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Seperated Yet again

Posted on Tue Nov 17th, 2020 @ 3:00pm by Ensign Olivia (Carter) Voight

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sickbay - Office
607 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Olivia wasn't sure what to think this time around, with Casper leaving so unexpectedly right before the experience everyone had just gone through recently. They had started to get close again after being apart for so long and they had indicated that the next time they got offered another position that they would transfer together. Apparently that wasn't the case, for Casper had left without a word. All she knew was that he had transferred out unexpectedly and she was expected to send an updated copy of his medical file to Starfleet Medical and they would send it on to his new duty assignment. Olivia pulled up the medical file on Casper to look things over to make sure that it was up to date. Seeing that everything had been updated for the short amount of time he had been on the Elysium, Olivia signed off on it and sent it on to Starfleet Medical so that it then could be forwarded onto where he was being sent to this time around.

Leaning back in her chair, Olivia started thinking some about her short time with Casper this time around. She wasn't sure if she would ever see or hear from him again since he hadn't even bothered to give her any indication that he had been thinking about another position so soon after coming onboard. It would of been nice if he had at least taken the time to at least mention something to her about the possibility of a transfer to her before disappearing on her so suddenly. Olivia now wondered if the two of them were even ment to be together for the long haul. She had thought that the two of them would make it this time around after being seperated for so long and then meeting up again on the Elysium.

After what she had gone through during their last mission, it would of been nice to talk a few things over with Casper. He could of given her a different viewpoint of several different things that could possibly help her on sorting out a few things that still needed to be sorted out. She could of done the same thing for him on talking through a few things on some of his experiences had he been here with them during the unplanned mission. Olivia had a feeling that he could of come up with a few ideas that could of improved some things for them a bit sooner and gotten them home even sooner as well. Maybe a few things wouldn't of been as bad as it was or even happened for that matter.

After thinking a few things through, Olivia sat back up at her desk and pulled up a few messages that she had waiting for her to go through as well a do list that she had been adding to as the day went on. A few things she had already completed and marked off her list, but there were still several things that needed to be completed. As she was going over the list, Olivia noticed that a message had come through from the Captain. Opening up the message, Olivia saw that there was a get together planned planet side at one of the beaches for the crew to get together, relax, and have some fun. Thinking things over some about the get together, Olivia decided to go and at least check things out, for she still needed to get to know some of the crew a bit better. Closing down things for the time being, Olivia left her office so that she could go get ready.


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