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Seeking Help

Posted on Wed Jun 30th, 2021 @ 5:28am by Master Sergeant Kieran Fredericks
Edited on on Wed Jun 30th, 2021 @ 8:46am

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Counselor's Office, USS Elysium
Timeline: MD4 1230
776 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Kieran walked to the doorway of the office of the Elysium's new Pediatric Counselor and tapped the door chime, hoping she didn't have an appointment. He heard a woman's voice call out, "Come in! ", so he stepped through the door.

A pleasant looking woman of about his own age sat behind a desk. She wore the blue collar of the Medical/Sciences division of Starfleet and the rank of Lieutenant Commander on that collar.

"Master Sergeant Fredericks, ma'am. I'm sorry to barge in on you like this but I've got a minor crisis on my hands that require your expertise. " he began.

Sorcha stood and smiled. "Please, its fine. Come in and have a seat Master Sergeant."

"Thank you. " Kieran said and sat.

"The minor crisis I'm talking about is my son, Jack. He's having a hard time adjusting to life here. " he began.

"Is he new to Starship life?" asked Sorcha.

"Starship life, yes. He's used to moving around, though. That's part of being a Marine brat. But none of the other Marines here on board have their families along. I had to get a waiver from SFMC headquarters to bring him here. Luckily I'm good friends with Chief Barnes in Engineering. We were stationed together a while back and his wife Gena watches Jack while I'm on mission. He's comfortable with them. " said Kieran.

"There are other children on board, how old is Jack?"

"Jack's nine. My late wife was Bajoran, if that's something you need to know. His name's Jakesh but his mom took to calling him "Jack" when he was little and he pretty much goes by that these days. I just worry about him adjusting to life here, I guess. I'm wondering if I made a mistake in applying for starship duty. " said Kieran

Sorcha nodded "I have been through that, myself. Now there are children around his age." She brought up a listing. "We have two eleven year olds, a nine year old girl and a five year old girl a bit younger, I'll grant you. He attends the ship school?"

"Yes ma'am. " said Kieran.

"Any afterschool activities?" Sorcha asked.

"He spends his afternoons with Chief Barnes' wife. She helps him with his homework. He played Soccer back when we were with the 5th Marines, but he hasn't shown much interest in it here. About the only thing I see him doing is playing with our dog Duke. " said Kieran

Sorcha nodded. "Well, then," she picked up a PADD. And held it out. "A list of clubs that are active on the ship for children. And also a list of children on the ship. Have you spoken with his teacher?"

Kieran leaned back in his chair, suddenly annoyed with himself. He had not. It hadn't even crossed his mind.

Sorcha nodded with a small smile. "I am sure that the school has a few ideas, but would also suggest that you look into afterschool activities as well. Something that gets him into areas with other children."

"I will definitely look into that, Doctor. Thank you. It's tough being a single parent in Starfleet, isn't it? " he asked.

"It is. I wish there was a rule book but let me tell you if there was, when they hit teenager years they would just throw it out."

Kieran nodded and chuckled. "Yes ma'am. I gave my parents hell at that age. I even apologize to my mother once in a while for that when we talk. I don't think Jack will give me as much trouble as I did my parents but you never know. Are there any support groups on board for single parents? " he asked.

"There isn't at this stage, but we do have a number of them, I will look into it for you." Sorcha smiled "Even if it is just grab a coffee in the mess hall sort of thing."

Kieran returned the smile. " I would appreciate that, ma'am. " he said.

"And my door is always open, if you need to talk." She assured him.

"I'll keep that in mind, ma'am. Do you think it would be good for you to have a conversation with him? I can bring him one day after school. " he said.

"If he is comfortable with it. He needs to be happy to do so, If he is than I am more than happy to speak with him."

"I'll talk to him this afternoon, then. I think it might be good for him to talk to somebody besides me. " said Kieran

Sorcha smiled. "Then I look forward to it."

Kieran returned the smile, noticing how pleasant hers was. "Same here. " he replied.



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