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Catching up

Posted on Wed Jun 30th, 2021 @ 11:20am by Sasha Stone [Whavi] & Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Blackwatch base
Timeline: MD11
1592 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Kara had rested for a short time before deciding to head out and catch up with Sasha, they hadn’t had time to talk yet but they’d met previously two years ago after Kara’s rape. Making her way down to see Sasha she offered a smile as she caught up. “Hi Sasha, need a hand?”

“No, it will take less time if I just do it…” Sasha looked up from the PADD in her hand and was a bit taken aback by who she saw. “Sorry Kara… I hadn’t expected you.” Sasha lowered the PADD to further give her old friend her full attention, well as much attention as she could. Sashas mind was always racing, shuffling through information, socializing was just the surface of her ever running brain.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you here” Kara smiled. “Our first meeting was...” She paused. “Not under the best of circumstances.” She remembered back to being in the hospital after her rape. “You kept my spirits up. I never did get to thank you properly.”

“It was a less then ideal first meeting… and you don’t need to thank me. You did just as much for me as I did for you.” She gave a warm smile.

Sasha thought back to the time they met, the difference she saw in Kara was remarkable, given all the woman had gone though. But the memory also brought back the reason why she had been in that hospital. Pushing down all thoughts of her past she continued the conversation. “You know I barely recognized you.”

“I’ve grown up a lot in the last two years” Kara smiled. “I had to move on with my life. Malakai and I finally got our lives together, I should have married him a long time ago.” She wondered if she should tell Sasha about the fact that she was pregnant and that she had a daughter from her ordeal two years ago, but as Mattias didn’t know yet it didn’t seem right to tell Sasha first. “Actually I... have a couple of things I should tell you, but I need to talk to Mattias first.”

"Happy is a good look for you." Sasha sat down on a cargo unit, "You realize your speaking with an intelligence broker right? Gaining information is kind of my forte." She teased.

“Ohh really?” Kara grinned as she gave Sasha a curious look. “So what are your intelligence skills telling you?”

"I can't be giving away my secrets so easily Kara!" Sasha wiggled her index finger in a 'no no' gesture. "But don't worry, whatever I know, or learn, will stay with me." She gave her friend a genuine smile.

“I’d appreciate that” Kara smiled warmly. “So how have you been? After I left the hospital, I used to wonder how you were getting along.”

Sasha's face darkened a bit, rather then make eye contact she picked up the PaDD again. "I've had my ups and downs the last couple of years, one job after the next really. I-" Sasha stumbled over her words a bit. How much did she really wanna lay on Kara? Knowing she wouldn't find the nerve to talk about it if she didn't when the opportunity presented herself she continued. "I never found him...after getting out of the hospital. The rumor is he was murdered, deal gone bad. But...I don't believe it. I think he's still out there somewhere, hiding."

Kara nodded. “If he was murdered then you are lucky you were in hospital, or it could have been you too. If he’s hiding then question is... where?” She offered a smile. “if you ever need help digging into information, or anything just let me know.”

"Medic turned super spy huh? That would be a site to see!" Sasha laughed.

Kara grinned. “You know me, always happy to help!” Her demeanour took on a more serious look. “Seriously though anything I can do. Just ask.”

Sasha caught the serious tone Kara used and it warmed her to know someone kind hearted like Kara still existed in this galaxy. "You'll be my first call." Looking at her first, really looking at her, for the first time since they had been reaquianted Sasha could have sworn the woman before her was...glowing. 'Maybe thats what happiness does to you.' She thought.

"So, where have they last two years taken you?".

“Ohh well... Malakai and I finally got together. We recently got married.” Kara grinned from ear to ear. “He and my brother Mattias are still arguing but they’ve never seen eye to eye except about me.” She paused wondering if she should talk to Sasha about her daughter.

"Oh! Married?!" Sasha's smile widened, "Congratulations Kara! That's wonderful news, how recently did you chain Mal?" She gave smirk. "And does anyone really see eye to eye with Mattias?" She joked.

“It was very recently” Kara grinned. “After everything we’ve gone through lately we decided it was time! As for Matt, you know what my brother is like. Besides he and Lily...” Kara smiled.

Sasha held up a hand, "Don't worry, no need to elaborate, anyone within ten kilometers could pick on that." She paused, her human instinct picking up on something she couldn't be to sure about. She may not be a telepath, but Sasha could read people, well most people.

"You know you can tell me anything. And what you do will always say with me." She said in an encouraging tone. She could feel there was something her friend was holding back.

Kara looked at her friend. “Sasha I... I have a daughter.” She paused for a moment. “Her name is Erzi. 3 weeks after I left hospital I found out I was pregnant. Mattias doesn’t know, only Malakai does.”

Sasha's eyes widened in shock, she hadn't expected this. "How- I mean where is she? Mattias doesn't know?" Concern colored her features.

“Erzi lives with Malakai’s sister, at the time I wasn’t ready and I didn’t feel able to face raising a part Klingon child.” Kara paused. “Fortunately Mallory talked me into visiting and to being a mum to Erzi. We share the parenting duties. I haven’t figured out how to tell Matt that I have a daughter from my rape! That and the fact that I’m 5 weeks pregnant!” She smiled warmly.

Sasha shot out of her place on the cargo unit while shaking her head disbelievingly, "Hold up, wait... your pregnant now?! What are you doing here! You should be somewhere safe... has Mal lost his mind?!" Sasha tried to lower her voice but surprise had overtaken her.

“Sasha please! This is between us okay?” She motioned for her friend to sit. “I’m here because I have to be, I was chosen like all of you. I have to be here, not somewhere else sitting it out in case I get hurt. Lily knows I told her.”

The redhead took a deep breath and retook her seat. "Of course it will stay between us, until your ready for the others to know... I think you already have a good idea what will happen if Mattias finds out..." Sasha pulled her friend closer so that she could sit near her. "I'll have your back no matter what happens, but do you really think you can keep it from him? He already fusses more then a mother hen."

“I plan to tell him, I just... have to find the right time” Kara smiled. “Thanks for being there for me back then Sasha, and for being here now. It means a lot.”

"Right back at ya Kara." Sasha nudged Kara with her shoulder, "So tell me more about Erzi. Do you have a holo of her?"

Kara nodded and grabbed a PADD accessing her private files and selecting a picture. “Here she is...” the picture was one of a smiling two year old, with Kara. The Blonde hair of her mother, combined with some facial features of her Klingon heritage. “I love her so much! To be honest I’m beginning to regret sending her away.”

"Oh! She's gorgeous Kara!" Sasha took the PADD to have a better look at the two of them. After a few moments she turned to her friend with a serious tone, "Don't regret it, you did what was best for the both of you at the time. One day she'll understand that." Turning back to the picture she added, "She looks so happy."

“She’s the happiest little girl, her smile just... shines!” Kara smiled. “I’m just hoping Mattias will understand like you do when I tell him.”

Sasha lightly pat Kara's thigh, "As much as it pains me to say this, give him some credit. Mattias will understand, especially when he hears the news from you.“

Kara smiled and nodded. “One way or another I’ll make it up to him. Anyway I should really be getting on with some work! I have a whole medbay that needs to be kept organized.”

Sasha smiled, "This was nice, we should do it more often."

“Ohh we will Sasha, that I promise!” Kara smiled warmly. “Once we get a new base set up we’ll get together for dinner, it’ll be fun.”

"I can't wait." Sasha smiled and got up to continue her work as her friend left. The conversation had felt her feeling much lighter, more content.


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