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When flesh fails the machine will save.

Posted on Mon Aug 30th, 2021 @ 11:11pm by Lieutenant Vise [Sthilg] Kesahl & Gregor [Tonelly]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Cargo bay 3
994 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Vise was feeling tired, but still happy with herself as she waited outside the cargo bay which had been turned into a makeshift processing center of the planetary refugees. Sthilg wasn't kidding that she was being thrown in the deep end with this assignment.

Currently, she was waiting for the leader of the refugees who was going to show her the most critical patients who would need to be fitted with replacement body parts or cybernetics.

A few moments later, Gregor approached. "Doctor Kesahl?"

" That's me. " she said with a warm smile as she offered her hand. " Doctor Sthilg sent me to start looking over your people see if we fit some with cybernetic or cloned body parts."

The gorn himself was in surgery with some of the more critical patients.

Gregor nodded, relieved. "Thank you!" He turned to the side and beckoned her to follow him. As they entered Cargo Bay Seven, he began to speak. "My people are spread out among four other cargo bays, and even two of the larger Marine holodecks. Gary and your Captain have been most generous." He nodded to several of his people and reassured others with a touch.

"Most of those that you should be able to help are in here. Three hundred of my people, Doctor. Now, some, I'm sure, will readily accept any help you can offer. Others,might not."

" I understand. I also understand why many of them are nervous around doctors. Just let them know i'm here to help them." The trill replied.

Gregor nodded slowly as they continued to move among his people. "They will start to understand that soon. It'll just take some of them time. We've all been hunted all of our lives. To know true peace and safety will take some time to appreciate."

" Federation medical and psychology will do everything possible to help you and your people adjust. We already have one of our hospital ships's on route." The trill said ressuring.

Looking over to her, Grevor asked, "Exactly how big is this Federation?"

" Last time i checked it was spread over eight thousand four hundred light-years and has one hundred and sixty-five member world. May be sixty six by now if the final negotiations with the Zanari go well. " The trill replied. " I can remember when it was only six members. It's come far"

Gregor stopped in his tracks, amazed at what he had just heard. "Over eight thousand light years snd one hundred-sixty-six worlds?!" That's astonishing!" He moved back up to her side and they kept moving through the rapidly built shelter. "And each world is a different species? And they all get along in peaceful coexistence?"

" Around sixty-five percent are their own species. Fifteen percent have more than one native species living on it and the rest are independent colony worlds like mars, venus, and the Jupiter belt alliance. We do coexist peacefully any arguments are negotiated. " the doctor replied with a grin on her face.

Gregor grinned. "That's amazing. Several trillion different in peace with one another. And this...Starfleet... you protect them all? How many ships do you have? I imagine no one ever tries to start a war with you."

The trill nodded though she paused as she thought of her reply. "There have been several wars with other galactic powers, I'm afraid, though most of our former enemies have peace treaties with us after the Dominion War. We have thousands of vessels from mining to deep space exploration." She wondered whether should she tell him about the Borg.

This mellowed his amazement some. "Oh, by galactic powers, you mean, other multi-world groups? And, are they all your ally now? Like Japan and Germany were allies of the United States, following the Second World War?"

" Mostly." The trill said wracking her brain for her earth history class one of her previous hosts had taken. " The Klingon empire is a strong ally we even predict they may join the federation within the next hundred years. The Cardassian Union is still rebuilding, but large parts of it are looking to join the federation. That just leaves the Romulans, but their own troubles mean they won't be a threat for a while. "

Nodding as he listened, he spoke up. "So, basically, in the grand scheme of things, Green and his, at most, ten thousand army of devote followers really isnt a threat, is he? More an annoyance than anything else?"

" Compared to some things out there, Green is a flea. An annoyance, but we still need to keep an eye on him. Still, now we need to look after your people. " She replied with a ressuring look on her face.

Gregor nodded and smiled again, as they reached a small private room the had been set up, off the side of the large cargo bay. "On that note, here is where you will be working. Doctor Sthilg told me that any of my people who can't easily be healed here, should be sent to your main sickbay. Even if you can't fully fix my people, I thank you for trying. Even if all any of you wonderful people can do is hold the hand of one of my scared and dying brothers and sisters, I thank you." He looked around once again, seeing Gretla bringing her younger brother, Lorn, who was born with no limbs below his elbows and knees, over. "Your first patients, Doctor. I will leave you to it, as I must check on the rest of my people." He held out his right hand in friendship to her. "Thank you again."

" Tell your people we'll do everything we can to help them. " She said taking his hand and giving it a good firm shake. Letting go of his hand she turned to her patient. " Now young man let's take a look at you." She said bringing up her scanner. She'd be able to fix this young boy up easily.


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