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Shipping a Jar back to New Canaan

Posted on Wed Oct 27th, 2021 @ 1:20pm by Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Morgue
950 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Katherine poured what remained of President James Green into a urn and ran a baryon sterilization sweep on the morgue slab and the internal compartment. She then locked the lid on the urn. "Computer run bio-haz sweep of the Urn."

"Biological Materials within safe containment levels." Katherine sighed.

" Ah you all right." The gorn said placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Katherine spoke. "This is all that remains of President James Green." She noted. "The end result of eugenic enhancers is a genetic battleground until the enhancers cause every cellular structure in the human body to self-destruct. The only thing is a jar of complex proteins and base elements. Water, Carbon, Silicone, Calcium, Iron, and Salt." Katie noted. "All the base elements of life, and it is a very painful breakdown." She said Calmly. "And now James Green.. You murdered my husband.. Let me and Jaden live because If you could control me, you would have. Weren't you commanded not to covet thy neighbor's wife? You were truly of the devil, President Green."

" Oh he'sss not the devil my dear jussst a twissted creature driven by pain, power and greed. Now he'sss gone and he can't hurt anyone anymore. Now all he can is wander the wassstelandsss sssurronding the hunting groundsss forever. " the gorn said reassuringly.

"I studied medicine when I was younger in the University of New Emerald Lake." Katherine noted. "There I meet James Green and my Husband. Albert Taylor. And both took an interest in me. I had the intelligence both admired, but only Albert could appreciate it. One he saw me as an equal." Katherine noted. "Last year, Albert died. James told me it was a lab accident, but I knew better. He could never be the man Albert was." Katherine explained. "Albert... He was a true practioner of the old way of medicine before our ancestors left earth. They swore an Oath of Hippocrates to 'do no harm.' Something Green's government hated." Katherine stared at the urn. "And now you're dead. Do you now where betrayers go, James? Yes indeed; Hell. You should hope you can wander the wastes of the Gorn Afterlife." Katherine noted.

" It'sss alright. He can't hurt anyone anymore. What do you want to do with the reaminsss. Doesss he have any sssurvvinvg family." the gorn inquired.

"I'm having this beamed down to those fools at Emerald Lake. So they can see for themselves what science and medicine is without ethics. " Katherine produced several documents near the jar. First was her post-mortem examination of James Green. The second was her resignation from the Council of Medicine. The Third was her official renouncement of her New Canaan Citizenship. She then pulled out her wallet and threw it down. "Goodbye you cursed world." She walked to a console and prepared to beam the remains.

"That was cleansing Doctor. Leaving everything behind.. But the clothes on mine and Jaden's backs. Finally, we can leave all of them behind." Vanessa noted. "You don't know how thankful I am to your ship and crew. It is only a small consolation that I can offer you my skills and expertise, Doctor." Katherine mentioned. "It's unbelievable, we're free of them. I keep on expecting to wake up from this dream."

" I can assssssure you this is not a dream." The gorn said as watched her beam the collection of items down. Reaching into his pocket he produced a small box and placed it on the transporter control pannel before her. " Here a gift to celebrate the ssstart of your new life."

Katie picked up the small box and opened it gently.

Inside nestled on cushion material was a small rank pip bearing the rank of a crewman. " Welcome to starfleet Katie." the gorn said warmly.

"I Suppose this is a enlisted rank until I finish my Xenomedicine training Sabatical. And I recieve my certifications to practice in the Federation." Katherine mentioned. But I appreciate it Dr. S'Thilg. Perhaps being your understudy for a few years will prove my skill to the Federation." She mentioned.

" It isss indeed. I have quartersss organized for you and Jaden and i'm sssure your ssskillsss will impressss the federation before then." the old reptile added.

"Thank you my friend." Katherine stated. "I owe a lot to you."

" Don't mention it. Your a talented woman Katherine and i'm sssure you'll find a home in the federation." The CMO replied with a warm smile.

"A home yes... and from what I've heard of this Federation..." Katherine smiled. "I think I'll allow myself to fall in love once again. I've consigned myself on New Canaan to being alone with my son. I could find no man like my husband after Green killed him." Katie noted and spoke. "I'm sorry if I'm reminiscing right now. A woman's heart is a deep ocean of mysteries, mine includes deep sorrow."

" I know the feeling my dear. I lossst my own sssoulmate over 150 yearsss ago and my heartsss ssstill yurnsss for her." Sthilg calmly said as he reassuringly gripped her shoulder.

"Green's jealousy and hatred for Albert knew no bounds. I come from a society of few true men.. Few true women... and plenty of pretenders." Katie mentioned. "Fortunately, I was blessed with my grandfather, who taught me personally during his retirement"

" Sssoundsss like a very wissse man. He raised a wissse grandaughter" Sthilg said quietly.

Katie sighed. "We inherit the mistakes of our ancestors at times. I wonder what my life would have been like if I lived in the Federation."


"Anyway, enough of this grim pondering... I will make you dinner. The least I can do for all you've done for me and Jaden."



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