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The start of something special part 1

Posted on Sat May 8th, 2021 @ 10:00pm by Captain George Charles [Reece] & Staff Sergeant Leilani Charles {Kelea-Salik}
Edited on on Fri May 14th, 2021 @ 1:54pm

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Deck 10 Lounge
Timeline: MD1 2000 hrs
2147 words - 4.3 OF Standard Post Measure


The evening was a boring one, having gotten fed up with sitting around Leilani had decided to head to the lounge. She wasn’t looking for any company, she hadn’t been interested in men since the day her world changed forever. She was standing at the bar waiting to get a drink when the trouble began.

“Hey pretty lady!” The sweet talking worse for wear crewman had obviously managed to find himself some real alcohol and was pretty plastered. “You look lonely here all by yourself.”

“Not at all” Leilani shook her head, and tried to step aside.

“Come now ..” His hand slid around her waist. “Pretty girl like you needs company!” He held her tight.

With all her marine training all Lani could do was recall what happened to the last man who lay fingers on her, panic ensued as she tried to push him away. “Get off me!!”

George had been slowly nursing a drink at a small table off to the side of the bar. When the attractive brunette first entered, he had noticed her. As he quietly watched her move to the bar, he felt that there was something familiar to how she moved through the room, her eyes quickly moving, taking in the people around her.

A few minutes later, when he saw the crewman, who was clearly intoxicated, move up to her, the hairs on the back of George's neck started to stand up. Then, when she reacted to his unwelcomed advance, he felt a spike of fear scream from her mind. Before he knew what he was doing, he was already inbound, his level of anger jumped when he recieved an image of her being raped.

Reaching the pair, George slammed an iron grip on the crewmans wrist, his fingers digging into the tendons located on the soft underside of the joint. "She said, get off." The venom in his voice was accentuated by the dangerous growl that finished the sentence.

“Hey man, chill out!” The drunk seemed oblivious to the pain in his wrist. “I was just ... trying to enjoy some time with the pretty lady here!” He winced as the pain finally got through to his alcohol infused brain.

Leilani was still recoiling trying to get her fears under control. She gave George a more relaxed look, and a brief smile for coming to her rescue.

Though the smile was brief, it lit a fire deep inside of George. He felt a strong desire to protect this woman. Turning his gaze back to the drunk crewman, he spoke with a deathly quiet tone. "Name and department, now."

The smile on the drunks face soon disappeared, and he seemed to sober up some too. “Fitzgerald .. Waste reclamation.” He grinned. “It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it!” He looked towards Leilani, “I ... I’m sorry!” He promptly burst into tears.

George was not moved by the tears. In a steel sharp tone, he spoke. "If you want to keep this hand, you will leave now, sober up, and never come near this woman again. I will be seaking to your supervisor about this incident." He released the man. "Go." The word was small, but it held a lot of power.

The drunk stumbled away leaving the pair alone.

George turned to face the attractive woman and his stern expression immediately faded. "Are you okay?" He asked softly as he moved closer to her.

“I ... Yes, thank you” Leilani offered a warm smile. “I appreciate you coming to my aid.” She paused and took a deep calming breath. “I’m Leilani Rahl, the new Marine Medic, and ships Archaeologist and Anthropologist.”

Returning her warm smile with one of his own, he replied.
"Hi, I'm George Charles, one of the senior Marine Valkyrie starfighter pilots on the Elysium."

“It’s nice to meet you George. Please feel free to call me Lani.” She gave him a curious look. “You’re a Betazoid aren’t you?”

Nodding slowly, George's smile faltered. "I, I am. Though..." he seemed conflicted on how to tell this woman who he really was on the inside. The conflict and anguish of the pain flooded through his mind before he could slam his walls down.

Lani couldn’t help but pick up on the emotions that were pouring off George. “You’re not trained to use your abilities” she nodded understandingly, but didn’t pry as to why not. “Oh .. did you ...” She paused realising that he must have seen what had gone through her mind. “I ... I’m sorry if I ...” She paused then did something that surprised even her. “Would you like to get out of here?”

George shook his head sadly. "No. sister and I..." he couldn't finish the sentence as the flood of horrible memories screamed to the front of his thoughts. He knew that he must've looked weak to Lani, and was about to excuse himself, when she suprised him by asking if he wanted to get out of there with her. Looking back up onto her beautiful dark eyes, all he could do is nod.

Leilani offered a smile as she sensed the emotions flowing off of George in waves, she looked at him as they walked . “I feel I should explain, but not in public. What I have to say is ...” she paused. “Difficult at best.”

Not wanting to seem creepy, like he had made Miraj feel about him, he thought about a good, neutral, yet private place where they could talk. Then, it occured to him. "We could go to a holodeck?"

Lani smiled and nodded. “That would be fine, I have a program that I use when I want to unwind, if you’d like to see it?”

"I'd love to!" George blurted out before he could stop himself. Blushing in embarassment, he lowered his chin and said, "Sorry." Why was he always such an idiot when hecwas around an attractive woman?! He silently chastised himself.

Arriving at the holodeck a few minutes later she set up her program, it didn’t take long before the doors opened to a beautiful woodland glen. Rolling hills, peaceful serenity and amongst it all a wood cabin with a large pond and flower garden. “This is my dream home, it’s where I come to relax after a long day.

George was awestruck by the sight. His mouth slowly dropped open as he took in the splendor. When his eyes landed on the house, he froze. "I...I've seen that house!'s been in my dreams for weeks now!"

Leilani looked at George astounded, “I don’t understand exactly what it means but my mother was always a fan of destiny.” She walked over to the porch and took a seat on the swing. “She’d say we were destined to meet.” Her eyes met George’s before she looked away again. “Back in the lounge, did you ...” She paused. “...see what was in my thoughts?”

The wonder in his heart suddenly fell into pain. Slowly, he moved up to the porch, sitting on the other half of the swing. "I did." His voice was small and full of pain. "I...I'm sorry that you had to experience that." He was quiet for a few beats, then said, "I know that pain. I experienced something similar."

“I felt your pain when we were in the lounge” She offered a comforting smile before very cautiously placing her hand on his. “I guess that’s why I feel a connection with you. That and the fact that you protected me. I don’t tend to trust easily but you ... there’s something about you.”

As soon as Lani placed her hand on his, George felt goosebups run up and down his spine. He then felt something else, a connection. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on it. It was a sensation he hadn't felt since he and his sister were together. It was warm, soft, inviting. It was....

His eyes snapped open and he looked over to Leilani. "I...I can feel you...right on the surface of my mind!" His breathing rate increased as excitement filled his face. "I've never felt this connection with anyone but my sister!" He closed his eyes and, slowly, started to open his mind to Leilani. The trust he felt for her was so strong, it was as if they had known each other all their lives.

Slowing his breathing, he allowed her to see whatever she wanted. He would hide nothing for her.

Leilani hadn’t shared her mind with anyone like this before, closing her eyes she gently let their surface thoughts intermingle, anything deeper was something shared by those who bonded. It felt strange but she too was feeling the connection that George was feeling. Opening her eyes she found herself looking into George’s eyes, before she even stopped to think about it their lips met in a gentle kiss.

George inhaled deeply when his lips met Leilani's. It was the best feeling of joy that he had ever felt in his entire life so far. Without thinking, he turned towards Leilani and gently wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him.

Under any other circumstances Leilani would have freaked out, but the moment their minds had met she knew she had nothing to fear from George. She let the moment carry her, responding by wrapping her arms around him, holding him gently as they kissed.

George had no thoughts. All that existed for him now, in this moment, was this woman. She had opened her mind to him and he to her, and she hadn't pulled away. He didn't feel the usual unease here with her. He was actually feeling calm for the first time that he could remember.

When they finally came up for air, he leaned his forehead against hers. "Where...where have you been?"

Leilani smiled. “I could ask you the same thing! I’ve never ... ever felt anything like what I’m feeling here now.” She gently took his hand. “George I ... I’ve never been with anyone since ...” she paused. “I have scars, lots of scars, and I can’t promise I won’t be afraid at first.” She looked into his eyes. “I feel I can trust you.”

Gripping her hand gently, George replied softly. "I'm not afraid. Not of you. Never of you." He swallowed hard and added, "I too bear scars." Looking deep into her eyes, he asked, "May I show you?"

Leilani nodded. “If you want to, I promise I won’t look at you any differently.”

Nodding, George stood, first removing his uniform jacket, laying it on the swing. That left him in his uniform pants, boots and an olive drab tank top. Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he untucked the tank top, then, he crossed his arms over in front of him, grabbed the bottom of the hem and pulled ot up over his head. He then tossed the tank top onto his jacket.

Taking a deep breath, his muscles rippling with nervous energy, he slowly turned until his back was fully visible.

Lani watched as George removed his upper clothing, her eyes widened as she saw the sheer extent of scarring from old injuries on his body. Tears came to her eyes as she gently ran her fingers over his scars. “Ohh George ... I’m so sorry!!”

Hanging his head, George couldn't help but feel shame. There was still a part of his tortured brain that screamed he had deserved the abuse both he and his sister had received.

Leilani felt the shame that George was feeling, “Don’t ...” She turned him back to her and looked into his eyes. “Don’t ever feel ashamed of being who you are. You have nothing to feel ashamed for, this was not your fault!” She paused before slowly removing her own clothing to allow him to see her scars. “I was ... tortured, then he ... raped me.” She fought back tears. “I had no choice ... I killed him!”

The emotions that crossed George's face when Leilani spoke were shame, sadness, and hopefullness. When she showed him the extent of her physical scars, they were shock, rage then, sadness and tenderness. Carefully, slowly, he traced the outline of each scar, as if burning them into his memory. Then, when he came upon a particularly nasty one just above her left shoulder blade, he leaned in and gently kissed it.

The sensations that ran down Leilani’s spine and skin were incredible. She looked into George’s eyes before gently pulling him into a passionate embrace. Her fingers moved to her comm badge on her jacket that lay on the floor beside her, taking a moment she requested a transport for two to her quarters.



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