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Qubits of the Quantum State

Posted on Mon Nov 16th, 2020 @ 6:05am by Captain Mira King ( Magnus )

Mission: Side Mission: The Aftermath of Kronos
Location: USS Izar
Timeline: Current
1486 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Commander Pyotr Zhukov by the request of Commander Runyon of The Department of Temporal Investigations beamed aboard the USS Izar to examine the Miraium Particles they had discovered. The Particles originate in a Quantum Sphere they had discovered after an anomaly had collapse a month ago. A week ago when the time line was corrected, it doubled in size as it was theorized by Chief Science Officer Lt. Consuelo Vega it the counterpart in the reality that was erased merged with this reality's version.

Along with Pyotr was an Ensign fresh out of the Academy named Ensign Stephen Leifson. The young man was gifted about Quantum Mechanics. For the last few months he has already been making a name for himself from helping save a female that officer who was trapped in a Quantum Field to saving the USS Borodino ship on two separate incidents.

Pyotr said to the young man, "Young Stephen, I asked you to come along so you might observe. Theorize to yourself but do not volunteer information till asked. Your father once told me by keeping quiet, one might comfort up with more than one theory."

"Understood Sir," Stephen answers.

The Executive Officer Lt. Commander Sven Gali and Chief Science Officer Lt. Consuelo Vega came into the room they were beamed into. Sven was puzzled. "I was expecting Commander Runyon."

"The Commander is on another mission and he asked me to come here to assess the situation in case his department needs to be brought in," Pyotr replies. Lt. Commander Gali and Lt. Vega, I brought along Ensign Stephen Leifson to observe."

"My young Stephen," Sven says to the young Officer, "Last time I saw you, you were not even a teenager. How old are you now?"

"Twenty-two Sir," Stephen replies. "I do remember you. You were in an accident as I recall."

"Yes," Sven sighed. "The accident. Well your parents were a great help. Now to the matter at hand. Come into the lab to see what we are dealing with."

The four of them went into the lab. Consuelo says as they looked at it. "Gentleman, the Quantum Sphere might look like a miniature sun but it is not. We discovered it after an anomaly we came across, it collapse leaving this."

"Quiet impressive," Pyotr said as he was grasping what he saw. "How did you find this? It is so small."

"Captain King had a hunch and she ask for us to scan the aftermath of the anomaly," Consuelo answered. "Earlier today, Particles came out of it. They hit the Captain knocking her out. Here is the footage."

They watched the whole footage. As they watched it, Stephen smiled as he understood what he was seeing. After it was over with, Sven asks, "Ensign, judging from your face you seem to have a theory of what happened."

"Yes Sir," Stephen responded. Several theories but the one that stands out I can only explain in a Scientific way."

"We all here understand Quantum Physics," Sven said as he looked at Stephen. "Explain."

"Well Sir, In quantum mechanics , what we are seeing is an actual visual representation of the Bloch sphere which is a geometrical representation of the pure space of a qubit which is a two-dimensional level quantum mechanical system," Stephen says explaining it Scientifically Explanation. "However in this case, it has taken on more dimensions. The electrons in the sphere speeded up when the little boy came closer because he possess what is called Temporal Immunity. You Lt. Commander since you are an El Aurian must have been feeling differently lately as you might do something you would not normally do. "

"That would explain why Lt. Vega and I were making out all of a sudden," Sven grinned. "Now explain what happened to the Captain?"

"Same way lasers are created," Stephen said as talked with his hands as he explained, "macroscopic observations such as temperature and pressure are related to microscopic parameters that fluctuate around an average. It connects thermodynamic quantities such as heat capacity to microscopic behaviors. This is also known as Statistical Mechanics. Since the little boy was genetically connected with the Captain, lasers were shot at her as memories from the other Reality came to her. May I borrow your tricorder?"

Consuelo hands him hers. "By all means Ensign."

Stephen set the tricorder to pick up several types of readings. He ran it ver the three of them and himself. After he reads the readings, some of what he saw came up. "I see the Particles had been in your systems Lt. Commander and Lieutenant and of course it is not in Commander Zhukov's body nor my body but I picked up in the Commander's body which indicates he had done some time traveling recently."

Commander Pyotr explained the whole incident which created how the time line was change and what his part in it to place it right again. He added he was not the one serving on the Borodino but the one who lived in the other Reality who went back in time to help put the time line right and he along with the other one were placed in cryogenics.

"Well that explains it," Stephen reasoned what Pyotr said. "I know the Particles have left your bodies Lt. Commander and Lieutenant but I do feel you will need to have tests run on you."

"How about you run the tests on us Ensign since you know what you are looking for," Consuelo spoke next, "Along with a Doctor of course and Commander Zhukov go see the Captain."

"Great idea," Pyotr says with a relief. "Great work Ensign. After you do that, run tests on the sphere to see if it purposes a threat."

"Thank you sir and yes sir," Stephen responded with a salute.

Pyotr smile curved to one end. "No need to salute me. It makes me feel I am in the Marines. Carry on." Pyotr left the room as he pressed his communication badge. "Captain Mira King. I am on my way to see you."

"I am in my Quarters," Mira said as she just had tests ran on her. "Come on by Zookie."

Pyotr chuckled a bit.

Mira looking at her doctors. "You are finished with your tests?"

"Yes Mam," a new Vulcan doctor named Doctor Saval says. "We will examine the data but right off shows your body including your brain have not been harmed."

"Great," Mira said, "Now if you do not mind, I need to get out of this hospital gown and get into uniform. I am having an old friend coming by."

A Medical Technician Petty Officer Drew Bridgewater said, "Doctor Saval, should remove all the equipment from her room?"

"Yes Bridgewater," The Doctor said. "No more tests, so no more equipment."

"Thank you Doctor," Mira smiled. "I hate Sickbays. The smell of alcohol and bleach triggers unpleasant memories."

Bridgewater messaged the transporter chief to Teleport the equipment back to Sickbay. He then exited the Quarters as he saw Commander Pyotr Zhukov walked up. Pyotr walked in as he sees Mira still in her hospital gown. "Mira."

Mira turns around as she says to Pyotr, "You got here fast. Everyone leave the Quarters except for the Commander." They all left without another word. After they all left, Mira says to Pyotr, "This has been a most peculiar day. So what have they figured out?"

Pyotr gave the full explanation as he gave the explanation while she disrobed and got dressed in front of him. "Mira, how are you feeling now?"

"Oh I feel fine," Mira says looking Pyotr up and down. "Question is how are you feeling?"

"Very firm," he grins. "You do know I am the one from the other time line, the one that was placed in cryogenics."

"Oh I know," Mira says licking her lips a bit. "In this reality, you and I never did it. The other Reality, your reality, we did when we're cadets. This reality, there was no wedding between Tonya and Victor because there was no Victor. In your reality, there was a wedding between Tonya and Victor. You were not at the wedding but you were there that week later as I was in a romantic mood and you did come to me after Tonya died."

"So you requested me," Pyotr asks a question he felt he already knew the answer.

"Yes," she says looking at him placing her finger in her mouth licking it.

Pyotr grabs each of her forearms. "You are being affected by the Miraium Particles. They caused Lt. Consuelo Vega to get aroused and now it is doing the same to you. I would love to throw you on that bed and doing one over."

"Then do it Zookie," Mira requested.

Pyotr pushes her to the bed and he looks at her, "Well damn the photon torpedoes and full speed ahead."

Fades to Black.


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