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Fitting in.

Posted on Wed Nov 10th, 2021 @ 11:12am by Gunnery Sergeant Luxa Gami [Naxea] & Gunnery Sergeant Nenaa [Sthilg]

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: Gym; Marine Country
Timeline: MD02 1630 Hours
970 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Nenaa could feel the sweat on her brow as she entered the marines gym. Like every day she'd just done her morning run of two miles in full gear and now it was time to hit the gym.

Grabbing a swig from her belt clipped water bottle before heading for the weight bench.

Spotting a new person in the gym, an area that Luxa Gami knew well, she watched the orion woman enter and move towards a weight bench. She approached the woman. "Greetings," she called out, extending her hand. "Gunnery Sergeant Luxa Gami."

"Gunnery Sergeant Nenaa." the orion replied giving her counterpart a firm handshake. " Nice to meet you."

"So I see you're new to the Detachment. What is your specialty?" Luxa asked, looking the woman over. She obviously had an impressive build.

"Scout/sniper," the orion explained. "Courtesy of my dad's and my moms for the camping holidays to the pacific northwest."

"You grew up on Earth?" she asked. It was rare to find a Orion outside of Orion Space, especially growing up on Earth.

"Yeah. Never knew my biological parents. The Marine Corp found me on an Orion slaving ship they seized. Got adopted by my dad and moms." Nenaa explained.

"I'm glad you were rescued from that life," Luxa said. "As for me, I enlisted as soon as I was old enough. Lost both parents to the Dominion when they invaded Betazed. I was only a child then but I still fought with the resistance until the Dominion withdrew. Enlisted in the Corps as soon as possible."

"I've heard about what they did to Betazed. I'm sorry to hear what happened to your parents." Replied the green woman.

"Thank you," Gami replied. "So, care if I join in with you?" she gestured to the bench machine.

"Sure, could always use a partner. " The orion replied as she walked over placing her kit at the side before programming in her weights and how much she wanted in increased to as she did her workout.

"So tell me, any significant other?" Luxa asked, wanting to learn more about the woman.

"A few ex-partners and friends with benefits, but no significant other as of yet. How about you?" The orion responded as she started lifting the weights.

Luxa chuckled. "No, I never had time for any meaningful relationships." She could never see herself settling down and having a family and kids. She was a Marine, a fighter, a warrior.

"Two girls married to the corp. " The Orion joked with a slight laugh as the weights went up in weights. " No wonder my dad started adopting."

Luxa laughed at the comment. "Don't look at me to adopt. I wouldn't know what to do with a child."

"Neither would I. How is the Elysium by the way?" The Orion enquired.

Luxa shrugged as she watched the woman workout. "Well, it's certainly the nicest and largest ship I've ever been on. We seem to get a good amount of combat deployments, so I doubt you'll be bored here."

"Sounds like a good deployment then. Last thing I want is to be sitting on my ass all day." The Orion said letting out a slight grunt as the weights increased in weight again.

"That definitely won't happen here. If we're not deployed then the Colonel has everyone undergoing some type of training," she informed the woman.

"Sounds like my kind of place." replied the Orion marine.

Luxa sat down on a nearby machine, laid back, grabbed the weight bar and began to press up. "Hopefully you'll have a chance to meet Corporal Tonelly when he returns from leave. He is our other sniper."

"Always good to know the counterpart." The orion replied pausing her own press up as she did so.

Luxa was quiet as she performed a few more reps. "So, what's your impression of the Colonel?"

"Seems like a good commander to have. What's your impression of her, you have been here longer?" The orion said grunting slightly as her weights increased again.

"I served with her prior when she was a platoon commander at Deep Space 15. She's my closest friend, but don't tell her that," she grunted as she continued to push her weight up. "It'll inflate her ego," she began to chuckle.

"Your secret is safe with me," came Nenaa's reply with a big smile.

Luxa replaced the bar and sat up. "You're in awesome shape--that's good to see," she grinned at the woman.

"Thanks. I do my best. It's made harder with me having to wear the suppressant suit. " the orion replied nodding her head to the black suit she was wearing under her uniform.

"I believe Starfleet has a hypospray shot that can dampen your pheromones without having to use the suit but don't quote me on it," Luxa replied.

" They do, sadly I'm in the less than a percent of orions that have a severe negative reaction to it. " The gunny explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Luxa apologized. "Well, at least you can piss off any female vulcan or drive any man crazy whenever you want," she chuckled.

"That I can, not that I'd want to. Does make the dating life hard. " the gunny replied with a chuckle of her own.

"I can imagine," Luxa replied. Luxa stood. "Well, I better go and hit the shower before chow. It was great meeting you, Neena."

"Nice meeting you as well Luxa." The Orion called after her as she carried on her routine.

Luxa smiled and nodded as she made her way out of the gym and towards her SNCO Quarters to take a sonic shower. Her body was stiff and sore--what she wouldn't give for a real shower. 'I'm so going to break into Naxea's Quarters and use her shower,' she thought to herself.


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