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*** CONTENT WARNING *** Bishop and Clara

Posted on Thu Jun 24th, 2021 @ 9:15am by Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor]

Mission: Darkness Rising - A Phoenix Lalor Sub Plot
Location: Cragen's base
Timeline: MD6 1200 hrs
1328 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

*** CONTENT WARNING *** Contains scenes of lovemaking.


Clara had done as Bishop told her, making her way to his quarters she let herself in, as she had done several times before. Walking to the bathroom she stood in front of the mirror looking at the bruises coming up where Cragen had struck her. She splashed some water on her face washing the blood out of her mouth from her split lip before drying off and sitting down to wait for Bishop's return.

After an undetermined amount of time had passed, Bishop returned to his quarters. Seeing Clara already there he rushed to her side. "Clara! Are you alright? I'm sorry Cragen struck you. You'll be safe here well safer."

Clara tried to smile but winced as it hurt her lip. "It's okay, it wasn't like you could jump to my rescue. I'm sorry you had to watch him touch me like that! It makes my skin crawl when he touches my body like that." She shivered. "He ordered you to get rid of me, what are you going to do?"

Bishop smiled at her, "Do you really have to ask Clara? He also gave you to me so I'm going to keep you. You'll stay here, out of his sight until I can talk to him. appease him." Bishop patted her hand, "Don't worry it will be alright."

Clara gently took his hand holding onto it. "You do know the real reason I've kept going here, I love you Bishop. I know that sounds hypocritical when I'm flaunting myself and having sex with Cragen, but it's not him I think of when he's enjoying himself, it's you."

"Ssssh Clara. You don't need to explain. I know and I love you too." Bishop said holding her hand. "Now you don't need to think of him at all." He joked weakly. You're here with me and that's not going to change."

Clara smiled ignoring the pain in her lip. "Did it turn you on? Watching me in there?" Her fingers trailed across his clothing. "All I could think of was you touching me like that." She leant forward giving him a tender kiss.

"Did it turn me on? I wish I was the one touching you Clara but watching him touch you, no that didn't turn me on." He met her halfway as their met in a tender kiss.

Without further ado Clara took Bishop's hand, standing up she gently lead him towards his bedroom. Right now she wanted to feel his tendness not the roughness and barbarity that Cragen put her through. She stopped by the bed slipping out of her dress, standing naked in front of Bishop.

He stopped and stared in admiration of Clara's lithe attractive figure. She was beauty to be loved and cherished not beaten and abused. "Beautiful." He whispered as he began to remove his own clothes.

Clara truely felt special when she was with Bishop, he treated her like a woman not a plaything or property. She waited until he was undressed before kissing him with more passion as they moved onto the bed together.

"I love you Clara." He whispered as he pushed her gently back onto the bed, where their lovemaking could begin in earnest.

Clara needed no more invite than that as she gently pulled him down to her, encouraging him she made all manor of passionate noises as they made love. Being careful to keep her voice down so as not to be overheard through the walls she encouraged every thrust he made, her legs wrapped firmly around his body.

For his part Bishop was a more than willing partner as he kissed Clara's lips then moved to her neck and throat as he peppered them with soft kisses. His hand gently massaged her breasts before his lips found her nipples and he kissed them causing to rise and become erect. His kisses moved ever southward, down across her stomach. To her most personal of areas where he lightly kissed before he rose above her and slowly entered her and then began to thrust in and out. He heard her whispered moans and felt her legs wrap around him. "Oh Clara!" He moaned in pleasure.

Holding onto Bishop, Clara’s fingers dug into his skin as their passion drove her ever onward. She wanted to prolong and enjoy every moment of their lovemaking, as she kissed and gently bit into Bishop’s skin leaving small welts behind.

"Ohhhhh Clara!" Bishop moaned as her fingers clawed into him and her love bites excited him even more as their passion grew with each passing moment.

Clara had learned all manner of ways to prolong passion as Cragen had taught her, but those ways were for Bishop now. She raised her hands above her head wanting Bishop to take control now, for him to drive her to oblivion and beyond.

Bishop took control as his thrusts into Clara became deeper and his pace slowed to heighten the pleasure they both were experiencing.

Clara moaned aloud as Bishop gently held her against the bed, his thrusts were driving her ever closer to a climax of epic proportions.

Bishop could feel himself getting ever closer to release as his thrusts increased. He wanted nothing more than to pleasure Clara. give her true pleasure.

“Ohhh Bishop!!” Clara dug her fingers into his back as her climax took over, moaning and crying out with pleasure.

Bishop gave one final thrust before collapsing atop Clara. "Wow." was all he said.

“Wow indeed” Clara smiled as she gave Bishop a kiss on the forehead, holding him close as they both came down off their high.

Bishop smiled at the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her and they snuggled together in bed.

“Bishop, what’s going to happen? You know as well as I do the obedience drug Cragen uses is addictive. Without it I’m going to go into withdrawal, with it I’ll just be an obedient slave! It’s already started.” She lifted her hand which was shaking, and not in a normal way. It was more like a tremor than a shake.

"I know Clara. Your going to be in for a rough time and have to kick the habit. You can do it. Good thing about the drug is it doesn't stay in the body's system which is why you needed regular shots to keep you obedient."

Clara nodded as she lay happily in Bishop’s arms. “If you... have to give it to me just make me obedient to you. I will be happy if I’m with you.”

"No Clara, I don't want you to addicted to the drug." Bishop replied softly.

Clara nodded. “What is your first name? I’ve only ever known you as Bishop.”

"What? No one's ever asked me that before it's Michael."

“Michael” Clara nodded and smiled. “I like that.” She made herself more comfortable as she held onto him. “Save yourself Michael, you have to follow Cragen’s orders. You have to kill me.”

"The hell I do. Absolutely not Clara. End of discussion." Bishop replied firmly.

“Michael” Clara lifted her head off his chest. “If Cragen finds out you haven’t followed his orders he’ll kill you!! I can’t be without you!” She lay her head back down and simply held him tight.

"No, he won't. remember he said when I was done having pleasure with you. Well, I'm not done and I don't plan on ever being done." He replied.

Clara nodded. She hadn’t thought of it that way, he was right. She yawned feeling tired after their athletic love making.

"Lets get some sleep. we're going to be together for a long time." Bishop told her.

Nodding Clara cuddled up, holding onto Bishop content he was going to keep her safe.

Bishop held Clara in his arms as they lay together and he was finally truly happy.



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