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Are all Trill this annoying or just those on cructhes?

Posted on Mon Apr 10th, 2023 @ 4:21pm by Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Cadet Senior Grade Octavia Raain

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Cave System, Medical Area
901 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Octavia had chewed the ear of poor Dr Carmicheal, so much so he'd run off and left her hopping about on the crutches they just about replicated for her. They were uncomfortably pushing into her armpits and causing her hands to go clammy and rub. The surgery equipment hadn't been set up yet which mean setting and securing her leg was the best the medical staff could do, and 'rest' if she heard that word again she'd scream the cave down on top of them. Instead, Octavia had escaped her medical prison and found herself wandering between the different emergency shelters looking for her friends.

She wasn't paying to much attention when she bumped into a rather characteristically tall Kelpian. "Sorry," She said quickly, "I didn't see you there." She looked up at him and smiled, "Somehow anyways, guess Im a little distracted" She shrugged, "Soooo what are you up to?" Octavia asked casually, she could always blame her annoying state on the medication later if it landed her in any trouble.

On the contrary, Dunamis did not mind her at all. It'd been a long past few days of nearly nonstop work in preparation for the crew's subsequent move to the planet's surface. That someone still had her spirit and enthusiasm was a breath of fresh air to him, and certainly nice to see.

"Nothing much, cadet. Merely walking back to my quarters to see what items I can take with me." The tall Kelpien replied with a kind smile and a gentle pat on her shoulder. No use trying to chew her out for not looking where she was going. "I think we're all distracted given recent events. Where are you headed?"

Octavia was grateful that despite how hectic things had been people still could spend a little time speaking to someone. "Oh just anywhere and nowhere aslong as it's not medical or in the vicinity of those over-caring eyes of Doctor Carmichael, 'Rest up Octavia, stop moving Octavia, you should be sleeping Octavia' Sorry..." She chuckled, "I shouldn't speak ill of him, he's lovely really but you know. doctors... sometimes I just want to wander and put myself at risk." She smiled, "Can I join you, for a little bit at least? I've never really spoken to many Kelpiens."

So this one was a sickbay escapee. He should've figured as much given the crutch she utilized as a walking aid. In her condition she shouldn't have been walking about, let alone hopping along and not letting her injured leg rest.

Which meant that he had an even greater responsibility to keep her safe.

"Of courae you may. Though I would still advise you to return to sickbay as soon as possible - as much as your doctor wanting you to rest may be frustrating, they do have a point when they say you need to rest." Dunamis set off for the turbolift once more. "My people aren't common at all in Federation space even now, let alone Starfleet. Not having spoken to one of us before is hardly unusual." He remarked lightheartedly. "Which is a shame, I'd say. Perhaps in the coming years we might just become more open to greater change, hm?"

“Why aren’t more Kelpiens open to exploration?” She asked ignoring his recommendation to follow Dr Carmichaels advice in resting, how could anyone rest in such a damp cold environment? She followed the tactical officer and waited patiently for him to answer her question.

"Well, I suppose change often takes its time, for good or for ill." Drevas mused. "We did only just quite recently modernize in the past century. I suppose the elders among my people might not be so open to interstellar travel for the time being, though we are slowly progressing to such a point." He made it a point to keep a careful eye on her. The cadet was injured after all and shouldn't even have been out walking. "But for now you can find quite a few of us in Starfleet at least. My parents were, for instance, senior enlisted personnel..."

"Oh well that's good, change does take time we Trill were the same - some still are and don't accept Starfleet or space travel" She chuckled, "Well at least that's what my previous host would have said now I think it's only a handful of shrivelled old religious zealots left but hey each to their own" It was clear form her tone that she had the personal experience but was hiding the pain with her humour like she did most of the time. "So your parents serve? Thats cool, are they one the Elysium?" She hoped they weren't because that meant they were in the middle of this mess.

"Unfortunately, no. They served on the vessel on which I was born. The Riposte. She has been missing for several years now, and, well..." Dunamis shook his head. There was no need to darken the mood. Not when things were already so grim. "...that'll be a story for another time. They served with distinction, both of them. We haven't spoken in a while; I hope that they somehow know how far I've come. Though I suppose my mother would readily pick out the thousand and one imperfections she sees in me that I might not, and scold me for them. You know how mothers tend to be."



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