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Complex Diplomatic Situations

Posted on Thu Aug 19th, 2021 @ 12:44pm by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Darkness Rising - A Phoenix Lalor Sub Plot
Location: Sena Alindar, Imperius Citadel
Timeline: MD - 24 1700 Hrs
784 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

A group of intelligence officers from the Defense College entered. "M'Lady Empress, we have received some disturbing intelligence." One of the intel personnel opened a holoscreen that showed a presentation window. "We've learned why your cousin has been out of Communication for some time." The Provost of Intelligence noted. Countess Salannis has been sold into pleasure slavery."

The intelligence officer displayed pictures of a very nude Arrianna selling herself.

"Blessed Tirielle!!!!" Alena noted. "Who is responsible for this outrage."

The Provost brought up the Intelligence File on Kyle Cragen. "Apparently, this intelligence was forwarded to us by a Madame Andromeda Xu..."

The Chancellor spoke. "M'Lady, Empress... We have to intervene. The Imperium does not abide...."

Alena interrupted the Chancellor. "I am well aware of our laws, Chancellor. Is there more, Provost?!? Where is Arrianna being held."

"I do not know. She was purchased by a Bajoran named Lady Karilan." The Provost mentioned. "Also, she seemed rather... enthusiastic about being sold as a slave."

"Tirielle... preserve us... She was broken." Alena mentioned. "Where is Cragen now."

"Ms. Xu mentioned that there was a possiblity he would seek sanctuary on Erisia..." Alena turned towards a window and thought a moment. "This puts us into a cataclysmic situation. Lidara..." One of Alena's handmaidens approached.

"Summon the Erisian Ambassador. See to it personaly."

"It will be done." The robed Handmaiden went to undertake her duty.

Ambassador Kith Lasit entered and bowed deeply.

Alena watched as the Ambassador entered. She did not speak. Instead she pushed a button on the desk and Cragen's file showed, along with information on Arrianna's enslavement and a intercepted message between Cragen and Pallas.

The Erisian male raised an eyebrow. "Your excellency? I am confused. You do not think his Grace King Pallas would enslave one of your people?"

"Perhaps... but we have intelligence Cragen sold an Alindari, and now he's being granted sanctuary by his grace." Alena noted. "This puts me into the position of ordering a complete and through investigation by the Imperial Guard. I know your people won't consider extradition without proof, and if our roles were reversed, I would ask for proof as well. But understand what repercussions sheltering a Slaver would have for Erisia. Neighboring empires and nations will be disgusted with his grace." Alena noted. "This scandal, could have lasting repercussions for Erisia, as slavery is barbaric and hideous to many worlds other than ours."

Despite what the Erisian's opinion on women were, Alena was shrewd.

"The High Lord has made his opinion clear on such matters, His grace, King Pallas is not his father as you know. And I am sure, the High Lord will be more than willing to assist." The Ambassador replied. "And He will also appreciate you bringing this to our attention, rather than, broadcasting this to the sector."

"We are not interested in spectacles. We will not jeopardize our relations over a criminal, but we take the crime very seriously. We are interested in justice... And if this man has enslaved one of our people. We will present proof." Alena noted as a woman entered the chamber.

"Once you have it, I shall take it to the High Lord." Replied the Ambassador.

"And I will find it." The woman looked at the Ambassador.

"Lady Alethiea. The guard is more than capable of conducting this investigation." Alena noted.

"This is my daughter, Highness." Aletheia noted. "If there is a trace of her.. I will find it."

"Ambassador.. this is Aletheia Salannis an Krista... The mother of the missing Alindari." Alena noted.

The Ambassador bowed to her respectfully. He knew how to play the game. "Our condolences." He said smoothly. "I can assure you both, that any evidence you have against King Pallas will be presented to the High Lord immediately."

Aletheia spoke. "I'm not interested in your diplomacy, Ambassador. But I will find my daughter, and if there's proof. You will have it."

Alena nodded. "Good Evening, Ambassador."

The man bowed and left the room swiftly.

Alena spoke. "Thoughts, Aletheia..."

"To use that charming Human Expression, he is feeding us bullshit." Aletheia noted. "But it might have been helpful to let Pallas know how much we disapprove of this situation. Maybe we can... what is that other human term... light a fire under his ass when we do have proof." Aletheia smirked a litte.

"You learn too many human aphorisms Aunt." Alena mentioned.

"One more thing Alena, have intelligence find my future daughter in law. I search for her too, and I must speak to the Carlyles. They deserve to know what's happening, and that I shall not fail to locate Arrianna and Josephine.

Alena nods. "Take the Frigate Tirielle on your search.



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