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Is milk delicious?!

Posted on Wed Nov 10th, 2021 @ 7:50am by Lieutenant Myne Redal & Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib]
Edited on on Thu Dec 23rd, 2021 @ 7:26pm

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: Arcadia Lounge
Timeline: Current
1634 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Myne approached the Intelligence department are with a bottle in hand and smiling hopefully. She had been hoping to make new friends and apparently a rival of sorts? The strange Vulcan did not seem to like her very much, which had made Myne really sad. But on the other hand, Vira, Damien, Rin. She had three new wonderful friends to fill the void in her heart.

Maybe she could make another friend? Hopefully? It was the goal of her current life, to not lead a life full of bad, but one of good and happiness, surrounded by good people. Which was why she was waiting outside of Intelligence, hoping to see M'Tuuri come out. It should be the end of her shift soon.

That's enough excitement for today, M'Tuuri thought sarcastically as the doors opened and a face appeared, bright-eyed and already smiling... and utterly catching the Caitian off guard as she involuntarily hissed and jumped back, dropping her PADD in the process despite numerous attempts to catch it.

She was silent at first, save for the low rumble in her throat. "Can I help you?" She sighed, leaning down to retrieve the PADD from the hallway.

Myne cannot help but giggle amused, in a very innocent and earnest manner. "You are cute, has anyone ever told you that?" She asked and offered the milk bottle. "I was wondering if you wanted to... erm, meet, talk, spend some time together after our shifts are done? I brought you milk! Wasn't sure if you would like it, but on Earth apparently, there are several feline species that love milk!" The offer is not a joke, but actually serious, since Myne did put in the effort into her research... in the wrong place apparently.

M'Tuuri's eyes flashed wide as Myne began talking, looking down at the offered bottle with abject horror. "Milks for cubsss..." She said bluntly while straightening her uniform. "But if you wanna talk It'sss going to have to involve food... because I'm starrrving..."

"Food yes!! I know some amazing Ferengi dishes you should try out!!" Myne chirped happily. "Are you sure you do not want the milk? I hear adult Humans still drink it!" She said as she started going towards the lounge, waiting for M'Tuuri to join her.

"Not assure if you noticed, but I'm not human." M'Tuuri grinned while crying inside, wondering what she had done to attract someone with enough enthusiasm to power an entire deck. "I don't even have it with my coffee..." She added, hoping the woman would get the hint as she followed after her.

Her shoulders slumped and she looked completely dejected at the Caitian. "Please no more homework. Having to learn about Humans was exhausting and tedious enough. Such a boring species..." She complained. "Coffee? You drink that engine oil drivel and not milk? How come?!" She asked as they approached the turbolift. "Lounge please!"

"Milk upsets my ssstomach, as do vegetables." M'Tuuri purred as she stood beside Myne, idly glancing at one of her paws. "Not that there would be any left too eat once that Sssequus officer comes back aboard."

"Ferengi have like, nonvegetable foods. The jellied gree-worm is absolutely delicious. The best food in the whole galaxy! Oh, so is puree of beetle!!" Myne said excitedly, gushing over the tasty foods as turbolift stops and the doors open, Myne grabbing M'Tuuri's hand and pulling her along. "What is a Ssssequuus?" She asked failing at imitating the word.

"Sequus..." M'Tuuri corrected, mindful to keep her claws away from Myne even as she pulled her along, tail lashing out behind in annoyance. "He's a giant oaf is what he is, loud, smelly... clicking his hooves everywhere." She scowled, ears back against her head.

"Hooves? Is he an Earth horse? Like the one from the fairy tale about the emperor? Carnegy was the guy, he made a senate full of horses!" Myne informed her new friend with a lot of pride on her newfound Earth knowledge. "Oh here we are!!" She chirped as they entered the lounge and continued to pull her friend along towards the replicators. "So? Wanna try those tasty dishes?"

"He's... not a horse, well... kinda... you'll know when you sssee him." M'Tuuri groaned as she was dragged into the busy room, hunching over and burying her face away from the mess hall crowd. "I'll jussst get what I normally get."

"Aww, come on, at least let me get you some millipede juice. You will love it! It is hot, tasty, and filling as a beverage. Better than coffee by a long margin!!" Myne stared at her with wide eyes, begging and pleading with them something fierce!

Her flat pink nose scrunched up at the idea of drinking liquidised insects, reminder her of the numerous insects she forced herself to eat on lengthy infiltration missions on Romulan controlled planets... the thought made her want to be sick. "I've eaten enough bugs to lassst a lifetime... think I'll purrss." She mewed while moving over to the replicator, her clawed digits typing in several commands before watching a plate materialise with a very raw bird carcass on top.

"Oh well, you don't know what you are missing silly!" Myne chuckled and waited for M'Tuuri to take her dish so she could get a plate of beetle puure and millipede juice. Taking her own tray she looked around the lounge. "Hey, there's a table near the wall. Let's go take it before someone else gets there. Wouldn't want to wrestle anyone for prime eating table real estate!" She chuckled and headed towards it, placing her tray triumphantly on it, and claiming it for the two of them before taking a seat.

M'Tuuri lagged behind, glaring at the woman as she sat down, Myne's radiant joy buffering up against a shield of discontent and mild irritation.

"Trust me, I do..." She purred as she placed her tray down with little to no care.

"You do? Is there a story behind that? Would you like to share?" Myne asked looking at the Caitian, also placing the milk bottle on the table and forgetting about it really. That was a bad idea, pretend it is not there anymore!

"With my line of work... my old line of work that is," M'Tuuri began as she slinked into the seat across from Myne, adjusting the food closer to her side as she did so. "I was in the field alone, with no operational support from Starfleet... what little equipment I had was purchased or confiscated from Ferengi merchants and Orion trade unions." She paused for a moment, stretching her hands and extending her claws onto the raw meat, wondering how best to approach her lifeless meal.

"Ration packs only get you so far, so I had to be creative with my food sources..."

"Oh, now I get it. It couldn't have been that bad though. At least you seem to have natural tools to handle yourself. I would have been totally death by starvation in a week, tops!" Myne chuckled as she began to dig into her puure. "At least the Ferengi equipment came in handy, right? They make good stuff. The Orion, meh, not so much. Though some of their things can come in handy in a pinch."

"Some of it worked, some of it didn't..." M'Tuuri mused before gripping the entirety of her meal and lifting it from the plate with her claws. "But I made do..." She added before biting down on the raw meat with a quiet growl.

Looking at the woman on the other side of the table biting on the raw meat, Myne can't help herself. "Isn't that bird meat supposed to be served like, cooked?" She asked curiously.

"For you maybe..." She paused before chewing off a mouthful of flesh, gently placing the rest back onto her plate.

"I don't eat, erm, Human food. Soo, not for me either." The Trill chuckled. "How is work going? I heard you have a new Chief of Intelligence. You two play nice?"

"Oh sssure, I've been running the depurrtment up until now, making sure what ssstaff the CDID has does their job, but now it's sssuddenly hers!" M'Tuuri growled loudly, stunning the mess hall into a brief curious silence as heads turned and eyes fell on to her outburst.

Though the few eyes that met hers quickly flicked away as she glared angrily from behind her meal, biting angrily into it.

"This is why I prefurrr fieldwork... don't have to take orders from some desk jockey..." She scowled, with a mouthful of meat.

"Oh, come on, she can't be that bad? Surely you just need some time with her and you know, compromise a little. I am sure you two will be quick friends in no time!" Myne said joyfully, convinced of her words.

"I don't need any friends... and I certainly don't need to be friends with her." M'Tuuri hissed, her nose wrinkled into a half-arsed snarl as she put a hand on top of the bird and used her other to pull and twist off one of the legs.

"You need to open a bit M'Tuuri. You can't always be alone, you know? Life seems more fun when you have nice people around you!"

"Can't get hurt if I don't let anyone hurt me." She fired back with a sarcastically happy tone.

Myne's expression saddened for a moment. "Yeah, I get that, I really do. But believe me M'Tuuri, it is a really dark and lonely path. One of misery and suffering in the end."

"Yeah well, you'rrr happy enough for the both of us." M'Tuuri sighed before swallowing, finding that mouthful particularly bitter.


Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib]
Infiltration Specialist
USS Elysium

Lieutenant JG Myne Redal
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Elysium


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