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Posted on Fri Jan 4th, 2019 @ 5:37pm by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Base Camp - Crew Tent
1032 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

As soon as she heard what had happened, Gallia passed off her duties to someone else, something she NEVER did. Nothing in Starfleet mattered at that moment, not until she knew Estelle was okay. With the Argo gone and transporters spotty at best, she ran the five kilometers from her location to the tent she shared with Estelle and the others, pushing through the door calling, “Estelle! Estelle!”

Estelle turned around, panicked. She saw Gallia looking horrible. Dusty and out of breath, having exerted herself for what Estelle figured had to be a good reason. “Have you heard from Liorga?” she asked immediately, worrying that Gallia’s appearance and state of exhaustion were but a harbinger to bad news.

“Oh how I wish.” Gallia panted, she’d gone at a full run the entire way, straining even for someone in her condition. She pulled Estelle in close, “I just heard what happened, I am so sorry. We’re gonna get ‘er back, both of ‘em, I promise.”

Tears ran down Estelle’s face. “I hope these people don’t do anything stupid. With some of the violent lunacy I’ve seen around here, I’m scared.” She had held together so far but felt like she didn’t have to with Gallia.

“Anje says they sent a messenger to negotiate, means they just want to be paid.” Gallia reassured her, “They won’t do anything that will cut into their profits. And Anje’s every bit as smart as she is awkward, she’ll track ‘em down, then we’ll take them down, bring Dorso and Li home.” She couldn’t shake the feeling that this was somehow her fault, wondering if she could’ve done something different that would’ve led to another result...

“Yes, I saw her shoot the messenger”, Estelle said. “For once, I agree with it, too.” She replicated two more mugs of tea and gave one to Gallia. This time, it had peppermint in it, too. “I’m sure Liorga is scared, I don’t want to imagine what she’s going through right now.”

“Liorga’s tougher than a two credit steak.” Gallia stated the obvious, taking a sip of her tea, “Thanks. Anyway, knowing Li how I do, she’s lookin’ for a way to escape, figuring out how to rescue Dorso, too. She might get back before we even rescue her.”

“Being tough only means you can deal with adversity”, Estelle said. “Doesn’t mean it won’t affect you inside like it would anyone else. Yes, she’s tough, but she’s still suffering, I’m sure of it.”

“Well, it won’t be too long now.” Gallia said, taking Estelle’s hand, “She can overcome anything and she’s going to do anything it takes to get back to you. All she’s thinking of right now is you.”

“I hope not”, Estelle said, drinking some of the tea to calm her stomach. “I hope she’s thinking about how not to get killed. That’s much more important.”

“Stop that.” Gallia said, “Don’t even think like that. It’s not gonna be that way and it won’t do you a bit of good. She’ll be fine, right back by your side, too.”

“I cannae help what I’m thinking”, Estelle said, imitating some of Gallia’s speech patterns. “I can only hope. And I’ve never been much for hope, I’ve always been one for facts.”

“Well, ya wanna know what my dad said about facts?” Gallia began, “Dinnae be surprised when them facts turn out to be bullshit. Liorga’s comin’ home, that’s facts. All that horrible stuff goin’ through your mind, it’s just bullshit your brain’s tormentin’ ya with. I wanna tell ya ta stop it, but I know ya can’t, I can’t, either. But I’m right here with you until we’re through this, okay?”

“I’m scared, Gallia”, Estelle admitted. “That’s all that’s to it.”

“Of course you’re scared, you love her.” Gallia shrugged, laying her head on Estelle’s shoulder, “I’d be just as outta my mind if it was Kara. This is all part of bein’ human. Just happens it’s one of the parts that suck.”

“You can say that again”, Estelle agreed. “So, how many people have you got left in your team? Sami’s not going to come back any time soon either.”

“Uh, well, with Sami out, I guess that leaves…” Gallia paused, going through the motions of counting on her fingers before saying, “Me.”

“Don’t overdo it, better request assistance from your chief”, Estelle said. “I know I have.”

“Yeah, kind of at a standstill as it were.” Gallia sighed, she had no lack of confidence in her skills as an engineer, but the numbers game was undefeated throughout history, “That’s okay though, I’m where I need ta be.”

“I have five hours”, Estelle said. “Time to sleep a little, Julia’s keeping an eye on my more critical patients, she’ll call me back earlier if I’m needed.” The exhaustion showed on Estelle’s face, especially below the eyes. “You look like you could use some rest yourself. Maybe call the ship to see your daughter?”

“Sounds good.” Gallia smiled, “I’ll do that in a bit, right now, you need me.” She pulled her cot alongside Estelle’s, patting the doctor’s a she laid on her own, “Come on, let’s get you off to sleep, hey?”

Estelle emptied her mug and just left it by the side of the cot when she lay down, uniform and all. “Yes, I’d do my patients a disservice if I didn’t at least try”, she admitted. Not that she felt like sleeping.

“That’s the spirit.” Gallia nodded, waiting for Estelle to lie down before reaching over and taking her hand, not about to let her best friend feel alone at a time like this.

Estelle took Gallia’s hand firmly into hers. “Thank you”, she said, closing her eyes and hoping against reason that she could actually fall asleep.


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