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We Aren't Our Parents

Posted on Mon Jan 31st, 2022 @ 8:30am by Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Sasha Stone [Whavi]

Mission: Darkness Rising - A Phoenix Lalor Sub Plot
Location: Base - Sickbay
1088 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Sasha was hesitant to approach Kara after they had discovered the news. She knew a real friend would have sooner and the more she beat herself up about it the more time passed before she sought Kara out. Who said she would even want to discuss it? Putting all her doubts behind her she entered sick bay.

Kara was tidying, not that much really needed tidying in medical bay. She was simply keeping herself busy. She smiled as she turned and looked at Sasha. “Hi Sasha, is there something I can do for you?”

Sasha smirked before hooping up on an empty counter. "Just came to chat, your not busy are you?" She looked around at the clean space.

Kara shook her head. “Not now, I’ve cleaned and tidied myself out of things to do.” She leant against the counter. “Let me guess you’ve come to talk to me about my.... heritage!”

Sasha shrugged her shoulders a bit, dodging the accusation, "I mean, if you would like to...I can only imagine how confusing it is."

Kara hung her head. “Confusing isn’t the word.” She looked up at Sasha. “I find out that I’m one of who knows how many progeny that Cragen has out there! What does that mean for me? Does it even mean anything at all?”

"I think only you can decide that Kara," Sasha tried to sound optimistic. "I don't believe your blood makes you who you are. Experiences and influences do. Our ambitions do. What ever impact this information has is solely up to you."

Kara nodded. “I know that’s true, I’m just making this harder on myself. I spoke with Cragen, took some time to get to know my grandfather a little. It’s just made things all the more confusing just to learn I have El Aurian dna mixed into my genetic makeup, I don’t know hardly anything about El Aurians!”

"Does anyone?!" Sasha chuckled then got a bit serious. "I was unaware you spoke with Cragen, how well did that go over with Malakai and Mattias?"

“Mal was...furious! Matt was too but he kept it to himself.” She sighed. “My grandfather he’s...well, let’s just say that he surprised me. Not in a bad way though.”

Sasha gave Kara a curious look urging her to continue. "Surprised"

“Well he...” Kara paused. “He wasn’t the monster I was expecting him to be. I was expecting plenty of threats, but he wasn’t like that at all. I hate to say it but...I actually liked getting to know Cragen.”

Kara's words made Sasha cringe but she did her best to hide it. "Kara...." She bit her cheek hoping her words wouldn't offend her friend. "He can't be trusted. I don't think I need to remind you of all the horrible things he's done...just... tread carefully."

Kara nodded. “I will Sasha, I’m not going to risk anything happening to myself or my baby. That I promise you.”

"Was he able to answer any burning questions you might have? About your heritage?" Sasha started to twirl a strand of her auburn hair around her finger.

“He answered what I wanted to know for now.” Kara sighed. “He said he’d teach me more, but as much as I want to know I can’t risk trusting him too much. Although he did say he’d never hurt me.”

Sasha bit her tongue. She wasn't a very trusting individual and given Cragen's reputation had more then a few choice words, but she knew they would only upset her friend. Kara didn't deserve that. "If you ever want company, if you were to visit him again, I would go. I know asking that of Malaki or Mattias would be... challenging."

Kara nodded. “I appreciate that Sasha, to be honest I need someone to keep me on the straight and narrow. I’m not sure I have a clear head where Kyle Cragen is concerned.”

"Don't worry Kara, I'll always have your back." She gave her a smile as she shrugged a shoulder, "Besides what are friends for. Oh and you know i'm shooting for godmom so,"

Kara grinned. “I would love nothing more Sasha! I think you’d make a wonderful godmother.”

"I'll be that fun aunt! You know the one that spoils them beyond reason!" Sasha laughed. "I've had a niece or nephew."

“I’ve no doubt you’ll be a wonderful aunt!” Kara smiled. “The one they go to for all the things mum and dad won’t let them have, or do.”

A protective instinct seemed to click within Sasha. It seemed silly to think that Kara's safety meant more now then it did minutes ago. Wasn't that why she was here? To make sure Kara was safe? Her eyes dipped to her friends stomach. "Have you told Ezri?"

Kara looked surprised. “, not yet. I’d like to tell her in person not over comms, and right now I can’t contact her anyway not while we’re here doing our part as blackwatch.”

Sasha bit the edge of her tongue, she knew they weren't supposed to have contact while on this mission, but the information specialist had her ways. She opened her mouth to offer but then quickly changed her mind. The risk to Ezri, and Kara wasnt worth it. "You're right, silly me. Sometimes I forget where we are and what were doing..." Her expression turned a tad somber.

“Cragen did say one thing that I’m finding hard to come to terms with, he said I wouldn’t cocoon like he does, but that I’d most likely survive longer than Malakai and all of you! Not hundreds or thousands of years but a few decades longer.” She shook her head. “I can’t imagine that, outliving everyone I care about.”

"I mean, not turning into a cocoon is a relief, but there are alot of races that outlive humans. It'll be okay, better to plan for it then not have known at all." Sasha said reassuringly.

Kara nodded. “I guess, I plan to make the most of my life with Mal, Ezri and our baby. I guess the upside is I’ll get to see more generations of our family.”

Sasha nudged Kara's shoulder, "On the bright side you don't have to drink blood to stay young and beautiful."

Kara grinned. “That’s very true, and a good job too!



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