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stupid stupid idea

Posted on Sun Feb 14th, 2021 @ 2:10am by Private Christian Laknema

Mission: Season 5: Episode 1: No Exit
Location: Planet side
519 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Christian had left his duty post. He had thought he was saw something just beyond the tree line and figured it he would go and check it out. What ever it was, was just beyond sensor range and it was enticing him to follow so follow he did. With his phaser rifle ready he moved through the brush deeper into the forest.

There were a part of him that was screaming, 'GO BACK YOU IDIOIT!' but he didn't want to wake the expedition team for something that wasn't going to be anything. He figured he had go about two hundred meters into the forest and would go about another two hundred more before he stopped and turned back. This forest certainly was creepy at night time, mind you most were unless you knew them well enough. 'I should activate my lights' he thought but didn't proceed with that thought any further as it would give away his position.

He took one more step and heard something snap, he was off balanced as the ground was no longer under his foot and he was falling. He through out his hands to go something, anything to break his fall but there wasn't anything to grab.

A bone crouching sound came next follow by a unhealthy blood curdling scream from his lips as he touched bottom. When he came to with a groan he knew that he was in dire straits based off what his helmet was telling him. He could tell also that his suit was compromised. Doing a quick assessment he couldn't move his legs or his right arm, he had a searing pain in his back when he attempted to move or even breath deeply followed by something warm running down his back.

He was going to die. There was no denying that based off the injuries that he had, where he was, and that he hadn't told anyone that he was left or where he was going. He thought he would have been angrier than what he was feeling right now. He chocked it up to blood loss and shock. He attempted to look towards the top of the hole and sky to see if he could see the stairs but all he could see was blackness.

His body spasmed and he grated his teeth in pain but didn't scream out, 'At least I will have one dignified moment he thought,' as he fought to stay awake. He knew it was a loosing battle though. As he started to shiver he was also feeling tired. His thoughts turned to his family and he shook his head ab it thinking about them. He wondered if the expedition would ever find his body. What if they didn't? Would they stay and wait or would they continue on and just give a flag to his parents.

He was gasping for air and could barely keep his eyes open or his thoughts straight. Everything was starting to go dark he took a breath, "Must..... stay..... awake..." he gasp as he slumped forward closed his eyes and didn't draw another breath.


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