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Why can’t it be squirrels!?

Posted on Mon Jan 10th, 2022 @ 5:48am by Lieutenant JG Ryan Kade III

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: Unknown
Timeline: MD1 - Shortly after "Into the Deep"
536 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Tiny hills and valleys of glistening water trickled gently over the surface of the dark onyx rock. Rocks? Well, all of the rocks, really. There was nothing down in the depths that hadn’t been damp in some way, shape, or form.

Where does all this water come from, anyway? She thought pensively, tweaking her nose while crouched down towards the floor. She reached a hand onto a nearby rock, flattening her palm onto the surface. With her eyes closed, she felt the tiny stream of water moving over, under, and around her hand. Maybe, she thought, if she could get a feel for where all the water was coming from or going to, she would discover something important.

Several seconds passed. Kandiss sighed lightly before removing her hand from the rock and wiping it off on her vest. Yeah, that didn’t work.

In the distance, she could hear that low rumble again, and she turned toward the sound. It didn’t scare her, this time, as she’d gotten used to hearing it. Whatever it was, it made that noise somewhat regularly, but it had never been quite so close. She could follow it, this time- quietly, of course, or whatever qualified as quiet in this giant, constantly echoing cave system. Her boots moved swiftly along the floor as her hands double-checked her ponytail, making sure it wouldn’t get in the way if she suddenly needed to run.

There it was, again, and the archaeologist knew she’d finally found it. The loud and low rumble was right around the next bend. Cautiously, she moved towards the corner and peeked her head out. It was dark, but this part of the cave opened up into a much taller and broader area, she could tell. There were two large silhouettes that she could see, one slightly bigger and round.

Kandiss crouched down reflexively as the large, round silhouette suddenly moved. The sound of creaking wood was accompanied by the loud groan of something trying to turn. That was enough. She had to know what was going on; stealth be damned. She grabbed her tricorder and shined its’ light in the direction of the sounds. What appeared was a large spoked wheel constructed of some sort of wood. The thing seemed to be attempting to turn via a system of cogs, but she couldn’t be sure.

“What am I looking at? A water wheel?” She finally said aloud as she looked down at the tricorder’s readouts.

There it was, again. A low growl could be heard nearby. Kandiss’ entire body went stiff as her eyes went wide. Hadn’t she already found the source of the sound? Was it not the water wheel? No. No, no, no… no! She repeated in her head over and over, hoping that denying reality would make it go away as she pulled herself together long enough to run for cover. Past the water wheel and towards the nearest large rock, she slid down around it, frantically pushing her back against the damp, smooth onyx.

Why is it always monsters? Why can’t it be squirrels!?


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