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A Nice Calm Quiet Patrol

Posted on Wed Aug 4th, 2021 @ 10:38am by 1st Lieutenant Joshua Young [Taylor]

Mission: Darkness Rising - A Phoenix Lalor Sub Plot
Location: Base
Timeline: MD - 22 0900 Hrs
436 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Anna took one last scan of the outer perimeter. "Nothing out here but the wildlife." She noted. "And besides... If anything was sneaking around in all this, They'll be hightailing it to some kind of shelter before that hits." She pointed her repeater at the incoming blizzard. "Suggest we shouldn't stay out in this as well. We may keep each other warm at night, but this thing will freeze us both like my momma's lemonade pops."

Josh nodded in agreement. "There's nothing sneaking around here but us Anna. Your suggestion is well taken and I do like us keeping each other warm. All nice and cuddly." He stopped and looked around and then back to Anna. "Don't you think it odd we haven't seen one track of anything?"

"Anything in this environment will conserve its warmth and energy until the morning when they come out to hunt. It's like the opposite of the Mojave Desert." Anna mentioned. "Which reminds me... When we get leave... You and I... A little adventure in the wild. I mean, couples like us go on honeymoons skydiving."

"Anna, I don't mean conserving warmth. Listen, there's nothing! No sound, no tracks. This place is dead and I mean literally. As far as leave, anywhere you want to go is fine by me. You know that."

"That is unusual... There's enough life on Rigel X to fill a Galaxy Class Starship." Anna mentioned. "Maybe it's a mystery we can't solve right now. To our bedroom. Snookums."

"Not here there isn't ." Josh countered "And lead the way my little cherry blossom. I can't wait to get into a nice hot shower with you and then into bed."

Anna lead Josh into their room and smiled at him. "Hey Joshy... I've been thinking... If I'm going back to Starfleet with Lills.... I'm going into Security."

"that's nit a bad thought Anna." Josh replied noncommittedly, waiting to hear what else Anna had to say on the matter.

"It's like this, We've both served our time in hell, now we're beginning something wonderful here. We know where this will lead next. You can take the Marine out of the corps, but you'll never take the Corps out of the Marine." Anna mentioned. "If we're having kids, I want to be the best marine mom I can be."

"And you will be the best mom bar none." Josh assured her/ "I have no doubt of that and neither should you." Josh answered making no comment about his own plans once this mission was over. He knew he would be with Anna, he just didn't know in what capacity.


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