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A Bit of Catching Up

Posted on Fri Nov 26th, 2021 @ 7:58am by Ensign Olivia (Carter) Voight

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sickbay Office
535 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Olivia was working on making sure that the medical files were up to date on each of their visitors as well as the crew that needed updates at the same time. She knew that Commander Sthilg was busy with checking in on not only some of their visitors for this trip, but also his adoptive daughter, granddaughter, grandson, and son, so Olivia was doing what she would to handle some of the work load to make things a little easier for the Commander.

While making sure that the patient files were up to date, Olivia also made sure to make the needed notes she needed to have on hand for future reference for the medical histories of the newest members of the Federation. The information needed to be readily available for all Federation Starships, Space Stations, transports, and other Federation Outposts that would need to be able to access the information in the treatment. After making sure that everything was up to date on the files that were needing updating right then, Olivia stacked up everything on one corner of her desk for later review by the Commander should he feel the need to review over any of it when he got the chance to do so before signing off on it.

Olivia stood up from her desk then to stretch a bit and then headed out of her office to check up on a few things in Sickbay to ensure that everything was in order and didn’t need any of her immediate attention right then. She knew that most things were taken care of by the rest of the medical staff, but it still didn’t hurt none to walk around a bit and let it be know that that she was there to do what she could to help out where ever possible. Olivia had seen some officers get into position over the year and just sit back and relax not doing anything to help out where it was needed. So ever since then she made it a point to make sure that if she was ever in a similar position, then she would make sure to stay true to herself and continue to do he job like normal even when she got moved in the ranks over time.

After checking over a few area’s within the main part of Sickbay, Olivia thought it would be a good idea to head out for a little bit and check up on a few crew members that had yet to stop by in awhile for a follow-up visit from one thing or another, so she was going to make it a point o hunt them each down and check up on them to ensure that they were still doing alright. Olivia knew that the Commander’s family was doing well since he was keeping a close eye on his adoptive daughter and the little ones. She knew that he was doing everything possible to keep them around for a long time.

Olivia headed out and down the corridor to the turbolift that she would need to reach the first location on her list of those that she would be checking up on.



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