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Super Garrett Baby, Beam down the Chimney Tonight

Posted on Tue Feb 8th, 2022 @ 8:05am by Lieutenant Myne Redal & Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Captain's Office
Timeline: On Christmass Day
2440 words - 4.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Super Garrett baby, just slip a AI core under the tree for me
Been an awful good girl
Super Garrett baby, so hurry down and transport in tonight

Super Garrett baby, a 5.4 micron processor too, light blue
I'll wait up for you, dear
Super Garrett baby, so hurry down and transport in tonight

Think of all the tinkering I've missed
Think of all the tech that I haven't disassembled
Next year, I could be just as good
If you check off my Christmas list

Super Garrett baby, I want a private shuttle, and really, that's not a lot
Been an angel all year
Super Garrett baby, so hurry down and transport in tonight

Super Garrett honey, one little thing I really need
The deed to a latinum mine
Super Garrett baby, so hurry down and transport in tonight

Super Garrett cutie, and fill my stocking with a promotion and Avalon's code
Sign your "X" on the line
Super Garrett cutie, and hurry down and transport in tonight

The song ended, having been sung to the tune of Santa Baby by Eartha Kitt, from Earth, a few centuries ago. The song had been programmed to play when certain conditions have been fulfilled. The Captain had to be in his office, alone and sitting in his chair.

How this happened and how it bypassed certain protocols were not clear at that moment in time. But a glaring clue was the message waiting on his computer with the lyrics of the song as a request sent by one Lieutenant JG Myne Redal as part of her 'Christianmass Hellowean Request List'.

Having heard the song and the list contained within the song, a slow smile crept across Garrett's face. He knew who was behind it without seeing the 'request' sent by Lieutenant JG Myne Redal. He tapped his combadge, "Lieutenant Redal please report to Super Garrett's ...." He stopped and corrected himself "That is the Captain's Office."

"Yes Super Captain Garrett sir! Be there in a giffy!" The reply came and about five or so minutes later, the eager, excited, smiling Trill was at his door. Barely able to contain herself. She heard so many tales about Christianmass from the Human members of the crew and how wishes get fulfilled that her mind really went wild with the idea. As she entered, she waved excitedly at the Captain. "Happy Christianmass to you Captain Super Garrett sir! Did you call for me?"

Garrett smiled, "I did Myne, come in and have a seat. Would you like something from the replicator before we talk?" He asked keeping the subject matter a secret though he knew Myne would more than likely put two and two together and come up with the reason.

Taking a seat, Myne nodded eagerly. "Ferengi cold cola please!" Her excitement seemed kind of obvious, given how hard she was trying not to tap her foot on the floor or the effort she put in to staying still. Yet, she could not keep her mouth in check. "Soooo, why did you call me boss?"

Walking over to the replicator, Garrett got Myne her drink and a vanilla milkshake for himself. Returning to her, he handed her the drink. "Here you go Myne." He said as he moved behind his desk and sat down. "Yes, I did." He replied after taking a sip of his shake. "What do you know of this?" He asked as he turned the computer so she could see her Christmas list and song.

"Thank you sir." She said as she accepted the drink and drank a healthy dose. Myne froze for a second as she saw the computer screen and her Christmas list, then smiled. "Oh, it is an Earth tradition from what I understand. For Christianmass, you know? Where old men dressed in red break into people's houses to steal things from good kids or leave stuff for bad kids. Kind of a weird tradition if you ask me, but you Humans are really strange. And also, why did some parts of the world worship the same old men but in blue? Is color really important? Oh and there was a thing about taking stuff from people you care about and wrapping them in paper under a plant to give it back to them. Not to mention a whole thing about mating under a small plant hung from the ceiling called a missedtoe for some reason. Oh and if you send your boss like a list of stuff you want, they have to give you all that stuff on Christianmass day, that has to be the best part of the holiday." Myne basically launched herself in an excited tirade, her verbal debit increasing in speed and avolume.

Garrett leaned back in his chair as Myne gave her version of Christmas or rather how she had interpreted it. A smile slowly spread across his face as she told him how a boss had to give you the stuff you had on the list. When she had finished, he sat straight and spoke. "Ah yes, it's called a mistletoe and you don't mate, you kiss someone you love. In addition, I think you missed something when you read up on the holiday Myne. A Christmas list, is more like a wish list of items you want and your boss is not required to get them for you." He finished gently.

"Oh?" Myne blinked a few times, looking like a sad lost puppy all of the sudden before she narrowed her eyes and leaned forward. She was clearly scrutinizing his face much like a child would do with a parent she thought was lying to her. After not seeing any sign of deception she leaned back and resumed the lost puppy look. "Really? Well that's no fun. The mating under a toe I admit seemed fishy but I really like the whole list thing and getting stuff from your boss. Sorry I hacked your computer then Super Garrett sir."

"No apology is necessary Myne." Garrett told the younger officer. "However in the spirit of Christmas, I will allow you to pick an item you would like outside the shuttle and the latinum mine." He offered.

Her smile reappeared on her face and went wide as she perked up in an instant. "The latinum mine was a stretched. Kind of sad about the shuttle but I already got the go ahead to work on one. Aaaand already have access to Avalon's code. So it's down between a tiny tiny processor or an AI core." She slammed a fist into her palm as she deliberated on the seriousness of her choice here. "Oh, can I have an AI Core Super Garrett sir?!"

Garrett smiled at Myne, her excitement was palpable. "Before I agree to that, let me ask you, why do you require an AI core? What are you going to use it for?"

With a cough, Myne fidgeted slightly. "Well, you know. Normal stuff. Make a bunch of tiny chameleon bots, create an AI master controller for them using the AI core, then have it make them do formations on the walls of my office in fancy patterns and colors. Nothing special or fancy. Just normal stuff anyone would do using an AI core." Yeah, for her, that would be a normal casual activity for some reason.

Garrett gave Myne a frankly disbelieving stare at her explanation. "No, I don't know which is why I am asking you. He paused for a moment before continuing. "Nothing fancy or special? Myne you have the gift of understatement." He replied simply as he studied her.

Looking innocently at him, Myne shrugged. "How so? Doesn't everyone like to tinker with advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence and miniaturized technology? Maybe because I started as a microbiologist, but the tiny robots sure are more sanitary than bacteria! Also... yeah, having overall several other people in my head with the same specialization kinda helps, you know? The mini chameleons were Kajan's creation. Vede came up with the controller AI and so on."

"No Myne, everyone does not like to tinker with advanced algorithms and miniaturized technology." Garrett replied evenly. "If you started out as a microbiologist, maybe you should get a microscope and I can see where having other's memories and skills is a plus." Garrett finished as he continued to weigh granting Myne's 'request'.

"A microscope? Why would I get that? Kinda over the whole medical business, really messy stuff. Plus, I have a program that analyzes small things for me. I even have a program that does nothing else but counts things in my field of vision randomly. Like how many particles make up your desk and other random stuff like that. And folks are missing out for not going into advanced math, it's where all the fun is." Myne explained confused how people can choose not to delve into migraine giving complicated off-duty activities.

Garrett smiled at Myne's explanation. "You would be amazed at the number of people who hate math at any level Myne so it is refreshing to see someone who actually enjoys it." He answered. "As for folks missing out, to each their own Myne." He pointed out.

"Yeeep, I am amazed at the simple concept of people not liking math. Buuut, that aside, what about my request? Humor aside sir, I most likely will disassemble, reassemble, dissasemble, reassemble, reprogram and reverse engineer the thing constantly for the next month while I try to learn to make an AI core of my own. Just getting my hands on one that no one will miss is kind of not easy."

"I will consider it." Garrett answered. "I know of your penchant for practical jokes Myne and the last thing I want is you playing jokes with an AI core." Garrett replied firmly.

"Practical jokes?" She asked confused. "I don't do practical jokes. Though I might try to teach the AI humor at some point. But that's a machine learning thing mostly. Well boss, if you decide for it, then I will be very happy to have a new learning tool to focus on. If not, thank you for considering it at least. And sorry for misunderstanding the whole holiday thing. Your Humans have a really strange culture."

"Myne, there is nothing to apologize for. You did nothing wrong." Garrett said quickly hoping to lessen the blow. "I promise to give it proper and serious consideration."

"Thank you Captain Super Garrett sir!! I am grateful that you are at least considering it." Myne replied with a smile and nodded her understanding. Trying to do her best to show that she is not upset. It had be a long shot after all, but still. The offer to think about it was miles better than an outright refusal. "Anything else you would like to discuss with me sir?"

"Myne, just keep an eye open, you never know what may show up on your doorstep." Garrett replied with a smile. "As for discussing anything else, is there something you wish to discuss?"

"Oh, I don't need to keep an eye open Captain Super Garrett sir!" Myne waved her hand dismissively and chuckled. "I'll just take a tricorder, give it legs, maybe a tiny VI and have it supervize my doorstep for me. Easy peasey really. Only maybe twelve hours of work, provided I take no breaks or sleep during the whole thing. And of course if nothing blows up, though a tricorder can't make a big boom, so it's not really a concern." The Trill already seemed to loose herself in the planning and designing of a actual watchdog to keep an eye out for her that she complete forgot about his question. Her mind already miles away and her hands mimicking taking out and replacing components with quite curious accuracy if he were to actually shove a tricorder between them.

Garrett couldn't help but smile at Myne's outlook. She was always upbeat and positive. He would do something for her. He just didn't know what yet but Myne would get a gift even if it was a Super Garrett photo or autograph.

Though, if he were to voice it, he might find out that a autographed photo of Super Garrett might be the only thing that Myne would value more than an AI core. Heck, she might actually frame it in latinum if one were to consider the habits of the young Trill. "Well, if that is all sir? I wouldn't want to take up anymore of your time."

"I think that's it Myne. How is your Super Garrett fan club coming along?" He inquired.

Perking up with a even broader smile, Myne chuckled. "It's going well. Have quite a bit of members now. Numbering in the double digits. Aiming for three digits soon. And we have a club house too!!" Leaning forward, she lowered her voice to whisper conspiratorially. "One of the operations cargo holds, got the crates arranged to make a fun room and even masked it from the sensors so no one can detect the huge screen I put in there, or the replicator I lost to fix in place for snacks!! It is quite fun and cozy!!" Leaning back she smiled nervously and tried not to look too guilty. "I might have gone overboard with it a bit and added rugs, chairs and a lot of things I more or less misappropriated for no other reason than just to give everything a clandestine feel to it."

"I am glad it is a success and you are doing having fun Myne. It sounds like you have a first class club house and it is growing which I am sure is a credit to you and your leadership."

"I like to think so too Super Garrett Captain sir." She nodded, beaming quite brightly at the compliment. Soaking it up rather eagerly as she got up and got ready to leave. "Maybe one day you can drop by sir, I am sure everyone will be excited to have Super Garrett attending one of how marathon cartoon viewings!"

Garrett smiled broadly at the invite. "I would like that very much Myne." He replied honestly.

"Will make sure to schedule it up then!" With that, she made a polite head bow and turn to rather cheerfully leave the office. It had been a great visit for her and quite fun! Meeting Super Garrett was always exciting and Myne couldn't wait to tell the others at the club about it!


Captain Garrett Lovejoy
Commanding Officer
USS Elysium

Lieutenant JG Myne Redal
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Elysium


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