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A rude awakening

Posted on Thu Dec 8th, 2022 @ 10:46pm by Lieutenant JG Elijah Carmichael

Mission: Season 6 : Episode 1: Circinus
Location: Deck 16 - Emergency Shelter
Timeline: MD 03 - 02h01
643 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Water lapped over Eli’s head as he swam forward crawl towards the center of the lake, where he’d anchored his small one-person dingy. He had taken up swimming and sailing after finding an acute love for water sports and would often come to the lake just North of New Portsmouth.

It was a warm summer's day which mean he had left his wet suit behind and instead opted for some simple swimming trunks, which, as he pulled himself out of the water continued to drip standing unsteadily upright with the boat rocking gently from his ingress.

Grabbing the towel he had left out Eli quickly ran it over his body and threw on his T-shirt which was light blue and had ‘New Portsmouth Proud’ printed on the front. As he was just setting down to return to shore an explosion rocked the landscape and a siren began to wail, confused he stood back up holding his hand over his eyes shielding them from the sun to see into the distance.

Another, much closer and more abrupt explosion rippled the water causing the boat to tilt, Eli grabbed the mast but by the time the third explosion sounded and hit the boat rocked furiously dropping him into the water and darkness.

Throwing his eyes open Eli looked around adrenaline rushed through his body, the ship's red alert siren sounding around him, assaulting his senses as he picked himself up off the floor. He had been thrown from his bed mid-dream.

Quickly dressed Eli grabbed a medical pack he kept in his quarters and made for the door which didn’t open. “Good start,” he said to himself opening the emergency door release panel and began cranking the pneumatic pressure release. The door cracked open and he slipped through into a smoke-filled corridor.

Knowing his place would be in the main medical he began making his way there, the turbo lifts weren’t the safest option but were the quickest. After quick deliberation, Eli opted to make the long way round just to be safe which meant he could also help people along the way.

He found himself on deck 16 when he first heard calls for assistance that gave him cause to divert his efforts, sick bay would have to wait. Eli made his way towards the emergency shelters on Deck 16.

Before he reached his destination he came across an injured crew person, kneeling he could see dried blood across their arm and their eyes wide in a state of shock. “Hello, can you tell me your name?” He asked placing his right hand on their shoulder.

When they didn’t respond he continued, “I’m just going to do a few checks ok? Tell me if anything I do causes you any more pain and I’ll stop” he started from her head which besides being messy seemed ok, so no head trauma he could see.

Making his way down he could see a cut across the cheek but nothing life-threatening. The blood on their right arm was dried but they were holding it limply signalling that it may be broken. He didn’t attempt to physically check. The rest of his visual inspection showed that relatively they were ok less for a possible broken arm and shock.

“I can give you some pain relief for your arm and I’ll fashion you a sling but you’re going to have to help me out” he couldn’t administer pain relief to a shocked victim so he was relieved when they nodded slowly and a small smile appears on their face in acceptance.

He quickly tore his sleeve and wrapped it around their shoulder, knock and arm bringing it tight across their chest. Administering some pain relief he helped them up from the floor and began walking again towards the emergency shelter.


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