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Communications SNAFU

Posted on Mon Jan 14th, 2019 @ 8:23am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: Season 2: Episode 3: Determination is not always a good thing
Location: Planetside/Elysium
Timeline: MD 5 during Rude Awakenings
694 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

After receiving word from Cdr. Holmes that she had no idea why Queenie was 'stinking up the place' in her brig, it had become clear to Anje that communications, her people, had failed to deliver the information she'd instructed them to, "Probably didn't inform the Captain and XO, either." She surmised, shaking her head and pledging to kick a few butts when she got home, barring it being some sort of equipment malfunction, ~Nope, they beamed her out on cue, equipment is fine, someone isn't paying attention.~

Straightening her uniform and putting her hair back up so it would meet regulations, she opened a channel to the bridge, "Captain, Cdr. Taylor, sorry to interrupt, but there's a bit of an emergency down here." She began, taking a deep breath and fantasizing about how to punish the lazy comms officer who caused her to have to address the Captain and XO with the entire bridge crew as spectators...

Gary looked at Anje then to Phoenix and finally back to Anje, "An emergency? Isn't that why you are down there Commander to see that there aren't any emergencies?" He leaned forward in his chair, "Perhaps you better explain yourself and this bit of an emergency you have."

"It's Chief Liorga and Crewman Dorso, sir. They've been kidnapped." Anje replied, "I've sent one of the hostage takers to the brig, she's in Cdr. Holmes' custody after I stunned her on the planet." Anje knew she needed to give them the rest of the details, but didn't want to do it with so many people, so many colleagues, present, "Sirs, can we transfer this to the Captain's ready room?"

"Captain?" Gary asked looking at Phoenix and her decision.

Phoenix nodded and said "Transfer it to my ready room. Commander Taylor , with me." She led the way into the ready room.

Once Gary and Phoenix were inside she reopened the link. "Go ahead commander.:

"Sirs, I regret to inform you that apparently there's a plan to..." Anje paused for a split second, she'd never thought this would be a conversation she'd be involved in, not this near the 25th century, "sell Chief Liorga. The woman in the brig, I don't know her name, calls herself Queenie, came to me to get a ransom on Dorso, told me that Liorga would not be coming back because her boss had already found a buyer."

Anje took another deep breath, "These are twisted people, that woman in the cell is dangerous. I've asked Cdr. Holmes for Crewman Dorso's commbadge back. I can use it to trace their steps, hopefully narrow down their location so we can attempt a rescue. What's more the messenger in the brig has confirmed that Dorso has the virus."

"Sell Liorga? Don't think so!" Gary answered instantly. "We'll get her back. Don't you worry Anje." He replied using the younger officer's first name in an effort to keep her focused and grounded though she seemed to be doing a good job by herself. "Dorso has the virus? We'll keep him quarantined until we can effect an antidote."

"Estelle says it's not anything too horrible." Anje stated, "Unless you can't get treatment. The hostage takers still have Dorso." She began to feel a little guilty, wondering if she should've just followed 'Queenie' back to wherever they were and got Dorso back. ~No, then they'd also have you as a hostage...~

"We will get them both back. Commander Taylor, assemble a team with Commander Holmes. Use whoever you need. Co-ordinate with Commander Brett on the ground." Phoenix ordered. "I will take the Ambassador and Lieutenant Wynter to the main government office to deal with the other issues."

Gary gave a decisive nod of his head, "Right away Captain." He looked at Anje, "We'll be in touch shortly."

"Yes, Sir." Anje replied, "I'll start attempting to track them, give the rescue teams a search perimeter."

"Good thinking." He answered even as he was thinking on who to put on the rescuse team. It needed to be small as not to draw any suspicion from Liorga's kidnappers yet mobile enough to retrieve her quickly.

"Yes, Sir." Anje nodded, "Brett out."


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