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Character Spotlight: Ensign Damien Blackford

Posted on Wed Mar 24th, 2021 @ 7:34am by Elisha Pryce-Randal [ADMIN NPC] Ms & Lieutenant JG Damien Blackford

Mission: Character Spotlight
Location: Crew Lounge
Timeline: Current
789 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Brief Interview with Ms. Elisha Pryce-Randal - onboard Ship Reporter

EPR: What is your role on the Elysium? And what does it entail?

DB: I’m a Security Officer. It’s a slightly variable job, that can include differing responsibilities. A general overview would be the protection of Starfleet and Federation assets, the personal protection of Starfleet Officers, and any Federation or foreign dignitaries. If needed, I will also assist with any criminal investigations that may be taking place on board. Although we do have official Security Investigation Officers that deal with most investigations, so I’ll only help out there if really needed.

EPR: What made you choose that line of work?

DB: My father was the Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Revelations. He served in the Dominion War and helped in the aftermath for a few years after the war ended, running supplies to the planets affected. I grew up listening to his stories of serving, and it instilled in me a want to get out and explore, to help people. I chose Security because I’ve always wanted to help people, stand up for those that might not be able to stand up for themselves. Security gives me that opportunity.

EPR: How do you handle the pressure that comes with being a Starfleet officer?

DB: Yoga. A bit of meditation. It’s also important to make sure you find the time to unwind, especially after a trying shift. I’ve also found having a mantra that you can repeat to yourself on particularly stressful occasions can help as well. It’s also important to remember that fear will sometimes creep in. But it’s important not to let it rule you. Recognize that it’s there, but learn to control it. Also, try and take up a hobby. Something that you can do, even if only for a couple of hours, that will take your mind off things.

EPR: What would you say to a cadet aspiring to do what you do?

DB: Study. It might seem like an obvious thing to say, but some of the classes at the Academy were some of the most difficult I’ve ever faced. But equally, don’t stress. Don’t worry about picking your Major straight away. Take your time to think it through. And don’t let anyone choose for you. If you want to be an Engineer, but your parents want you to be a Flight Control Officer? Then follow your passion. If you take a course that you don’t want to do, you’re not going to pay attention, and you’re more likely to end up dropping out. Relax. Decide what you enjoy doing. Remember, it’s your life.

EPR: What is your favorite memory of your time at the academy?

DB: So, it’s not necessarily the happiest of memories, but it’s one that I’ll always remember. It was in my third year when I’d made the choice to major in Security. We were doing Survival 150, which teaches how to survive in different conditions. We were on an overnight course and were in pairs. My partner was struggling and was worried he was gonna let us down. It had been a rough couple of days, and we were both fatigued. He was about ready to call it quits. Give up, and drop out. I was close as well. But there was something inside me that refused to let me give up. It wasn’t the easiest thing to do, but eventually, we worked together, and we passed the course. We graduated, and I haven’t seen him since. I still exchange letters occasionally. We might not be the closest of people, but something about that completing that course together bonded us. It showed me just how important teamwork is.

EPR: Do you have any funny tales to tell about your time on the USS Elysium?

DB: I’m still fairly new, and I’ve been keeping my head down, so no real funny stories to tell just yet. The only things that spring to mind are meeting the Assistant Chief of Security when I first came on board or meeting the Chief Medical Officer when I went for my physical. The Academy does its best to teach and prepare you for meeting new species, and you think you’re ready, but the first time you meet them, it’s a shock to the system. Upon realising that our good Doctor was a Gorn, I was nearly rendered practically speechless. Something about walking into a Medbay and seeing a walking, talking Lizard sends the human brain into fight or flight mode.


EPR - Elisha Pryce-Randal
DB: Damien Blackford


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