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We need to Talk and You need to Listen

Posted on Tue Apr 11th, 2023 @ 4:44am by Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik

Mission: Season 6: Episode 2: Survival
Location: Counseling Tent/Building, Ice Planet
Timeline: Mission Day 1
1282 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Savar walked into the counseling center and immediately sought out Alicia. Seeing she wasn't busy at the moment he maneuvered her into a corner. "Alicia, we need to set up a joint counseling session with Commander an Vantar. She is not coping well with being separated from Josie. It is bordering on an obsession. She needs to be made aware that this behavior is not helping her relationship with Josephine and if she continues along this path, she will not only push Josephine away but lose her as well."

Alicia nodded in agreement. “I agree, it’s a shame to see them like this. The sooner we talk to Arri the better.”

Arrianna was busy working on some scans in the command tent when they walked in.

"Commander an Vanter, Commander Kelea-Salik and myself need to talk with you about your relationship with Josephine Carlyle-Cragen." Savar said politely.

"It's over. The Relationship is over. Everything is over." She noted. "I will not love someone who's afraid of me." She mentioned. "Is that what you want to hear from me? Counselors." Arri noted. "When we get back to our space. I will leave the Elysium and go to Command Academy. And then after then or so years. Maybe I'll consider loving again. And both I and she can move on and find love without trauma involved." She noted coldly. "I wish Josephine Carlyle-Cragen a long and happy life, Counselors." Arri went back to work. Tears were still streaming down her face, she didn't mean it.

"Commander An Vanter, do you always give up so easily because things don't go as you plan?" Savar asked. "The woman you profess to love was a prisoner for eight months longer than you were. She is still in the process of finding herself. I believe you can afford her some time and wait." Savar answered cooly.

"I love her terribly. I was worried about her after the crash. I gave her a heater. My world is a tundra world, and I can survive here with less heat." She noted. But until she can return my love, there is nothing." She shed more tears."

"Then hold onto that love, nurture it. Keep the flame alive but allow Josie the time and space she needs. Do not be impatient. If you keep on like you have been you will push her away and lose her." Savar pointed out.

She pulled out a majestic ring she still wore on a neck chain, and looked at it. It was valuable enough to buy a warbird on the Ferengi market. Veracite, only her people could forge it. To make a engagement ring out of such a valuable crystalline material may be seen as madness to some. She calmed while looking at it.

Alicia looked around their surroundings. “Why don’t we talk somewhere more private? Come back to our tent with us, it’s more private than here.”

Arri went back to work on her energy generation ideas.

"yes, Commander. Alicia has a good idea, This conversation should be in private." Savar added.

"We have nothing further to discuss until the day Ms. Carlyle-Cragen is ready to speak to me directly and without fear. She was tortured into becoming what she wasn't, and she used her knowledge of me to make me into what I wasn't. I love her, but there is no us until the day she can face me and I can know she won't make me into what I'm not again. I'm sorry Counselors.. I will not have my heart broken again. And she will not lay eyes on me until that day. I have to come up with ideas to solve our energy problems for the Commodore. We're using more power than we're producing down here."

“Arri we really do need to talk, for you to understand exactly what this attitude of yours is putting Josie through.” Alicia gave Arrianna a determined look. She hated to go hard ball on Arri, but she was leaving her little choice.

Arrianna continued to work. Shedding tears endlessly. "What do you want me to do?" She began holding back a cry.

"You need to establish and maintain a professional relationship. We understand that it is impossible that you and Josie will not come in contact again however if that should occur, the contact should be brief and professional. Which means no professing your undying love to Josie or other comments of the same nature Commander. You must understand it is in the best interests of you and Josie that you stop."

"Then it is over." Arrianna noted. "In the future if I pursue a romantic relationship with someone, You two, the captain, or even any member of this crew is not to interfear in my private life. Or I pursue every legal action under the rights given to me by the Federation. Good day sir and ma'am. And I hope you two and Phoenix are happy with yourselves. and I hope you three can sleep at night knowing you are the most hiddeous sentient beings that draw breath. GOOD DAY Sirs." She slapped Savar hard and went back to her tent. Entering it, She began to cry. Literally begin crying for hours. For a Vulcan, his face pulsed with a red mark.

Savar didn't flinch, didn't move a muscle at the slap Arrianna delivered. he just stood there unmoving.

Alicia turned to look at Savar. “Are you alright Imzadi?! That was most definitely uncalled for, and I am not going to stand for it!”

Savar nodded, "I am fine Alicia. Thank you for your concern." Savar replied in a perfectly controlled voice. "However, this action I believe shows beyond a doubt that Commander an Vantar's thinking and behavior need a further in depth review."

Alicia nodded and followed on behind Arrianna, Alicia didn’t bother announcing her arrival. “Commander!” She walked inside arms folded across her chest. “For assaulting a member of my department, I hereby remove you from your duties, pending a full medical and psychological review! I will also be informing Commodore Lalor of your actions.”

Arri focused her mind inwards. How can this life be good. How could she live within this world. How could they? How could they? How could they? Both Savar and Alicia would feel it. It was like her consciousness.. Turned upside down. It was deep meditation. She didn't want reality.

*Inside her mind*

Arrianna walked in an empty field, she began to create what she wanted reality to be. Her dressed in a human country style dressed, she formed the fields of the mountain meadow. The Mountains, the horses.. Always galloping. The house.. and finally.... Josie... As she was before Cragen. Before the pain and the hurt, and anything. She walked up to the Similcrum.

"Hello my love.."

"Hello, Arri. I have an idea.. Would you like to help me with the horses today."

"Yes my love.." Arrianna noted. "I would like to help you with the horses."

*The Tent*

Arianna was in a type of deep meditation. Forcing reality out of her mind for a coping mechanism l. Alicia would see the fantasy she created, and she didn't want to come out. Except for food and drink. She just wanted this. It was a retreat.

'Leave me alone. I am happy like this. Leave the food and drink in my tent and leave me with my memories of my love. Until we freeze and die.' The telepathic voice noted. 'I can't do it. My love is within me now.'

She was meditating and didn't want to come out of it. Life was hell, and she wanted no part of it.


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