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Welcoming a newcomer and an old friend

Posted on Thu Oct 27th, 2022 @ 7:56am by Consul Andrinn Orin & Nicholas Mathias

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Shuttle Bay One/Deck 6
Timeline: 0545 hours
1239 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Consul Andrinn Orin was in his office when his combadge chirped to life. On the line was someone from the bridge, saying, "Bridge to Consul Orin. We've got a shuttle coming in carrying one of our new Academy Professors for the science track. When we reached out to him on his approach, he said that he knew you and we just wanted to see if you wanted to go down there to meet him? Take him on his way to his quarters? We'd send everything down to your PADD, if you wanted to take it on."

Orin thought about it for a moment before replying, "Who is it?"

The Officer replied back, "He said his name was Nicholas Mathias. Like I said, it appeared that he knew you personally."

Orin let out a small chuckle before getting up from his seat and grabbing a PADD before heading out of his office. Before closing the commlink, Orin replied back and said, "Yeah, I'll go down to the shuttlebay and meet him down there. Like you said, just send the location for his personal quarters and I'll show him to it."

The commlink closed and Orin got onto the turbolift down at the end of the corridor near the diplomatic offices, ordering it down to the shuttlebay. The ride down was quick and easy, which Orin thanked because he remembered how long this ride would have taken even 50 years ago.

Before getting too deep into thought, the doors opened up and deposited Orin straight onto the main floor of the shuttlebay. Orin looked around and realized that the shuttlebay on this ship was rather large. Looking back onto the shuttlebay main floor, Orin quickly heard the voice of a dear old friend from many years ago.

"Who did you say that was coming to meet up with me to take me to my quarters? Did you just say Andrinn Orin?" Mathias said as he was standing near an open shuttlecraft.

Orin couldn't help but snicker when he heard his friend talking to the Operations Officer that was gathering his information and getting him all welcomed onboard. Hearing someone snickering, Mathias turned around and had his hand balled up, as though he was about to fight someone. But, when he saw who it was, Mathias smirked and walked over to Orin and gave him a big hug.

"Orin, my old friend! How the heck are you?" Mathias said as he let out of the hug. Orin shrugged and said, "Well, it was definitely interesting hearing you might be coming onboard. I'm glad that you're here to teach and mold all these young minds."

The two men slowly walked towards the turbolift in the shuttlebay. Orin grabbed the extra bags that Mathias couldn't pick up off the floor as they made their way to Mathias' new quarters. As the doors of the turbolift opened and let out two officers, the two men got in and Orin ordered it up towards the personal quarters in the saucer section of the ship.

After the turbolift took off, Orin looked over at his friend and didn't say much for a few moments. However, the silence was deadly and Orin knew that. So, Orin finally broke the silence between them as he said, "So, what made you wanna come out here to the final frontier?"

Mathias shrugged his shoulders and replied back, "Well, Earth wasn't living up to the utopian dream that everyone said it would. I wanted to get out to the final frontier again and remind myself of why I got into Starfleet, while teaching the young minds. This was the perfect moment for me to continue my work in the field and pass it onto future minds of Starfleet. Well, that and to see about finding myself a new man. I came home to find Charles in our bed with multiple other men. I threw him onto the curb and knew that I had to get away before I went stir crazy."

Orin couldn't help but straight out laugh when he heard that Mathias threw Charles straight to the curb. He never liked Charles from the moment that he heard Mathias began dating him. Rubbing his shoulders gently, Orin smiled and said, "You do know that I hated that man that you called a decent human being, right? I knew he was cheating on you from day one and you just wouldn't believe me. Next time, will you please take my word when I say something like that?"

Mathias just shook his head and smirked at what Orin was saying. The two men had known each other since Orin was on the Diplomatic Corp and decided that he wanted a change in career fields. They met while were at the academy together and studying alien Archeology and Anthropology. While Orin quickly realized that Diplomacy was still his field, Mathias went onto continue his work and graduate from the academy before going straight out into the field.

Mathias was assigned to the USS Franklin for his first cruise and made several breakthroughs in his field, publishing several papers that pushed the Federation to better understand the universe around them. That's why Mathias was fast tracked to work as a professor at the Academy and he was excited to be given the opportunity. However, as the two men corresponded with one another over the years, Mathias made it clear that he didn't want to work on Earth forever.

That's when Orin sent over the information about the Elysium being an academy ship and having an open spot for a science professor from the academy. Mathias applied and interviewed with Commodore Lalor, quickly getting the position onboard.

Fast forward to this moment, which was filled with laughter from both men. They talked about their past and the various moments they've had together. Men that they've both dated and how their past exes were beyond stupid, as were they for dating them.

However, the doors to the turbolift opened to the deck where Mathias' quarters were. They strolled out towards Mathias' and Orin opened the door to his new quarters, walking in behind him and laying his bags on the bed in the corner.

"Welcome to the Elysium, by the way. I'd give you the whole tour, but I know that I've got a meeting with some of the various Diplomatic Staff before we go running off to wave the Federation flag. Want to meet up with me for some coffee sometime soon and we can continue our conversation?" Orin said as he walked over near the door to the corridor.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. I can't wait!" Mathias replied as he smiled at Orin before walking over to kiss him on his cheek. He took a few steps back and waved awkwardly before sitting down on his bed.

Orin waved back and exited Mathias' quarters, heading towards the turbolift. The doors opened up instantly for him, as he was a member of the senior staff with diplomatic credentials. As the doors closed, Orin ordered the lift to take him back to his office on deck 2, where he felt it take off within mere moments.

Leaning on the back of the lift, Orin couldn't help but laugh. He was ready for the future onboard, now that he had an old friend.


Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium


Nicholas Mathias
Science Track Professor
Starfleet Academy


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