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A Simple Introduction

Posted on Mon Feb 1st, 2021 @ 8:07am by Lieutenant JG Siora Carberos & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: XO's Office
1170 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

It was simple enough. Introduce herself to the XO so he knows her face, it would be pretty ignorant not too. What if he walks past you on the way to see you and does not know? How embarrassing.

Thankfully at this moment in time he was not on bridge duty and as the computer had identified he was in his office. Siora had made herself look as good as she was going to, she believed in first impressions counting. It was something she had heard on Earth and liked the notion. El Auria had something similar but the translation shifted to mean something else.

Ringing the door, she waited.

Gary was in his office, l catching up on some over do paperwork. whoever had said paperwork was the bane of all work was right. He hated it with a passion. He had reached for another PaDD when the chime to his door rang. Looking up he called out "Come in!" and sat back to see who graced his doorway.

Siora noticed the almost fed up, pleading look on his face as she entered. PADDs, everywhere you looked, now she understood. "Look like you could use a little saving, Commander." she said as she walked into the office, tucking a loose hair behind her ear as she did so.

A smile spread across Gary's face at the new officer's observation. "Paperwork, I hate it with a passion." He acknowledged. "However it will get done... eventually. However the here and now is you are here and what can I do for you Lieutenant?"

"Agree with you there sir. Makes my eyes hurt just thinking about it." she joked slightly. "I am Lieutenant Carberos sir, Siora." she said placing her hand over her chest. "I am new on board and have come to serve as the Elysium's Intelligence Chief."

Gary nodded, "Ah, a kindred spirit." His smile grew at her introduction, "It is a pleasure to meet you Lieutenant.... Siora. I'm Commander Taylor, er Gary and welcome to the Elysium. I hope you enjoy your time here. I think you've joined the best ship in the fleet. Please have a seat, would you like anything from the replicator?"

"I am a big fan of your peoples 'hot chocolate'." Siora replied with a smile. "Thank you sir.

"One hot chocolate coming up." Gary replied with a smile as he crossed to the replicator to get Siora's hot chocolate. Returning to her, he handed her the cup. "One hot chocolate." as he moved behind his desk to sit down.

As she took the cup a small bracelet fell out of the edge of her sleeve. It had small markings on it denoting El Auria and various Goddesses she followed in her life, as well as some family tags.

Siora nodded in thanks. "I have always found this drink to comfort me. I have no idea why, and people tell me I am addicted to chocolate." she laughed at herself as she watched the cup from above. "Silly idea, to be addicted to something to innocent and warm."

"There are worse, far worse things to be addicted to Siora. If the drink comforts you and makes you feel good, I'm all for it. As for why you like it, I would hazard a guess and use a human expression and say you have a sweet tooth."

Gazing into the cup she smiled, "Well I am a sucker for those little marshmallows they put in them sometimes so maybe you are right sir." Siora took a sip of it, the warm liquid almost burning her mouth but she did not care. The taste was enough to make her forget where she was.

Gary shook his head and chuckled, "Can't argue with you there. They are easy to like and grow fond of." He paused for a moment as he looked across the desk at her, "Tell me Siora, what do you envision for the Intel department here aboard the Elysium?"

Siora had expected such a question, it always came with new postings and higher ranks wanting to suss out the new blood. "The team we have here is solid, I'd make no major changes as they can be detrimental to how the department as a whole works. We will push to standards higher, keep our ears close to contacts, sector communications. I have my own network through my company that my brother is currently running. We will most definitely keep everyone that needs to know well informed." she finished. "Do you have any issues you feel need addressed sir?" she asked.

Gary listened patiently as Siora laid out her plans for the Intel Dept. When she had finished he answered. "Not at this time Lieutenant. The Intel Department is your baby, your responsibility. You run it the way you see fit and the way it best works for you. The Captain and I both expect it to be up to snuff in both collecting and analyzing any and all information they come across and leave no stone unturned."

"Between the Intelligence Suite and the section of the lower bridge that we have I do not believe many stones will be left alone sir." Siora answered confidentially. "I know the value of good information, as well as the importance of bad information, in achieving our goals here. I have every confidence that we will be up to this snuff that you have mentioned." It was a peculiar phrase that Siora had never heard before, but then again most Human sayings confused her.

"I share your confidence in both your ability and your departments Siora to collect and gather information as well as to know the difference between what is important and what is not. As well as the hard work involved." Gary remarked. He smiled at her confusion over the word snuff. "Snuff, means up to par, expectations Siora."

Siora's face became one of understanding and rolled her eyes at herself. "Ah, that makes sense now. I assumed that is what you meant." she smiled. "Humans have so many different sayings and metaphors. I am surprised you all know what you are saying to each other." She laughed to herself. "But yes, we are in agreement about the department sir."

Gary nodded, "Trust me Siora, sometimes we humans don't know what we're saying to each other. As far as the Intel Department I am delighted to know we share the same vision. I look forward to working with you."

"And I you sir." She said standing and finishing off her hot chocolate. "I will not take up anymore of your time. I hear your paperwork screaming out to you from neglect." She grinned.

Gary rose from behind his desk, he extended his right hand, "Siora, Let me officially welcome you to the Elysium family . I hope you find your time here both rewarding and exciting."

Siora shook it gently and smiled. "Thank you Commander." she said before turning and leaving the man to the pit of paperwork.


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