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On the Ground - Setting up Camp

Posted on Sun Dec 9th, 2018 @ 1:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Turak

Mission: Season 2: Episode 3: Determination is not always a good thing
Location: Outside Cortic
1006 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

After Ensign Sh'rhilror had dropped the two officers and the Corporal, Turak began to scan the area with his tricorder. Once he was satisfied that the seismic activity was currently inactive, he turned to the Lieutenant and said, "where should we start distributing these supplies?"

"I would think we should try to get them as close as safely possible to the largest amount of the displaced." Anje suggested, "And we should start setting up shelters immediately. These people have been through a couple days of Hell, they'd probably kill for the joy of showering and a decent meal by this point. Have the engineers delivered any of those portable replicators yet?"

"Yes, ma'am. They're in the process of putting them together", Mona said. She'd seen that during the flight. "I've been told we'll have to worry about looting and rioting." She pointed to her type two phaser. "This should deter them." She hadn't brought a rifle, she wasn't going to kill anyone here and the hand phaser was sufficient to stun troublemakers, she thought. Besides, nobody had actually told her to bring anything special.

"Okay, good to know you and Lt. Turak are prepared for worst case scenario." Anje nodded, showing her own phaser on her belt, "Just in case." She stifled a laugh, she'd have to tell Justin about that later, "I'll want to dedicate at least two to durable goods, these people have lost everything. All others will be dedicated to food, water, etcetera."

"Can I do anything useful, as long as there are no unwashed multitudes of starving people to organise into neat little columns to prevent a stampede?" Mona asked.

"Help me unload stuff?" Anje asked, "That's going to be the biggest job for right now. Unless you two feel the need to recon or something."

Mona looked at Turak and shrugged. He was the officer, she wasn't going to protest either way. "Do we?"

Turak responded, "At the moment, I don't believe that will be necessary. I scanned a 20km radius with the shuttle's sensors and have monitored the local law enforcement comms before we landed - there are no such riots at the moment. However, once we start handing out hot meals and get the showers running, then we can do some recon. I think first and foremost, we should get to work." After the conversation thought to himself, ~I'm glad that I brought my rifle, hopefully I won't need to use it though.~

"Good idea, Turak." Anje nodded, "Let's get this equipment out and set up, once we're up and running, we go from there."

Mona started opening and unloading crates. She had no idea what Anje wanted where but she figured she might as well get everything out in the open. Couldn't be too difficult. Things that were supposed to be shipped together usually weren't and parts that meant to work together usually didn't. But what did they have engineers and ops people for?

"Need a hand, Corporal?" Anje offered, she'd assembled these things before, it had become like falling off a bike at this point, "Two pair of hands quicker than one and all that."

"Gladly", Mona said. "I'm not an engineer. They only taught me how to maintain military equipment. These things, I need instructions. They're the sanitation system, from the looks of things." She'd have suggested digging latrines, or phasering them out of the ground, or some such, but she supposed that wasn't in line with health and safety regulations.

After taking a look around the surrounding area the old fashioned way, visually, Turak offered, "I'll help as well." Even though this was his first disaster in Star Fleet, he felt at home assembling the items because he had participated in multiple disasters with his parents in their freight hauling business. The difference this time was that he wasn't trying to wheel and deal with the locals, this stuff was free. He noticed that the shuttle was carrying all sorts of portable shelters and bathrooms, and chose to bring out a shelter first. He looked around the area for the best place to start putting it together and decided on the first destroyed house that he saw. ~Perhaps this family will need a shelter~, he thought when looking for the previous inhabitants. ~Maybe they'll come back?~

"Good call, Turak." Anje nodded, "Let's rebuild as much civilization as we can. Or at least a reasonable facsimile there of, right?"

With a smile, Turak responded, "after what these people have been through, let's do our best."

"We will." Anje nodded, Turak might not be the most logical Vulcan, but neither was she, they were going to get along fine.

"Fascinating", Mona grinned. She figured a Vulcan who smiled, that meant their job just became a lot more interesting. "So where are we going to get the water for these toilets? And where are we processing the waste?"

"All good questions," Turak said, "hopefully the engineers have thought of that!" He pauses, "where are the engineers - we can't be the first ones here, can we?"

"The first wave of engineers will be used in a damage control capacity." Anje answered, it was standard protocol for a disaster of this type and scope, "Getting things like this set up falls to operations, so for right now we're it. We'll have grease monkeys available soon enough, though. Once all the fires are out."

"As for water," She continued, "we'll be using industrial replicators to provide it and the waste will be beamed away and incinerated with energy. It's complicated, but it's the best we can do with what we've got."

"Expensive", Mona smirked. "Glad I don't have to foot that power bill." She started carrying the numbered objects to the locations that the plans said those numbers needed to go. She hoped that someone else knew how to put them together.

"Great thing about working for the government." Anje laughed as she quoted her aunt, who was purportedly quoting her grandfather, "Nothing's easier to spend than someone else's money."


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