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Don't shoot the messenger

Posted on Sun Mar 6th, 2022 @ 7:30am by Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Sovereign T'handu

Mission: Season 5: Interlude: Darkness Abounds
Location: Miraj's Quarters
Timeline: MD02 1700
1330 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

There T'han stood infront of a cabin door, somewhat clothed after the visit from S'hib. He was silently muttering the message High Priestess An'Dalus had sent him to relay, nervously pruning at his mane while he did so. "-An audience, you have been requested to have an audience..."

He stopped for a brief moment, his hoofed digits scratching at the side of his head before nervously slapping the controls with an audible thud.

"She would be delighted if you would... could visit? come over?" He said already fumbling over the words.

The door whisked open, and he was bombarded by a cacophony of music coming from inside the cabin, where a male voice sung to a rousing beat, something about any port in a storm. Miraj stood at the door, saying something, then realised the music was too loud, and cut it off. The silence was somehow, even louder.. "Er, hi. Er, Thunder? wasn't it?"

His ears flicked back as the door opened, shielding himself somewhat from the deafening music. like being back in the temple choir he thought. "T'handu," He corrected with a frown. "May I come in? my Mistress has asked me to deliver a message to you in private." His words were hushed, as though he was used to ears being nearby.

"Er, sure." Miraj was being very careful to keep her eyes on his, just in case S'hib hadn't persuaded his fellow sequus to put on clothes. She stood back indicating her cabin, so he could enter. "No place like home."

It wasn't a large cabin, but it wasn't the smallest. A small lounge area, with a fold out table big enough for six, and a bedroom through an arch way. Displayed on shelves were several small things, a beautiful telescope; a three masted sailing ship in a bottle. A large flag, black with a white Skull and Crossbones was hung on one wall.

He bowed low, his long loose mane falling over his face. "Thank you." He said softly before quickly entering, making sure not to hit his head on the doorway as he did so.

"I hope I'm not inconveniencing you with my visit."

"No, not at all," she reassured him. "I was just finishing some food." She pointed to a half eaten plate of bacon and brussels sprouts. "What can I help you with?"

“Oh!” T’han exclaimed, his attention snapping back from the strange flag. “Please, by all means continue eating…” He said, graciously extending his hand out with a slight flick of his fingers in the direction of her food before promptly seating himself on the floor in one swift motion. crossing and then buckling his legs as if the movement had been done countless times. “Im here on behalf of High Priestess An’Dalus…” He started, cupping his hands between his legs and pausing to make sure he had her attention.

"Its not an problem-" Miraj popped one last greasy sprout into her mouth and then turned to the replicator to get rid of the rest. When she turned back, licking bacon grease off her fingers, he was sitting on the floor. Even as tall as he was, she was still a lot taller with his butt parked on her carpet. She was always looking up at S'hib, who was taller than everyone, Looking down fell wrong.

She looked down, and immediately wished she hadn't, her eyes snapping back to Th'andu's like they'd quantum tunneled. At least S'hib had managed to get him to put on something like clothes. Though she was going to have to get S'hib to explain why white was probably best changed for something a little less...semi- transparent, and definitely something not so... tight. Just because you couldn't see everything didn't mean you still couldn't see everything .

"Oh," she squeaked, feeling heat creep up her ears. "Okay. What does she want?"

"Nothing, it is a request," The young Sequus replied softly, bowing his head slightly before raising it to look back up at Miraj. "She wishes to have an audience with you. I am simply here to take back an answer, on her behalf."

Miraj opened her mouth, then shut it, confused. Why would an ambassador want to talk to her? "What about?"

"You mostly, she admired the bond you and Commander S'hib have... and as such, she believes this familiarity you have with our kind will be beneficial to her role here... a lot of things are new to us here, like this." T'han finished, gesturing down at what was apparently clothing in his eyes.

Don't look, don't look, don't look. Damn. Still too tight "Oh, Okay then. So what next? Should I go now? Or does she come here? I've never really talked to an ambassador before." Miraj made large gestures with her hands, hoping to hide her embarrassment at looking right at his groin.

He followed her gestures curiously, replying once his eyes had settled back onto hers. "Whenever is convenient... she could come here, or you could visit us, again. whichever is best for you."

Miraj supressed a sigh. She didn't know what she was doing, and she certainly didn't want to be making decisions, especially as this would probably be sensitive. She looked at T'handu's head, still tall despite the fact he was trying to make himself small. "What are the ceilings like in your quarters?"

He frowned for a moment, unsure what she meant before it all clicked into place. "Oh," He blurted, his eyes wide with the sudden clarity of her question. "They're quite nice actually... a slight arch to it so it's quite tall in the middle but even at the lowest points, our ears don't touch the ceiling."

He paused for a moment before smiling, looking up at her ceiling. "I don't suppose you've ever asked anyone what their ceiling is like before..."

Miraj gave a small snort. "Nope. But no-one joins Starfleet for anormal life asking normal questions. I'll come to her. More comfortable that way. Do we go now?" She offered him her hand to haul him up.

“We can do.” He said while taking the offered hand, small and dainty amongst his Sequus fingers. “If that’s what you want to do…” he added before realising he was still holding onto her hand, taking a moment to look at it before letting go and stepping back, knocking into one of the shelves as he did.

his ears snapped back at the sound of the telescope rocking gently in place, teasing the idea of falling over before coming to rest.

“… That was close.” he blurted out nervously, feeling his heart beating wildly in his chest.

Miraj had seen her precious telescope wobble and had reached out to stop it, and then it settled and her sigh of relief was audible. "too close." She seemed to realise her hand was stretched out to the shelves, hovering over the center of the sequuus chest. She snatched it back like he was on fire. "No harm done."

T’han chuckled lightly as he backed towards the door. “We should probably go before i knock into something else.” he grinned, clearly hiding his embarrassment.

"Good plan." Miraj started to leave, but stopped. "Wait a second!" She hurried into her bedroom, and opened the sea chest at the foot of her bed, throwing out the costumes and accessories stored there. "A-ha!" From the very bottom she pulled out what looked like a thick net on a sectioned headband. "Alright. I'm good, lets go."

He looked around briefly, tip toeing around on his hooves as he exited her quarters, mindful not to flick his tail into anything. “Thank you for agreeing to this by the way, she did not say but i know my mistress well. this will mean a lot to her.”

"S'hib would want me to help. It's nothing." She followed him into the hallway, "lead on."


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