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Posted on Wed Nov 11th, 2020 @ 1:27pm by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Commander Sthilg

Mission: Season 4: Episode 2: Rest And Relaxation
Location: Medbay.
Timeline: En route to Pacifica
1149 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Sthilg splashed some water on his face as he stared at himself in the mirror. The many long hours was making the old doctor start to feel his age and all 217 years seemed to weigh on him. The brutality of the Terrans and that crushed reality was weighing on him and he would be reminded of that with every mark left on the bodies of his family. It was hard to believe there were people worse than the Cardassian who had cut his arm off during the dominion war.

Shaking his head the lizard strained his uniform before he stepped out of the faculties. Pulling a padd his white eyes stared at the next patient Major Azhul Naxea. Here for her latest checkup. After what his mirror had done to her he'd been nervous around her and all of the girls that monster had violated.

Still, he was a doctor and he had a job to do. Walking over to the waiting area he put on his best smile as he saw the Bajoran. " Hello Naxea how are you feeling today." he said in his most friendly voice.

Naxea looked at Sthilg, instantly suppressing a fear as she reminded herself that this was her universe's Sthilg, not the mirror universe one. "About as well as can be expected, Doctor."

The gorn noticed the slight indication that she was suppressing fear. It hurt him like a gut punch. May the all mother dam that bastard to the pit. " Are you comfortable with me conducting the examination? I can get someone else to run it if you are."

"No, I'm fine," she shook her head. "Let's get this over with," she took a few steps towards the doctor.

"Very well. Let'sss get you ssseen to." He said leading the way to one of the bio beds. " Have you been taking the medicine you've been pressscribed?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied as she sat down on the indicated bio bed. "How much longer am I going to have to take it?" Taking the medicine daily was just one more reminder of what she went through, as if she needed any reminder.

"We'll sssee once we've given you a ssscan," the doctor said as he started up the computer and got to work. A smile spread over his face as the results began to come in. " We'll that'ss good newsss. The virusss he used to change your ssskin pigment is completely gone ssso you can ssstop taking the medicine for that."

"Good to know I won't turn green again," Naxea commented. "The only thing green on me should be my uniform." She tried to keep the mood light.

"Indeed Naxea." The gorn said as more data came in. " Okay, you've nearly healed completely around the area of implantsss he inssstaled. Bone ssstructure are nearing complete return to normalcy and......" he paused as swallowed hard at the next bit of data as he tried to think of what to say. " Would it aid in your recovery if I transferred off the ssship?" he said softly.

Naxea paused for a moment as she considered his question. It would be easier but it would also be selfish of her to ask that of him. She shook her head. "No doctor. The crew needs your skill and expertise. I will be fine...besides, I may be resigning from Starfleet soon."

The gorn paused as he thought through his reply. He wanted to hug his friend and tell her not to go but that probably wasn't the best idea. "I really hope you don't leave Naxea. The ssship needs her marine commander. " He said calmly as he looked at her.

"The thing about Marines are that we're easily replaceable," Naxea said softly. "The Corps would have another commander assigned here within a week, if not sooner."

"No." the gorn said sharply panic rising in his voice as he dropped down on one knee to look at her face to face. " Do not sssay that. Never sssay that. You are not replaceable Azhul. No one isss," he said with tears forming in his white eyes.

She looked at Sthilg--she had never seen him like this before and it shocked her. After a moment, she found her voice. "Why do you care so much?"

The gorn was silent for a while as he slowly moved away. He closed his eyes and breathed in a few times before he softly replied as he started away from the major. "Becaussse the thing that did thisss to you had my face."

Naxea watched Sthilg closely, remaining on the biobed as she did so. "True," she began slowly. "But it wasn't can't be blamed for what that mirror bastard did to me and others."

" I wisssh I could think like that. " The gorn replied breathing slowly. " I've ssseen the fear in your eyesss when you look at me. He hurt my friendsss and I can't even help them without hurting them. "

"I'm here aren't I?" Naxea began with a slight shrug. "I think it will take time for the wounds to heal and whether I decide to stay or go know that I do not blame you. You did what you could for me and because of that, I'm becoming my normal self again."

The gorn breathed in and out a few times before nodding. Wipping the tears from his eyes he turned back to her. " Yesss you're completely right major. I hope you forgive me for my lack of professssionalisssm. If you do decide to leave usss I can give you a lissst of doctorsss I can recommend."

"Thank you, doctor," she said, watching him wipe away another tear. She could see that he was hurting just as much as she was. She took a deep breath and slid off of the biobed and wrapped her arms around him. "Besides, you're only human," she joked, allowing a chuckle to escape her.

"Thank you." he said softly as he gave her a gentle hug in return. "Your other injuriesss have almost healed as well. Keeping taking the prescribed medicine and you'll be fine."

"I will doctor," she said as she let go. "Any idea how much longer I will need to take the medicine?"

"Two week'sss at the leassst to make sssure the damage is completely healed, but you're doing really well. I'd avoid any ssstrenuousss activity'sss that you can." He replied calmly.

"Thank you. Is there anything you need from me?" she asked as she took a step back and looked up at Sthilg.

"No my dear. You go and relax." he replied.

"I'll do my best," she said truthfully. Staying busy allowed her to keep her mind occupied, which is what she really needed and wanted at the moment.

Lieutenant Commander Sthilg
Chief Medical Officer
USS Elysium.

Major Azhul Naxea
62nd Marine Detachment Commander
USS Elysium


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