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We need to talk

Posted on Mon Nov 30th, 2020 @ 9:53am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Lieutenant Commander S'hib

Mission: Season 4: Episode 3: Guided by Starlight
Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: MD1
694 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

[[Lieutenant S'hib to the Captain's ready Room"]] It blared through security, alerting the Lieutenant and others that he was wanted.

"Red sands damn me," S'hib huffed as he stumbled out of the sonic shower, fumbling at his uniform for his comm badge. "On my way." He responded bluntly before hastily moving back inside.

--Captain's ready room--

Phoenix was seated in her ready room, with Aurelia Holmes. Their conversation had been mild but had focused on one crew member. So Phoenix summoned him to the ready room.

Lia glanced at Phoenix, "You think someone might have tipped him off?"

Phoenix shook her head. "Nope"

No sooner had the words left her lips the door opened, and in stepped S'hib, ducking under the archway. "Captain?" He asked before turning to look at Lia. "Commander?"

"Ah Lieutenant, good, please come in and stand at ease, have a seat" she waved to the chair she had brought in, his standard seat.

He looked down at the seat, one designed specifically for his size... this was going to take a while he thought. "Of course." He nodded, taking the offered seat with some unease growing up his now regrowing mane.

Phoenix merely smiled. "I am not sure if you had heard, but Commander Turak was transferred and promoted. This of course leaves a gap in our security department and after discussions with Commander Holmes here, we are looking to fill that whole from within"

"I had not," He frowned, wondering if the Captain wasn't telling the whole truth, but the thought was quickly and literally shaken to one side as he adjusted his position. "Shame, I would have liked to have said goodbye."

Phoenix nodded. "Yes, well, Lieutenant, Commander Holmes and I have decided that, effective immediately, you shall be assigned as Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical, and," here she nodded at Aurelia to continue.

Wide eyed he looked over to Lia, though his face still pointed at Phoenix, this was unexpected he thought with an unusal mix of panic and elation swelling inside him.

"You will be promoted to Lieutenant Commander, that's if you want the post of course? S'hib you'd better say yes, I need a 2i/c", Lia stood up and crossed to her fellow Security companion. She held out her hand, "Well you old war horse, what's your answer?"

S'hib was quiet for far longer than he probably should have been, dragging out the awkwardness before glancing up at Lia. "Do I get a new desk?" he grinned, holding out his hand.

"You find one that fits in the office and you can get behind, you can have a new desk. Just don't get to cocky, your first job will be making my coffee". She shook his hand and laughed, then pointed to Phoenix. "I think you own that person a thank you, she believes in you as do I".

Phoenix waved it off. "No need for thanks. I know you will do wonderfully in the new role lieutenant commander." She smiled at S'hib.

"No, there is... thank you, captain, commander... I won't let either of you down." He sighed happily, leaning back into his chair and letting his muscles relax.

"We both know that Lieutenant Commander." Phoenix smiled. "And you will have a lot to do I am sure."

"So Commander, I guess the next round of drinks in ten forward. Are on you, shall I invite the whole Security team and let you invite your new girlfriend?" Lia smiled as she spoke, she had heard only rumours but she was happy S'hib had began to settle down.

He smiled back, a shy warmth running over his head as he looked at Lia. “I'm sure i can convince Naxea to stop working for five minutes...” His reply was pleasant in tone, but stopped abruptly as he glanced to the Captain, suddenly aware that she might not know of their relationship.

Lia smiled as S'hib gave away the name of his girlfriend, "Naxea is it? Well she's not the one I would have thought of, but congratulations S'hib you deserve a little happiness".

Phoenix smiled. "And with that Lieutenant Commander, You are dismissed. Good luck"


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