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Coffee is the cure for Procrastination

Posted on Sat Nov 5th, 2022 @ 7:31am by Lieutenant JG Damien Blackford

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Starfleet Academy
Timeline: Final year of Starfleet Academy
512 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Damien leaned back in his chair, glancing over at the clock on the wall. Three AM. Sighing, he rubbed his eyes furiously, black spots appearing in his vision as he blinked so hard his eyes started watering. You would have thought by now he would have learnt not to leave his essays until the last minute to complete. But, apparently, there was something about the adrenaline rush of nearly failing that kicked his ass into gear and caused him to create some of his best work. Although his was pretty sure his roommate hated him for all the late nights he had had over the last three years. Still, they only had a couple of months left, and they'd be graduating... Well, he was supposed to be graduating. Yeah, he had taken The History of U.S.S. Voyager as an elective, but if he didn't pass the course, he'd be one credit short and would have to retake the whole semester.

Sighing once again, he shook his head. Coffee. He needed coffee. His class was first thing in the morning, and his professor refused to accept anyone into class who was even thirty seconds late. He'd made that mistake on his first day and had very nearly dropped the class straight away. His roommate, who had become ever the voice of reason over the last three years, had convinced him to keep going. And ever since then, he hadn't been late and all of his essays had been on time. And he wasn't going to start now with only two months left.

Standing up quietly, he glanced over towards where the bedrooms were, making sure that he hadn't disturbed his roommate, before quietly making his way into the kitchen and over to the Replicator. Normally he detested using the Replicator. It tasted too... Fake. Too manufactured. If he could, he made everything from hand. Or, in the case of coffee, fresh beans from a tin. But right now, he needed the coffee as soon as possible. He couldn't afford to procrastinate any longer.

"Coffee. White. Cream and two sugars." He said, making sure to keep his voice as quiet as possible. The machine beeped and hummed, as the cup materialised in front of him. Damien winced as he glanced over his shoulder again. Why did everything sound a hundred times louder when it was the middle of the night. But everything seemed fine. No signs of a disturbed, annoyed, roommate. Sighing softly, he turned back to the Replicator, and picked up the slightly steaming cup. Sipping it tentatively, he winced as the liquid burnt his tongue and throat slightly.

Walking back over to his desk, he placed the cup down carefully, before retaking his seat, picking his PaDD up, looking over what he'd written so far, before placing it down again, grabbing the PaDD that contained his history book, scrolling to the relevant section, casting another quick glanced over his shoulder at the clock. He had 5 hours before classes started. Five hours. Yeah, that should be plenty of time.


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