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Funeral Dirge

Posted on Wed Jan 5th, 2022 @ 2:10pm by Lieutenant Nevada McKay

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Science lab 2
527 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Lieutenant Nevada McKay Sighed quietly as she watched Diagnostic screen scroll through the Test results, Her body aching and sluggish from sleepless nights and the Growing weight of the nanites that were rapidly replicating through her Body, the screen flashed several times scrolling dozens of lines of data, with Hundreds of data points. “test four hundred twenty six, Results Negative.” She said aloud, the Ships computer beeping in acknowledgement as it began record her word. “Nanites show signs of weakness to Far end electromagnetic emissions, though at the scale it would take to Destroy them would likely cause a long, prolonged death with in the subject exposed to it..” she muttered and rubbed her eyes tiredly.

“Additionally Nanites continue show Vulnerability on the theoretical scale to Thaleron radiation,” she sighed. “I’m Logging this vulnerability in the event that I’m unable to Save the Patient… For the sake of preventing a SO called Grey Goo event from consuming the ship in its Entirety.” She added quickly before she moved her attention back to the scrolling screen. “All attempts of repairing the Nanites transponders have failed so far, Leading to the ongoing replication through host Material, they’re literally replacing me at the cellular level.” She chuckled darkly and leaned back in her chair. “If it wasn’t for my impending death I’d be fascinated beyond belief at how well my body has managed to hold together throughout this process.”

She flicked her gaze to her Labs Chronometer, dreading what she had to do next. Despite her own status as a Doctor, she’d always hated spending time in Sickbay, and had almost successfully avoided the Sickbay for her entire tenure aboard the Elysium. Now though, she was spending more time in Sickbay then her own quarters Desperately working with Doctors she felt weren’t prepared to handle her case to save a life she wasn’t sure she wanted to be saved. “Begin running test Four twenty seven…” she muttered as she decided she had enough time for another Test before she was required to do her Daily checkup with the ships doctor. “Subjecting sample Nantites to Berthold radiation and Electromagnetic Fields in excess of one Mega-Tesla, Time Variance of Five minutes.” She said as she set the project up, the Ships Science lab hissing in protest as it shifted itself in response to the hazardous conditions it was being set up to run.

“Alert, Berthold radiation hazard Detected, Radiation shields engaging,” the Ships computer announced to the lab as the snap hiss of Shields engaging around the Test Chamber. Nevada winced at herself, Knowing full well that This Radiation would kill her with out fail should she be exposed to it. But this wasn’t for her anymore. She was at this point entirely focused on protecting the ship and Crew from her Mistakes. If Sthilg managed to save her sorry ass, She had Penal colonies to look forwards too, a fate that she’d already experienced once, and one she had no desire to experience again.

“Test Complete,” The Computer announced Shaking Nevada from her trance like state. “Results available on computer Terminal.”


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