickly. One spot he knew was going to be hell was the intel center right below the bridge...

Drake had talked with everyone in his department. Not one of them relished the thought of working at that station. It was new, highly complicated and required a huge amount of experience and sound judgement. Not to mention running several consoles at once with an expert touch. One good candidate was found but needed upgrade training. But at least he had one person that was willing to risk their career to try it. He drank his coffee slowly. Deep in his mind he heard one name. Rita Harris.

Issac shook his head and got a refill from the replicator. Rita Harris, how could he even consider bringing her here.

He was pacing the office now. She would curse him for even the thought of his request. Of course she would be the last to know of the assignment. The history was just plain bad between them. Saying it was complicated was an understatement. Drakes heart was pounding as memories flashed by him. He wasn't sure he could even stand by her now. He had excepted the fact she was the only person that would ever be close to him. They both had.

Drakes finger glided over the console. He found her current location after several fleet intel searches. Harris was back at the Academy as and adjunct instructor teaching advanced encryption coding. A job she was indeed well known for in fleet intel circles. Issac leaned back in his chair stretching the stiffness from his neck. He needed to see her, but of course Harris might refuse to even talk to him. That was very likely. The last time they were together, it had been five years past. A short reunion while on an assignment. They made every attempt to avoid each other however neither could resist the other.

Rita was made for this job. In every respect she could step in and own it totally. But with both of them on the same vessel could be an emotional disaster for both of them. He scanned her file. It was extremely impressive and Rita had kept herself as busy as possible. She was that way. And one of the reasons he had counted on her time and time again. Still single, as she always stated she didn't need anyone...

Issac reviewed the files of every other candidate he could for the position. After several hours he couldn't find anyone close to her. His head hurt, eye's dried out and red. The stiffness in his neck was becoming close to unbearable. Issac knew he needed her here. He could certainly convince the powers that be to get her due the circumstances. Uncertainty was heavy, how would she react to being here with him. He shook the thoughts off.

Drake sent the message to the Director of Fleet Intelligence. He briefly outlined his situation and requested her to be assigned as soon as possible. It was done.

The chime to his office rang. Drakes head snapped up from the desk. He quickly glanced to the door aware that he had fallen asleep. He stood up from behind his desk and straightened his shirt. The stiffness jolted him awake. “Enter”.

The tall form of Petty Officer Allen Murphy entered the office. “Sir we just received a message to you from fleet. I thought I should bring it down right away.”

“Thank you Allen. How's everything going?” Issac refilled his mug and took the encrypted Padd from the young man. "Please stand at ease. Formalities aren't needed here in the office." Murphy relaxed. “Everything is going well sir. The com center runs great.” Drake returned to his desk tapping on the Padd he had been given. “We have a good team down in communications, your all doing good work.”

The Petty Officer nodded and smiled. He departed the office as Issac read the conformation of his request. It would be granted.. It was anyone's guess what would happen next.


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