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Posted on Thu May 11th, 2023 @ 11:48am by Miran Lalor [Lalor] HRH & Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Cadet Sophomore Grade Gérard Dirsye [Reece]

Mission: Season 6: Episode 2: Survival
Location: Mess tent
Timeline: Md2 early evening?
3864 words - 7.7 OF Standard Post Measure

After the work shift ended on Elysium, everyone reboatded the shuttles and made their way back down to their home away from home, the cave system on the planet below.

While they had flow up together, Gérard and Miran were on separate shuttles heading back down. This was simply due to the fact that the detail Miran had been on was working closer to the shuttlebay than Gérard's.

When he realized this was the case, Gérard sent a private message to Miran's PADD.


Hey! I am so looking forward to having dinner with you tonight, Mir! I'll meet you in the Mess Tent at 1830. Things got a bit dirty where we were working and I wanted to look my best for you tonight.

See you soon!


Miran received the message as she sat in the back corner of the shuttle. And despite everything, she smiled. She took her time and replied to it with:


Shall see you there, I fully get the need to clean up.

See you soon.


She hit send and pushed her hair back from her face. As she sat there she noticed a slender blond towards the front. Clary. Brilliant. She made sure she was not looking at the other girl as the shuttle came in to land.

Gérard felt his small PADD vibrate in his breast pocket, indicating a new message. After pulling it out, he smiled when he read Miran's reply. He wished they had a operational holodeck, so he could take her somewhere nicer. However, his parents always taught him that if the woman he was with was truly a sophisticated and intelligent person, then it would be less where they were, and more that they just were.

When her shuttle landed, Miran headed for her tent to get clothes to get changed into in the baths. She managed to get in get her clothes and shower stuff and back out without being spotted or stopped. Grinning she raced to get cleaned up.

About ten minutes after he read Miran's message, Gérard's shuttle landed. Moving with purpose, he made his way to the tent he shared with his fellow cadets. After grabbing his shower kit, he made a beeline for the portable showers that had been set up nearby.

Almost thirty minutes later, he was back in his tent, getting dressed in the only civilian suit he had been able to save from his decimated quarters. Once done, he quickly checked his appearance then, satisfied he was very presentable, headed out to the mess tent.

Miran had quickly showered, dressed and pulled her hair back from her face with a headband she had borrowed from her sister. She made her way to the mess hall, and spotted Gérard as she reached it. He was coming towards her. She smiled and waited.

As he approached, Gérard caught sight of Miran and his face lit up. Though she was wearing normal clothes and a headband, he thought she was radiant.

"Wow!" He exclaimed softly when they reached each other. "You look great!" His eyes were locked to hers as he continued to smile.

She smiled back. "So do you." she motioned towards the mess hall. "Shall we?"

Nodding, he turned and offered her his left elbow.

Miran took it with a smile and together they entered the mess hall.

They moved through the crowds heading to get their food and as they did, Miran kept her gaze on their destination, not willing to look around in case she found eyes she did not want to meet.

As the moved, Gérard could feel discomfort coming from Miran. Once they found a quiet table in the back corner of the tent, he quietly asked her, "Is everything alright? I couldn't help but feel that you're uncomfortable in here."

"It's not that. I am not looking for any confrontations." She said calmly as they claimed their space.

Gérard got the hint. "With two people specifically, I imagine," he said softly, as he quickly glanced around the half-empty m3ss tent. "I don't see either here at the moment, so you're good." He then reached across the small table and gently held her right hand. "You're safe with me, Mir. I give you my word."

"It's not him I am worried about," She said calmly and gave him a small smile. "Triston won't confront me. But Clary might. She has had a few things to say about my family recently."

His brows furrowed slightly, Gérard leaned a bit closer to Miran and whispered, "What kind of things?" He had the upmost respect for both the Commodore and her husband. From what he had been able to find and read, they were the picture of star-crossed lovers. The amount of heartache and opinions that they both experienced before finally coming together is the stuff that romance legends are made of.

"She calls Tristi the Foundling, for starters," Miran gave a shrug. "She may not be my favorite person, but she is my niece and frankly if my sister or brother in law hear those words... well let's just say there is a reason no one pisses my sister off. And she made a few snide remarks about me, before she started dating Triston, mainly how I was a leach."

Gérard's features darkened as he listened. "Mir, I am so sorry. I had no idea she had said all of those hurtful things. Had I've, I never would have continued speaking to her whenever Triston brings her to the tent we share. You have my word of honor, I will not repeat what you have told me." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze of support and caring.

Miran nodded. "I believe you" she said softly. "Thank you."

He nodded and smiled. He almost sent an image of affection into her mind, but stopped himself in time, ad she had not given him permission to do so.

After a moment, Miran turned her attention to the food before her. She was not normally a big eater but, in their current circumstances, she knew it was important to eat so she began to do so.

While Gérard didn't feel it his place to press further, he would keep his mind and his ears open. This young woman was very special, and he wanted to spend more time with her, get to know her better. He would not do anything to break the trust she was starting to place in him.

"How did the repairs go?" Miran asked after a few minutes of eating?"

Gérard finished the food that he was eating and wiped his mouth with his napkin before he replied. "Slowly, but they are going. Hopefully, within a fortnight, we will have the hull damaged patched up enough to allow for the crew to start coming back aboard. Then, with more hands available to work, we should be able to bring the civilians and families up soon thereafter."

Miran nodded. "My sister said the engines are a major concern. And that they may not be fully repaired for a while."

Gérard nodded slowly. "I heard about the engines. We're lucky that the core didn't breach during our trip here."

"And as we have a triple warp core configuration, we are very lucky." Miran agreed.

Gérard nodded again. As they continued to eat, he asked, "Once we are back aboard, and the systems are working properly, I'd like to take you to the holodeck and show you my home. If you're interested, that is?"

Miran considered it. "Sure, sounds like an idea." She replied with a smile. "We never did get to Betazed."

"Well then, I definitely need to show you!" Gérard replied happily. Though, the holodeck, as wonderful as it is, still pales in comparison to the beauty of my home. Perhaps one day, we could go there together?"

"That would be nice." Miran admitted as she finished her meal. "I'd offer to show you Erisia in person but its better that we use the holodeck."

"Why is that?" Gérard asked, mentally kicking himself for not already knowing more about Miran's world.

"Well there is a price on my head, a bigger price on my sister's head and those of her children and our brother and mother. My world, women are not well treated. In fact if we were on my world? I would be engaged to be married by now."

The color left Gérard's face. "Mir. I....I knew something was up..I am so sorry! I can promise you, on my homeworld, you would be protected. Your whole family would be."

"Well thank you. But while within Federation space, we are protected from my father and older brother. I think we have had one run in with a bounty hunter since we were granted political asylum."

"A bounty hunter?" Gérard asked, concern filling his voice. "When? Where?"

"Oh years ago now, when my sister was chief of operations. Nothing came of it. Guess he realized that it was not worth the legal issues." Miran said calmly.

Gérard nodded slightly and considered what Miran had just said. "Well, I'm sure with the added strength of your brother-in-law, there isn't a bounty hunter alive who could take any of you." He smiled softly at her.

He was finding that, the more time he spent with Miran Lalor, the more time he wanted to spend with her.

"Yeah Mattias is pretty scary when he wants to be. That said he is a great guy."

"I imagine that he would have to be," Gérard replied. "I doubt the Commodore would have married him if he wasn't." He, of course, had heard rumors about the Captain. "Is it true that once, he hunted down and killed the Klingon who raped his sister?"

Miran nodded. "Yes." She said simply. She was not one to spread tales but she had no trouble confirming that.

Gérard nodded soberly. "If anything happened to my sister, I'd do the same thing."

Miran nodded. "He is very protective of his family. "

"Please forgive me for asking," Gérard began. "I've heard many rumors about your sister and brother-in-law. May I attempt to clarify some of them? To ensure I don't have the wrong impression of either of them?" His tone was quiet and respectful as he asked the question. "Please, if you would rather not, feel free to tell me to go stuff it." He gave her a slight grin, hoping she could tell that he was coming from a good place.

"Ask away" Miran said with a smile.

"Well," he began with a soft chuckle. "One that I've heard is that they got married too soon, like there was some underlying reason for it?"

"As in ... pregnancy?" She began to giggle at that.

Gérard nodded silently.

"Sorry, but Erisian Biology, makes it.. hard for a female Erisian to fall pregnant for about 12 months after having children," she grinned. "It's a biological aspect of our race."

Gérard made a slight face of astonishment. "I didn't know that about your people. That's very interesting." His eyes and tone made it clear that he was being truthful. After a beat, he arched an eyebrow slightly. "I have heard another one, might be a sensitive subject."

"Oh?" she sipped her beverage. "Do tell," her eyes sparked with mirth.

His cheeks flushing slightly, Gérard leaned forward and spoke softly. "Actually, it's a two part question. The first, is related to how your sister and brother in law met. Did he really save her from a public whipping, being doled out by your father? And two, that he really has contracts put for all of your deaths?" His voice was full of concern for Miran and her family as he spoke.

"Yes, both true." Came the reply from Miran "Should my older brother Pallas or my father get their hands on us, Phoenix is sentenced to death, her children also, and I well, pretty much either that or forced to marry some male Erisian who is loyal to my brother and father. My other brother Kyian and my mother are also slated for death."

Hearing the truth caused Gérard to clench his jaw angrily. Reaching out, he took first, yet caring hold of her hands. "I won't let anything happen to you, Mir. I promise."

She blushed at that. Triston had at one stage promised her that. "Thank you." She said softly. "But we are safe enough."

Chuckling softly, Gérard replied. "Yeah, I've heard that too. Even without the ship and the Federation, I've heard that your brother-in-law is not someone to mess with. Especially when it cones to his family."

Miran smirked slightly. "My sister is not only a fully trained Starfleet officer, she is also trained in hand to hand combat and swords and daggers. And she trained me in them as well."

A smile crossed Gérard's face. "That's very cool! Maybe you could show me one day?" He paused and added, I could demonstrate the use of the roolasta. It a Betazoid weapon similar to the human quarterstaff, but with a trident on either end."

"Sounds dangerous. " she said softly. "Is it hard to learn?"

"It is," he replied. "It is an ancient weapon from my world's far distant past." Then he answered her question. "I'd be happy to teach you what I've learned, if you're interested."

"Sounds interesting. I am always interested in new things." Miran replied. Her chrono pinged and she sighed. "That's my call to come home."

Disappointed, Gérard frowned slightly. He was enjoying the evening with Miran. Looking at her with hopeful eyes, he asked, "May I walk you to your tent?"

Miran considered it. "Sure" she said as she gathered her tray to put it away.

Gérard followed suit, then offered his left elbow to Miran as they exited the mess tent. "Which way?" He asked with a soft smile.

She pointed to the left. "Phoenix had her tent put towards the back of the cave system, in the middle of the crew tents." She took his arm.

Nodding, he started off in the direction that Miran had indicated. "I imagine that is so she could be easily accessed by the crew?" While he had never officially met the Commodore, he did respect her and felt she was an excellent commanding officer.

"Yes." Miran said. "She did the same when we were in Andromeda."

Gérard nodded again. "I hope she will approve of us spending time together. I know our age differences, while small, could still be seen as an issue." He paused slightly before continuing. "That is, if you wish to continue spending time together?'

"My sister will be fine with it. And I am more than fine with spending time with you." Miran said honestly.

Miran's words made Gérard smile warmly. "Thank you, Mir. I am enjoying spending time with you. Perhaps, when you feel the time is appropriate, I could teach you how we could communicate with our thoughts?"

She considered it. "Maybe, might be fun," she said softly. "But isn't that something very intimate?"

He nodded as he replied. "To varying degrees, yes, it can be. Though, we can still build a bond between us for communication. Should the time comes, when appropriate of course, we would be able to increase and strengthen the bond in other ways." As Miran was a minor, Gérard would never do anything inappropriate or disrespectful with or to her.

"For my people, telepathy is considered magic almost. Not many telepaths come to Erisia that is for sure." Miran said as they walked.

This caused Gérard to chuckle softly. "Back home on Betazed, most of the communication between individuals is done telepathically. We usually only speak aloud when outlanders are present."

"So being around people who do not use their minds to talk, must be difficult." Miran said as she led him through the tents.

He shook his head gently. "Not at all. We are taught to communicate both ways. Perhaps, in the past, before we discovered other life in the galaxy, it was difficult for some, but not now." He looked over at her as they walked. Though they had only spent a very little amount of time together, he was already starting to feel a bind forming between himself and Miran. He would have to proceed slowly and carefully. And not just because she was considered a minor. As he had told her, on his world, she would already be considered an adult.

No, he had to proceed slowly for one simple fact...He really liked her and didn't want to hurt her any.

Miran slowed her steps as they came up to the tent that housed the Richardson family. "Well, here we are. Thank you for the evening Gérard. "

Gérard smiled warmly as he turned to face Miran. "Thank you," he replied with some emphasis. "I hope we can do it again soon." He then took the hand from his elbow and, through the gloves she wore to keep her delicate fingers warm, he kissed the back of her knuckles while he kept his eyes locked on hers.

Her brown amber eyes sparked slightly and her cheeks were warm. "I look forward to it." she admitted.

From inside the tent, a man's voice could be heard. "Mir? Is that you out there?" The door flap lifted up and Mattias looked outside. Seeing that it was Miran and a young man, one of the cadets, he thought to himself, Mattias took a beat, looking from one to the other, then said, "When you are done, Mir, would you help me with the twins?" His eyes zeroed back in on the young man, who seemed to have been kissing her hand, then he let the flap fall back down without another word.

"Ignore him" Miran sighed. "I'll deal with him. Thank you again for a lovely evening Gérard. I hope to repeat it."

Gérard had the good sense to not move while Miran's brother-in-law scrutinized him. He was finally broken out of the trance by her sweet voice. "Um.." he shook his head, as if to restart his thoughts. "I did too, Mir," he smiled brightly as he looked back into her eyes. "I would very much like to repeat it again. Tonight was the best night I've had in...well...ever." He paused, as if to consider something. "May..I kiss you?"

She raised an eyebrow he was defiantly brave to do such a thing with Mattias just inside the tent, but she figured it was now or never. "Of course" she said softly.

Slowly, as if savoring the moment, Gérard leaned in nearly all the way, but stopping just close enough, so Miran could make the final movement, either giving him her lips or her cheek.

She shifted and their lips met, brushed. And tingles went through Miran.

Gérard felt tingles as well. As he straightened up, a new grin started to slowly cross his face. "Lunch tomorrow? I'm on a rest rotation for the next three days."

Miran nodded. "Sounds like a very good idea," she said warmly. "I shall see you then."

Gérard smiled and dipped his head slightly. "Sleep well, Princess," he said softly. There was a hint of growing affection in his tone.

She blushed slightly and headed to the tent flap. She glanced back once and went inside.

After she went inside, Gérard sighed happily. This truly was the best day in as long as he could remember. He would just have to be careful. In the society that they currently lived in, she was still a minor and he was an adult, even with a couple years bring their only separation in age. He would be respectful of Miran and her family, no matter what. As he continued to smile, he turned and made his way back to his tent.

===inside Lalor-Richardson family tent===

Mattias was sitting in the rocker that had been salvaged from their cabin. In his arms, Elizabeth was enjoying a bottle before bedtime.

Miran entered the main tent and shrugged off her jacket and changed her shoes for tent socks. "Is William already asleep?" she asked her brother in law as if she had not been just outside with an older boy.

"No, not yet." Mattias replied quietly as Elizabeth started to fall asleep in his protective embrace. "Phee is going to be late tonight. She's working late at the Command tent tonight." He paused briefly, then asked, "So, who's the young man I saw you with just now?"

As she pulled off her gloves, Miran replied "Gérard Dirsye, he is a second year cadet, science track." She made it sound like it was not a big deal. She grabbed her tent coat and shrugged it on. "We went to the mess tent for dinner."

Mattias nodded slowly as he continued to look at Elizabeth. "He knows you're still underage, yes?"

"I am?" She asked with a fake surprise note. "Yes he knows. It was just a meal Mattias."

A quiet sigh escaped Mattias as he looked up at Miran. "Before you two get any more serious, I'd like to talk to him. I'm sure your sister would as well. Perhaps, if he is someone you'd consider keep spending time with, bring him home for dinner, so we can get to know him."

"It was one meal Mattias, I am not dating him!" Or was she? Miran was not sure.

Mattias raised an eyebrow. "If there's one thing I've learned from your sister, you Lalor women do not do anything half-assed. If you're gonna befriend someone, they are fast friends until they wrong you. If you're gonna kill someone, you do it strongly." He grinned a little. "If you are going to spend your personal time with someone, that someone is becoming, or already is, important to you." He paused again, as ff he was scrutinizing her some. Then he asked gently, "Did you kiss him?"

"What business of yours is that?" Miran asked as she turned for the sleeping area she shared with Tristi.

"As your brother-in-law and the man who protects you right now." His voice was still calm as he spoke. "I'm not asking for details, only if you two kissed."

She looked over her shoulder at him. "Yes and?"

A grin threatened to cross his face. "As I said, have the boy over for dinner this week." He then turned his attention back to Elizabeth, who had stirred slightly and was looking up at him.

"Yeah, that's not happening," Miran scoffed and ducked into the sleeping area. "So NOT happening!"

After she stormed off, Mattias cooed softly to Elizabeth. "Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. Yes, yes I do!" He grinned at Elizabeth, who was giggling up at him. He'd talk to Phee later about it.



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