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An Endless Place of Probabilities

Posted on Wed Apr 13th, 2022 @ 9:02pm by Quinn [ADMIN NPC] & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar

Mission: Season 5: Interlude: Darkness Abounds
Location: Sena Alindar, The Probability Simulator
Timeline: MD4ish
658 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Arrianna lead Quinn through an impressive spherical building. As they walked to the interface sphere, they passed what appeared to be thousands of Quantum Processor Cores. Each of them linked to Countless arrays of Biogel packs and logic processors. It was here that the Alindari put their considerable academic skill into practice. Their weaknesses being their stubborness and even themselves at times.

They passed into an inner hexagonal dome with a balcony leading into the senter of the hexagonal inner sphere. This place hummed with dozens of components.

"Query; Kyle Cragen, Lily Kaas, Human Trafficking, Criminal Syndicate activities. El'Aurian Vessels, Sephine Cragen, Micheal Bishop, Kyle Cragen Trade Consortium, Kyle Cragen Sightings, Access Backup Archive an Vantar 111. Begin." She noted. "Access research arrays. Trace the following vessel."Arrianna uploaded all she had on Cragen's ship.

She then spoke to Quinn. "This is a Probability Simulator. Using a combination of Federation and our Computing technology... Through biomimetic crystal fossils. This place stores the considerable knowledge my people have gathered and researched. Without data loss and degradation. The biomimetic fossils are capable of storing data on the subatomic level using photonic hardening into a photon mass that will only decay during the end of the universe. Which means... This is the ultimate archive. We use it to answer... other questions... Some that science may not entirely explain. But I digress. The simulator can pose search queries to dozens of servers across the Federation Relay network. Even independent computer networks. This might take a few hours. Even days. It may answer our questions, or leave us with more questions. Many would like to use this device for their own ends." Arrianna mentioned. "We do not use this wonder lightly, nor do we allow it to be used frivolously."

Quinn nodded "Interesting device I hope it works for you." the Q studied Arri for a moment and then added "Do not give in if it doesn't for surely he would have changed the ship about."

"It will not give us the complete answer Quinn. This simulator deals with probabilities not certainties. At best we can close in on Bishop with the data we learn here. How did we explain it to Starfleet Intelligence? It won't find the spy, but it will find the secrets if we ask it the right queries."

"Sometimes its best not to explain merely to show them the information."

"That is our people's wish.. Quinn. To hold on to what we are. What we strove for after our ancient wars. They are often romanticised, but the recovery of the Alindari people from both our ancient warring and the borg holocaust is a lot harder than our stories say." Arrianna noted. "Nothing is won without struggle. Empress Tirielle spent her entire life resolving feuds betweent he clans.. Healing our homeworld from centuries of war... Teaching our people that the wars brought us to ruin. She died young, radiation sickness from the campaigns, but her example lived on." Arrianna noted. "Nothing my people has accomplished, as not been without struggle. We only make it look easy at times, that's why we stand for the Federation's principles. And that is why I despised Carrington." She noted. "'The Perfect Starfleet Officer.'" Arri noted. "That is a delusion every Alindari knows is dangerous at worst, and a mockery at best. I shouldn't have reacted to her."

"Yasmine was never perfect. She had flaws and people used those flaws." Quinn said softly

"What do you mean?" Arri noted. "Ascendants, I'm tired again... All this travelling. All those nights in agony.. Even the attempt I made on my life.. I have not gotten a full nights sleep for months... I want to dream of... peace..." She almost collapsed. "I want to dream of my beloved."

Quinn slid her arms around her. "Shh its ok" She soothed and gently rocked her before snapping them both to Arri's bedchamber and helping the woman into the bed. "Sleep."


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