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To Be Honest Determined

Posted on Wed Mar 6th, 2019 @ 8:11am by Lieutenant Wynter

Mission: Season 2: Episode 3: Determination is not always a good thing
Location: sickbay
Timeline: prior to arrival at Cortic VI
638 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Reporting to sickbay was not in Wynter's schedule for the next month or so, but with recent events it was best to get this out of the way. So he greeted the nurses genially and then waited for the battery of tests to begin.

Estelle was on schedule and greeted her new patient by bringing out a mug of coffee for him, along the one she had herself. This time, the mugs read "Fountain of Awake" and "Black Gold", respectively. "Good afternoon. Lieutenant Frost, was it?" She held out the mug to him. "Welcome back, I'm Estelle Hertz, the new surgeon. And no, it's not 'hurts'."

Wynter raised an eyebrow. "Nor is my name Jack." He replied with a slight grin. I am here for my yearly physical. "Oh and thank you, but no on the coffee."

"Okay, looks like it's high time, too", Estelle said, a worried look on her face all of a sudden. "Climb on the bed, will you? I'll find out what's wrong with you in no time." As almost an afterthought, she quietly added, "Hopefully."

Wynter bit back a sigh as he climbed on the bed. "Doc I doubt you will, this is purely precautionary."

"You just said no to coffee", Estelle said, her expression still serious. "That means there's got to be something wrong with you, and I'm determined to get to the bottom of this."

Wynter shrugged. "Though I enjoy a good cup of coffee, I do not need it at this time. I wouldn't call that an illness, just how it is."

"Well, we have the best here", Estelle said, finishing her mug and then starting on the other, since it had been rejected. "So tell me, what have you been up do, away from the ship?" It wasn't just idle conversation, it would tell Estelle what to look for.

Wynter smiled "Work, a bit of recreation with Lieutenant t'Noramei, but nothing much."

"So you're certain you haven't made any 'discoveries'?" Estelle asked, running the scan anyway. "Looks like you haven't. I'm going to do a blood test, though, just to be sure. Well, the lab techs will run it." She took a sip from her mug. "Have you got any complaints you'd like me to address?"

Wynter eyed her slowly, and rolled up his sleeve. "At this time doc no, but we shall see."

"Well, I'm on duty during beta shift", Estelle said, drawing the sample. "Try to contain your extravagant behaviour and training injuries to that time frame, okay? I hate being woken up for that sort of thing."

He nodded. "You need not worry about my getting injured."

"Goodness, man, you do need a sense of humour", Estelle chuckled. "Sadly, that's not something I can inject you with." She pondered a moment. "Though, if you've got a little bit of latinum saved up, maybe Quark, the Ferengi who runs the bar on Deep Space Nine, may have something for you? I understand he's good at getting all kinds of things that are hard to come by otherwise."

Wynter smiled. "Everyone's a comedian, I know a Lieutenant who said that to me once."

"It takes a bit of skill to pull it off consistently", Estelle said. Even if she had to praise herself, it was true all the same. She flicked the sensors off and smiled at him. "Well, looks like I can give you a clean bill of health. Or I would, if doctors still wrote bills."

"Not that anyone would be able to read it right?" He replied dryly.

Estelle grinned. "Probably not. But, and this is important, I paint bills, and they look beautiful. Just ask our first officer."

"And what do the ducks say?"

"Nothing, they're made of wood", Estelle winked.

He raised an eyebrow. "At least they haven't whacked up." He said dryly.


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