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Attending to business

Posted on Sat Jun 4th, 2022 @ 1:11pm by

Mission: Rejoinder
Location: T'las' Quarters
Timeline: MD01 1730 Hours
620 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

T'las stared out the viewport, at the starbase, watching the crew walk by the base's viewports. The light from the starbase, illuminated her black Watraii mask.
She spotted a couple holding each other closely before seeming to kiss passionately. 'Most likely duty keeps them apart,' she thought. The act intrigued her as she continued to watch as the couple slowly broke away. She never understood passion many other cultures had for romantic ventures. To her and the rest of the Watraii, relationships and sex were a simple means for procreation--nothing more. Yet, she felt a draw to the idea. What was it about a simple act of kissing that intrigued her?

She stepped away from the viewport, taking a look about her quarters. She had finally received the requested change in furniture but otherwise, it was a work in progress with some of the colors, such as the carpeting. The room itself was much larger than she liked. Nobody posted aboard a Watraii vessel had quarters even half the size of hers. The sudden beep of an incoming call grabbed her attention as made her way over to her desk and sat down, activating the terminal and setting up the required security measures as she saw the call was from her homeworld.

A moment later, the image of a Watraii, wearing black robes and a green mask appeared on the viewer. She could recognize from the design on the Watraii mask, they were a member of the Intelligence Services. "T'las, report. How has your time been among the Federation?"

"Interesting and yet insufferable," T'las responded without hesitation.

"Explain," the Watraii demanded simply.

"The Federation vessels are apparently decorated with furniture designed more for comfort than functionality. They prefer to speak without purpose--they call it small talk I believe. I have not ascertained to the reason for such waste of time other than simply lack of discipline."

"I see. What missions have you been a part of?"

T'las paused for a moment as she thought about the recent issue with a rouge Starfleet Admiral. "This vessel was recently involved in a skirmish with a Starfleet Admiral that had turned against the Federation's directives. The rogue Admiral was defeated and detained."

"Interesting," the Watraii noted, looking off screen for a moment. "Continue."

"I volunteered to be a part of the crew designed to trick the Admiral. My role was...less than optimal and not required despite offering a solution," she reported. "That is the conclusion of my report."

"Good. Have you revealed your true self?" the Watraii Intel Agent asked. To do so would cause her to be shamed and unable to return to her people.

"No. My shame remains hidden," she responded in regard to her shame being that she looked Romulan as did all Watraii--it was the reason her people wore masks around outsiders.

"Very good. We await your next report. Dismissed." The other officer then terminated the connection as T'las' viewscreen returned to the Federation logo as she remained sitting at her desk, staring at the blank viewscreen. "Computer, close viewports and dim lights by fifty percent. Lock the doors." The computer chirped its response as it conducted the requested actions. T'las removed her mask, staring at her reflection in the viewscreen of her desk terminal. She ran her fingers over the near Romulan features of her face. A part of her wanted to be free of her mask but she could not allow her shame to shown to others. What would they think? She doubt they would understand as she stood and removed her robe, leaving the one piece form fitting suit underneath in place as she headed for the lavatory for a much needed sonic shower.


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