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Arguments in the Resistance

Posted on Fri Feb 1st, 2019 @ 7:04am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar

Mission: Season 2: Episode 3: Determination is not always a good thing
Location: Abandoned Refinery, South Continent
Timeline: MD6
301 words - 0.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Jorath watched the new ships closely, his senior military adviser approached. "So the Government has sold themselves to new masters, I see." Laila, Councilor Jorath's military advisor noted.

"Jorath, I know you want to be diplomatic, but the Federation beams more security on our world, more Federation ships, and now these different ships. If we wait for much longer, we will have more of their soldiers on our world."

"Enough Laila!!!" Jorath mentioned. "You are correct, but I am aware of the situation. I would have retired here, Laila. I would have promised to end the corruption here. But turn our world into a battlefield is the last thing I will do!!!"

"Councilor, you cannot wait too long. We have two thousand willing troops to take the capital. If we wait for the Federation, these new Elyshans, or anyone else to get a foothold, it would mean we've lost the war for our world's independence before it began. You must act. We'll have peace, or we'll have war." Laila mentioned.

"Send a message to the Federation Vessel. That the leader of the resistance will meet to negotiate the complete withdrawl of all Federation Forces at Summer Arena. Bring only a token guard. If there is any treachery of any kind, we will consider it an act of war. The Federation will understand this as a desire to negotiate, the government, of course will send its liars to lie and villify us, but you Laila; I want you to prove the treachery." Jorath mentioned. "Find those who are searching for the truth and guard their lives. I know you desire to fight, but I'm asking you to protect."

Laila nodded. "You know my loyalties are with you Jorath. I will heed your orders, even though I believe we are beyond peace."



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