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Dying isn't an option, unfortunatley.

Posted on Mon Dec 5th, 2022 @ 6:45pm by Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib]

Mission: Season 6 : Episode 1: Circinus
Location: Deck 15 - M'Tuuri's Quarter's 13 S-O
Timeline: MD3 - 01h30 - 02h30
1110 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

M'Tuuri's naked and slender frame sauntered slowly across the room, her trembling legs still awash with the sensation of intoxicating pleasure the last hour had brought.

This Ensign, whatever his name was... she'd keep around she thought as the door to her bathroom hissed open.

Then she paused, one hand resting lightly on the frame as she looked back at the not-so-masculine figure sat on the edge of her bed, nursing the cuts on his back with a dermal regenerator she had swiped from inventory.

"Always the quiet ones..." She muttered to herself before her eyes flicked over to her window, the blue ethereal realm that was slipstream, washing her quarters in its eerie haze.

Weren't we just at warp? she thought as the blue glow vanished, suddenly replaced by the pinpricks of stars as she was flung backwards into the bathroom, hitting her head against the far wall with a loud crack.

The last thing her eyes saw as they flickered shut were her quarters bathed in orange.

Mere moments later, or so she thought, she woke back up. Dazed and confused with a headache worse than any night of drinking at the Academy had caused.

Were the lights flickering, or was she blinking slowly, honestly she couldn't tell, finding herself just laying there staring at the ceiling.

"Fuck..." She growled with a slur while rolling onto her side, her eyes blinking closed once more.

When they reopened her ceiling light had all but fizzled out, only a faint glow remaining with the occasional puff of enthusiasm.

"Computer lights on..." She growled, and why did her head hurt she thought. "Compurrter? what... what hapurrned..."

She blinked hard before trying to sit up, flashes of memory hitting her in waves as her perception of reality refocused. "Computer!" She hissed, angrily and more sure of herself this time.

"The fuck..." She scowled, finally getting back up on her paws as her head started hurting again, the image of a bright orange light imprinting itself on her mind once more.

"Tomas!" M'Tuuri hissed, remembering his name. "You fucker, you left me in here~" She continued before stopping abruptly as she bumped into the now shut door to her bathroom. "The shit." She gasped, feeling its frigid cold metal on her paws.

Then a chill went down her spine that felt colder than the door, she knew why an interior door would be so cold... but why was another question entirely.

"Shiiiit..." She cursed loudly as she back peddled while running her paws over the top of her head in disbelief. "Shit, SHIT!"

Panic rose inside her, threatening to drag her into hysteria before her training kicked in, she was a survivor, and she'd be damned if they would find her curled up on the floor of her bathroom naked. She'd open the door before that happened.

No, this wasn't where she would die, not if she had anything to say about it.

So she scrambled into action, grabbing a tube of toothpaste before rushing to the door, her sensitive ears twitching in the silence as she examined the seam between the door and its frame, its imperfect seal hissing quietly as vital atmosphere escaped into the void.

But finding the exact spots would require a little less finesse under these circumstances, so she arched her head back, rolled her barbed-tongued about and spat, watching as the watery mass of saliva ran down the doorframe.

Bubbles. She grinned as the cap of the toothpaste popped off and landed on the floor, it had barely finished rolling about between her paws before the makeshift sealant was applied. It would do, for now, she thought. already rolling her tongue about again, coaxing her saliva glands into action.

Another blot of paste here, another there... it might have been quicker to just squeeze the whole damn thing around the doorframe she thought before quickly discarding the idea, she was running out as it was.

No, it would have to do, what little time it had bought her better had been worth the time shed just spent earning it.

"Gotta be a way out sssomewhere..." She mused as her feline eyes narrowed on the sonic shower. "Always isss." she added, ignoring the dizziness threatening to creep back in.

Claws reached out, grappling at panelling, pulling sections free to expose the inner workings, pipes and tubes, but very little room for much else.

Then the ceiling panel came off, again nothing but ceiling struts and exposed electricals.

She paused for a moment to wipe away the water in her eyes, refusing to acknowledge them as tears as she looked about the small bathroom that was slowly turning into her tomb.

The door was out of the question... she'd pulled apart her shower and found nothing, and the wall over her sink also lead to her quarters. "Fucking hell." She hissed in frustration, wiping away more water from her eyes as the looming threat of death tightened its grip around her thoughts.

"Maybe, maybe I can get next door?" She asked herself, turning to face the wall she hit her head against. "Worth a try..." She thought before coughing, the air was getting thinner and she wouldn't have time to look anywhere else, if there was anywhere to look that was.

Her claws edged into the seams of metal plating, teasing the panel lose until a proper grip could forcibly remove it from its frame.

Then another, and another, tossing them behind her and tearing at insulation, wires and piping until she reached another flat surface just out of reach.

Climbing somewhat into the narrow hole she had calved out she thumped the palm of her hand against whatever was ahead of her, but it didn't move, so she hit it again, and again.

She screamed out in frustration, a scream that ended in her gasping.

"You fucker!" She yelled as she punched at the flat surface, each hit getting weaker and weaker until finally, it slipped free with an anticlimactic thunk to reveal the backboard of some piece of furniture.

"Are you ssshitting me!?" Her anger swelled as she pulled herself deeper over the mass of tubes and ruined insulation panels, irritated that she hadn't just spaced herself rather than live with the notion a wardrobe had almost killed her.

A few moments later and she threw open the doors to the wardrobe and climbed out, dragging clothes and insulation with her as she stood up.

"I hate this fucking ship..." She spat, blinking deeply to shake the double vision as she turned back around to borrow some clothes from whatever was still hanging up in the wardrobe.


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