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Where is a Ferengi When You Need One

Posted on Sat May 13th, 2023 @ 11:48pm by Lieutenant Alice Jordan ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant Thor Magnus & Lieutenant JG Louis Bordeaux ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant Athena Magnus & Lieutenant JG Joral Bin. ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant JG Marcellus Sattine an Dasa ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant JG Tarr Zell ( Barclay de Tolly )

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Engineering
Timeline: Before Geothermal Post
519 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

“Lieutenant,” Alice said giving him an update, “We have a lot of issues. One, we are unable to travel at full potential. Most of the replace parts were damage. “

“Replicators,” Joral added, “They can only help us so far of the ones that are working.”

“The engineers are working extra hours to keep us space worthy,” Alice further added.

Marcellus points out, “Let’s hope they can find a planet where we can reproduce the parts or some nebula which has the particles we need.”

“Maybe we might find some friendlies,” Tarr grunted, “Where is a Ferengi when you need one.”

Everyone chuckled.

“Hate to admit it,” Thor said trying to keep a straight face, “You are right. Ferengis can be a pest but when the chips are down, they can find an opportunity to make things happen.”

“So let’s make things happen,” Alice said, “Commander Arianna needs our help. She found a geothermal planet that could give us energy to get things moving.”

“I know,” Thor said, “I will be going on an expedition to see what we can do. Athena and Alice, you two run things while I go with Arianna.”

“So much for a three hour cruise,” Bordeaux said trying to keep everything upbeat.

“Three hour cruise?” Tarr said puzzled.

“Tarr,” Louis said trying to explain, “Back in the twentieth century on Earth, there was a television series called Gilligan’s Island where seven people went on a cruise. They got lost at sea and they winded up on a deserted island. So each week, they did what they had to do to survive.”

“Was that the show with characters like Ginger, Mary Anne, Thurston , his wife , Skipper and who else was there?”

“Gilligan of course and the Professor,” Louis replied.

“We are getting off on a tangent,” Thor said rolling his eyes, “Maybe you all can show Tarr the archives of old Television Series.”

Tarr grunted, “I have seen footage of other series back at the Academy. My roommate showed me some but the only one I enjoyed was called Planet of the Apes. They even had me cosplay the Apes. Lieutenant, the Marines are still helping us and I hope they still will.”

Thor smiled because Tarr got the conversation back on track. “Yes the Marines will continue to help us. Some of them have manufacturing background which will come in handy. More hands on the mission, the better.”

Louis communication device beeped. He stepped away to take a message. After he came back, he said, “Good news Skipper. One of the Engineers found some parts Napoleon Bond had stashed away for replicators. This will help some and it will help us replicate more replicators.”

“Well that is great news,” Thor said looking at Alice, “Do a thorough check to find what else was stashed away. Engineers , we have a tendency to horde things. I have several gadgets in boxes in storage here. There are things from coffee pots to botanical terrariums. If you want anything, just let Athena know.”

“Oh please guys,” Athena said joking, “Please take these items off our hands.”


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