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Lift Ride

Posted on Tue Dec 4th, 2018 @ 6:36am by Lieutenant Commander Turak

Mission: Season 2: Episode 3: Determination is not always a good thing
Location: Turbolift
Timeline: en route
343 words - 0.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Estelle walked into the turbolift, still in the process of straightening out her uniform. Seeing Turak already in there, she smiled. "Good afternoon." After a brief pause and with the habitual look towards the ceiling, even though it wasn't necessary, she added, "Sickbay." Almost time for the start of beta shift.

Turak smiled back to the Lieutenant and said, "Good afternoon." He briefly considered his next move and then realized that he needed to meet more people on the Elysium, after all, this was going to be home for a while! He then said, "I am LTJG Turak, I'm new to the ship and came aboard at the last stop. How have you liked your time aboard?"

"It's fantastic", Estelle replied enthusiastically. "State-of-the-art medical facilities, you can find better ones only on starbases like Deep Space Nine. The CMO is a bit unorthodox in his methods but that makes for a great learning experience, and you'll find it's easy to make friends around here." In Estelle's experience, the larger the crew, the easier it was to find someone compatible to enjoy a hobby with.

"That sounds very promising, Lieutenant. I still can't believe that I was assigned to the Elysium, this was my first choice!" Turak said with a smile and the look of a human child in a candy store. "What does everyone do for fun on the Elysium?"

"There's no 'everyone' who's doing the same thing", Estelle smiled. "I like music, painting and designing furniture. Well, the way it's decorated, at least. There's only so many ways you can make a table."

"Interesting, I never thought of the number of ways to make a table!" Turak said and smiled back. As he arrived at his destination, Turak exited the turbo lift, but before he did he said, "it was nice talking to you Lieutenant, perhaps we'll cross paths again sometime."

"Don't forget to come in for your physical", Estelle reminded him on his way out. She was certain that even with the doors closing, his Vulcan ears picked up every word.


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