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Engineering Support

Posted on Sat Mar 25th, 2023 @ 12:42pm by Avalon [ADMIN NPC]

Mission: Season 6: Episode 2: Survival
Location: USS Elysium
Timeline: Md2 04h00
316 words - 0.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Crewman Sindari Toylen, sat quietly outside the industrial replicators on deck 28, uploading some very old schematics into it. They were basic for the most part, but they were old.

She was building DOT 7's.

DOT-7s were a type of worker robot in operation in the 2250s through the 2280s aboard Federation starships like the USS Enterprise. They were distinguished by a vaguely humanoid silhouette with a head and robotic manipulator arms, and, though they lacked legs, they possessed four maneuvering thrusters on their backs. And with the loss of many engineers, they needed all the help they could get.

DOTs would work for 8 hours before recharge was required.

She was replicating 10 of them. They could do with more but 10 would do for now. As each DOT was competed, she gave it the Elysium's specifications and sent it out to hull repairs.

The DOTs were mainly for hull repairs though. The Nacelles and Warp Core repairs would have to be done by engineers. As would repairs to the QSD. But at least they would cut down on the oxygen uses and the need for space walks. And once the hull breaches were fixed interal repairs could be done easier.

Sindari worked in the silence she had grown up in. Being deaf meant that she was often overlooked by others. And she preferred it that way.

It took several hours for all ten DOTs to be deployed and she linked them all up to the computer terminal in Main engineering. Then it took another hour or two to replicate their recharging stations which Sindari set up in an empty hall way outside main Engineering. It would take days for the hull repairs to be done. She left the programs running, left a note for the CEO, not that he would even read it, and headed for the shuttle bay for her ride back down to the planet.


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