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Welcoming a new XO

Posted on Fri Dec 17th, 2021 @ 9:25am by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr [Naxea] & Captain Natacha Patani

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: Marine Country; Detachment CO's Office
Timeline: MD 3; 1530 Hours
1129 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Man'darr sighed as his large form picked up a PaDD and looked at it. The PaDD had been delivered by the Adjutant and while Naxea was down on the planet's surface, it left him in charge of any duties and issues that came up in her absence. He hoped she would be back soon as he never liked the burden of command, having always preferred the simple life of a Platoon CO.

On the PaDD was a list of recent transfers. At the top of that list was one that caught his eye--a new XO had been transferred as he grinned. The rest were mostly green boots straight from the School of Infantry.

The new XO the Capellan was waiting for made her way to her new COs office. Natacha's uniform was pressed and pristine, and the tight bun her hair formed didn't dare have a hair out of place.

More than a few eyes surreptitiously tracked Natacha as she made her way through marine country, but the Marine captain's eyes remained focused on her destination. As soon as Natacha reached her commanding officer's office door, Natacha signaled her presence.

At the sound of the door chime, Man'darr turned to face the door, wondering who it could be. Although he was in charge until the Colonel got back, he found it odd that someone would activate the door chime since the detachment knew the CO was on the surface. "Enter," he called.

Natacha stepped into the office, her eyes taking in everything, including the large warrant officer unintentionally dominating the room. After her scanning the room, her eyes again fixed on the Capellan.

"Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr?" Natacha asked, though her manner indicated she knew exactly who the man was and may have even practiced pronouncing his name a few times. to make sure she got it right. "Captain Patani," she added, handing the Capellan the PADD containing her orders. "I'm looking for Lieutenant Colonel Azhul, so I can officially report in for duty."

"Welcome aboard, Captain," he smiled at the woman. "The Colonel is currently on the planet's surface, so I guess I am your check in contact." Looking over her file, he was impressed with what he saw initially.

"Thank you, Mr. ---" Natacha paused, before asking, "How do you care to be addressed, Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr? I have addressed Marine warrants as either Mister or Chief or by their full titles, depending on the customs of the unit I was posted with. I prefer the less lengthy designation in a fire fight," Natacha observed dryly. "However, having just arrived, I would not presume to address you by anything but your full rank. I had the adage 'Don't bro me if you don't know me' pounded into me since I was an enlisted."

Man'darr chuckled at the woman. He was going to like this Captain Patani and her being prior enlisted made it all the better. "Mister Man'darr is just fine. How was your trip, ma'am? Can I get you anything to eat or drink?"

Natacha shook her head. "Trip was fine, Mister Man'darr. I'll check out the chow hall later, once I get my kit stored away. Do you have an ETA on the Colonel's return, or is that open ended?"

"Unknown at the time ma'am. No word from the bridge the last time I checked in with them, which was about an hour ago." he shrugged. "I'm just happy you're here to take over the XO position. I much prefer to be a simple Platoon Commander."

"You're anything but simple, Mister Man'darr," came Naxea's familiar yet tired voice as she entered her office. She had shed her EVA Suit worn while on the planet, leaving her hair out of place and her outer jacket unzipped with the green under shirt unzipped at the collar. She paused as she took in the woman standing next to Man'darr, noticing the Captain rank on her collar along with the immaculate presentation of herself in uniform. "New transfer, Captain?"

"Your new executive officer, Colonel," Natacha replied with a nod.

Naxea picked up the PaDD that contained the captain's orders. "Captain Natacha Patani. Welcome to the Elysium, Captain. Mister Man'darr, you're dismissed. Resume your duties as Third Platoon CO."

"With pleasure, Colonel. Captain," he nodded before turning to leave the office.

"It's good to have an assigned XO. We haven't had the best record when it comes to XOs in this detachment. And Man'darr has been doing his best in the position, but he has absolutely no interest in making it past Platoon CO. He's a dedicated warrior."

"A dedicated marine is the best marine to have by your side," Natacha observed. "Honor. Perseverance. Spirit. Heart. A marine has all that, everything else will fall in place."

"True enough," Naxea replied. "Have you had the chance to get settled in yet, Captain?"

"Not yet, Colonel." Natacha paused, before observing, "Marine country is rather extensive on the Elysium."

"It is," Naxea confirmed. "It encompasses all of Deck 32 and has everything we need for training, medical, barracks, Mess Hall, maintenance, as well as weapons and equipment storage. I also had some defensive measures added a few months ago. Marine Country can be converted into a self-contained stronghold within the ship with its own power supply, environmental controls, personnel security fields and security doors. I had them added because during a boarding party involving the Mirror Universe, over half of the department was lost in action," she explained, recalling that dark time in her tour aboard the Elysium.

Natacha's left eyebrow elevated a centimeter. "I'm looking forward to my initial safety briefing." Natacha's stance shifted slightly before she continued. "Colonel, when you go through my personnel record, you're going to find twelve years of fitreps with nothing but top marks. I am a hard charging, squared away Marine. You're also going to see an asterisk about how I'm required to go in for regular counseling sessions. That has everything to do with the colony world I grew up on and nothing to do with my time in the Corps. That's in my record too. Just wanted to get in front of that, ma'am."

Naxea smiled at the woman--she liked her confidence. "Well, then Captain Patani. I look forward to working with you. Take the day to get settled into your quarters and finish checking in. I'll see you tomorrow at 0600 for PT. Dismissed."

Natacha's body came to attention as she gave her new CO a curt nod, before turning to find her new bunk and put away her kit.

Naxea smiled as she watched the woman exit her office. She had a good feeling about Captain Natani. With a tired sigh, she collapsed down into her chair--it had been a long day.


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