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Girls Talk

Posted on Thu Nov 26th, 2020 @ 1:04am by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Phoenix's Day Cabin
Timeline: Current
1049 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Lia stood outside of Phoenix's day cabin, she pressed the chime and waited. The details of her up coming wedding grasped firmly in her hand, Lia intended to ask Phoenix if they were acceptable.

"Come!" A voice called out as the doors opened.

She entered and looked at Phoenix, "Can we talk?"

"Ah Lia" Phoenix said brightly. "How are you? Please come in have a seat." Phoenix had risen from a very comfortable chair.

Lia sat down in the seat offered, "I've brought my wedding plans with me, I'd like your opinion on them. After all you will be officiating, and you need to know what we want".

Phoenix grinned. "Ohh plans, do tell"

"Well it won't be just a normal ceremony, I've mixed it up to reflect both Gary and me". She passed her little book over to Phoenix, "We Start with Sansan-Kudo, three by three. this is the Sake cups, 1) Small cup, an offering of gratitude to the past. 2) Medium cup, offering to the present for the couple to bind together for a long life. 3) Large cup. Wish for future protection and tranquility as one household. Three sips from each cup by both bride and groom. Then we go into a normal ceremony, at the end we return to the Japanese ceremony by A) Sensu Osame:- ritual swapping of folding fans to confirm the desire to get married. Followed by B) Yuthimo:- Ceremonial tying of a red cord between the bride and groom's little finger, both of us would like you to do that last part if you don't object". Lia sat back and waited for a reaction.

"Sounds wonderful. I am glad you both are in agreement about how you wish it to go. Are there any special verses or words you would like used?"

She sat and thought about it for a few seconds, "No I don't think so, unless you can think of any. Gary has never said about special words, and honestly I never thought about it".

"Well you still have time. If you do, let me know before the ceremony." Phoenix smiled. "Will you both be taking a honeymoon?"

"I suppose it will depend on what the ship is doing, Gary won't leave if he thinks the mission needs him". Lia glanced around, "Worried in case we have a Romulan re-run".

"I suggest that you both plan to leave the ship for a honeymoon. We will survive" Phoenix smiled. "You both deserve it."

She looked down at the floor, "You'll get no argument from me, it's your bloody XO you need to convince. I'm sure he thinks your just a figure head on his ship, perhaps you two need to talk this thing through as well.

Phoenix shrugged. "I will order him to take the time. He refuses he can cool his heals in the brig and explain why to his fiancee" she smiled. "Then you can hit him over the head with it."

"Only problem with that, he'd sulk on our wedding day". She looked at Phoenix, "Are you going to be ok doing the Japanese parts of the ceremony? I mean there's special words that I still haven't found which is supposed to be said, and then we have the party after. I can't think of a thing to use as entertainment".

"I will do my best not to butcher the language." Phoenix promised, "Why not organize a band?"

Lia laughed, "My musical tastes don't really fit with the majority of the crew, so I'm worried about people thinking I'm weird". She took a PaDD out and showed Phoenix her play list, all of it seemed to be Japanese anime or Japanese pop music. "See what I mean?"

"Interesting. Its your wedding Lia. Play whatever you want." Phoenix said with a smile.

Lia sat back and thought for a moment, "I'll get Gary to sort that out, he's got more normal tastes". She giggled when she thought of Gary's musical likes.

"Normal on this ship?" Phoenix smiled. "And it will probably make him feel useful with something to do."

She laughed at Phoenix's remark, "He likes being useful, and you would know. You picked him as your XO, there must have been others who would have fitted the bill?"

Phoenix gave a half smile. "Who told you I picked him?"

Looking down quickly, Lia mumbled her reply. "I presumed that had been the case", her face reddened slightly. She looked back at Phoenix, "If you didn't pick him, how come you ended up with him?"

"I was never meant to command this ship, Lia. We had just returned from a devastating mission, lost the Commanding officer and the crew was shattered. I fully expected to be dropped back to Chief of Operations. Gary was assigned to balance out my training wheels."

"Training wheels? You? Can't believe that, you don't seem the type to need training wheels". Lia couldn't hide her surprise, Phoenix just seemed to natural as Captain.

"What do you humans say? Fake it until you make it? My first day as Captain I threw up three times before making it to the bridge. If Liselle had not been looking at me so expectantly when I stepped onto it, I think I might have fled."

The mention of Liselle made Lia remember her friend, "Yeah that girl had her uses, but I never thought I'd hear you admit something like that to me". She took a deep breath and looked at Phoenix in a new light, "Once this wedding is over, I hope we can still be friends".

"Oh course" came the honest reply. "Someone getting married isn't going to stop that."

Lia stood up and crossed to Phoenix, "We didn't get off to a very good start, but these three years have shown me who I can trust. Thank you for that, Can I be rude and ask if I can call you Phoenix in private?"

"I thought you already did" the Erisian smiled. "Its fine with me"

"Thanks, I'll get out of your hair and get this wedding sorted out with Gary". Lia stood up and stopped then looked at Phoenix, "I'm grateful you let me back on board, and I'm thankful I can call you friend. See you at the ceremony, Phoenix".



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